
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Eternal Democracy Of America

Eternal Democracy Of America
© Surazeus
2018 10 02

Though the empire of greedy men will fall
eternal democracy of America
will rise born again with each generation
who must fight for justice and liberty.

I walk the city streets in sparkling rain
and see so many people of the Earth
from every tribe around our spinning world
living together here in harmony.

The more fascists try to control our minds
the weaker they become with desperate fear
and stronger we become with generous love
working through peace in one nation for all.

When they try to divide us with despair,
plotting to make us hate each other in fear,
we unite together with trusting hope
and love each other with faith in the truth.

Though corporate kings destroy system of schools
to reduce us to ignorant wage slaves
we teach each other scientific methods
to build ourselves as wise entrepreneurs.

Though grim patriarchs try to control women
through reproductive choices they will make
we support right of each woman to choose
because her private body is her own.

Though greedy politicians cling to power
by gerrymandering districts in their favor
we will vote for the honest candidate
whose program supports everyone with love.

Though regime of the mafia thug will fall
eternal democracy of America
will rise again from hearts of honest folk
who share this land from sea to shining sea.

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