Friday, August 31, 2018

Honeycomb Seller

Honeycomb Seller
© Surazeus
2018 08 31

Emerging from memories of my childhood,
while sitting in the warm park after lunch,
I watch one flower bobbing in the soft breeze,
aware of each motion of its springing dance.

We bob together in transcendent flow
of timeless process, aching with desire
to become the endless stream of clear light
that weaves being into structures of bright sparks.

Bright flower, spewing scents my nose savors sweet,
we are both splashes of sunlight in forms
of aching hunger to devour the world,
for we are parasites, children of Earth.

We are both parasites feeding off Earth
and children she created from her womb,
so we together dream process of change
this hour of sweet existence in vast void.

I will eat you to energize my flesh
and you will eat me after I fall dead
for I will rot into thick soil you eat,
and you will transform me into your flower.

I notice then I no longer can see
the real flower and its endless dance in wind,
for numerous visions flashed across my eyes
in numinous glow that blinded my view.

From simple act of perceiving the flower
my brain designed visions to analyze
meaning of life and death for body forms
that echoes signals of truth from its motion.

Though Plato taught that this delicate form
achieved by atoms through process of birth
is based on eternal Idea of Flower,
I see its form as successful expression.

Though many variations of flower forms
sprouted from the long dream-time of our world
only the most successful forms survived
to thrive well long before humans evolved.

I also am the most successful form
of four-legged creatures with brains and eyes
to emerge from surging tides of the sea,
so here I sit, awed by beautiful flower.

We are both expressions of swirling light,
humans and flowers transformed from globs of heat
that splash from moist surface of spinning Earth,
together feeding on soil of her soul.

Dismissing these thoughts my brain contemplates,
I gaze again at motion of the flower,
savoring how its petals spread from thin stalk
which attract bees to pollinate its soul.

Extracting honeycomb from the dead tree,
I walk to the market where people gather
and sell jars of honey for silver coins,
then join the crowd singing in twilight glow.

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