
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Remake America Great Again

Remake America Great Again
© Surazeus
2018 10 02

Rise up, young people of America,
and follow guidance of your wizened elders
to battle control freaks in government
who follow the tyrant in the White House,
to fight against their suppression of freedom
so everyone lives free with equal justice
under honest laws of democracy
to remake America great again.

With every eighty years our nation-state
transforms through four turnings of social change,
the high when good institutions are strong,
the awakening when people grow wise,
the unraveling when opposing sides fight
over who decides fate of other people,
and the crisis when we clash in fierce war
to remake America great again.

When the mafia thug becomes president
and passes laws giving white men control
over bodies of women to make babies,
over propaganda taught in our schools,
over who receives fair justice in court,
and over who earns wages for their work,
we must oppose his vile dictatorship
to remake America great again.

Unite, young people of America,
to fight for freedom and justice for all,
for we fought confederates and freed the slaves,
then we fought fascists and freed the whole world,
so now we must fight for democracy
to ensure true liberty for all people
no matter their race, religion, or gender
to remake America great again.

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