
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Winds Of Change

Winds Of Change
© Surazeus
2019 01 23

Strange cold wind blows in from the restless sea
to swirl wispy hair around my clear eyes
so I feel spirit of the wild Earth swell
aching sorrow into hope through my heart
to lift my mind above these troubling times
when opposing forces compete for power.

Through rickety skeleton of vast empire
restless winds of change blast against old pillars
of ancient institutions that long propped
roof of noble laws to protect our state
now trembling from weakness of mute respect
so truth we honored collapses from hate.

What blind Samson, chained with restraining laws
of time-honored ways for performing role
of state chief executive officer,
howls with helpless rage from heart-blinding greed,
and shakes fragile pillars with thieving hands
that cracks foundation of collapsing power?

Once sacred institutions of our state,
based on Constitution and Bill of Rights,
collapses weak from his aggressive greed,
we will all stand alone in smoking ruins
still holding principle we value most,
that each person lives straight on their free will.

Then holding hands in ring of sacred stones,
that protects our commune in garden walls,
we chant the golden rule which guides our way,
that every person living in this land
lives equal through justice and liberty
to perform what they will, if they harm none.

Blow, you winds of change, through temple of laws,
long established to favor the rich male
by giving him power through law to oppress
all other people to fulfill his wish,
and smash his hard institutions of power
to free people to live through their free will.

Swirl swift from sea of liberty, you winds
of justice, to smash unjust institutions,
clearing ground of action so we may build
new noble institutions that support
equal rights for every person to live
according to dictates of their own conscience.

We will construct new temple of just laws
that might empower each individual soul
to develop crafting skill with strong hands
so they can work to create better things
that benefit community of minds
who work together for the good of all.

Strange winds of change now blow across our land,
shaking old institutions of state power
propped up by privilege of the ruling class
who strive to break our education system
so they can exploit the poor working folk
who must build temple of equality.

I breathe deep these refreshing winds of change
that scatter oppressors from halls of power
so new generation of honest people,
who exercise consistent self-control
through liberty in law, may enforce rules
that support individual liberty for all.

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