
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Land Where Everyone Can Live

Land Where Everyone Can Live
© Surazeus
2018 10 16

Conceptual fortitude through spinning time
supports more explorations of the mind
so when I leap through mirror of desire
I soar on wings to join the ancient choir.

Each time we gather on the rive shore
to share strange secrets of the unseen door
we grow beyond the bounds of childhood truth
to better employ the ways of the sleuth.

The scripture that was sacred to old fools
we analyze to understand weak rules
and thus reprogram how we view the world
to celebrate new heroes through our lore.

Though scattered in weird labyrinth of myths
we call each other through deceptive mist
so when we enter temple of dead heroes
we dream evolution from flashing zeroes.

The bully who declares himself the king
cannot hear true spells Liberty can sing
so though he must believe he talks with God
we see he is weak as the thieving fraud.

We go about our business every day,
refusing to believe in lies and pray,
yet earn enough to pay for rent and food
though numbed by the collapsing-empire mood.

We remember the great democracy
America has always longed to be,
so we all agree to enforce standard laws
that provide equal justice from first cause.

Through waste land of the past we wend new way
to rebuild world view of America
as land where everyone can live and play
to savor truth with honest liberty.

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