
Monday, October 8, 2018

Evolution Of Fertile Rebirth

Evolution Of Fertile Rebirth
© Surazeus
2018 10 08

The wordless rose that prophesies our doom
blooms from the bronze heart of my hoping soul
which beats inside the oak tree on the hill
where I sit ten thousand years, floating still
in meditation on how mankind sprouts
from warm womb of the sea who gives us names.

What unreckoning hearts were left behind
by constant turmoil of aggressive change
from evolution of fertile rebirth
to understand truth that has become strange
when we overcome fear to face the demon
who rises from fierce hunger of our hearts?

We race of humans who conquered the world,
crawling from lakes to clamber swift through trees,
express visions of the world our eyes dream
in puffs of air breathed through our teeth and tongue,
and thus believe that we are powerful gods
since we proliferate with great success.

The mindless forces of indifferent nature,
that we personified as hostile gods,
care not whether they obliterate us,
so we invented, based on tribal kings,
concept of more loving god who creates
humanity through image of itself.

Since life evolved three billion years ago
we lithe organisms with conscious brains
transformed through every phase of evolution,
fish, lizard, mouse, monkey, to talking human
who reshapes matter with our crafting hands,
so we must continue to change, or die.

What mad-eyed prophet, lost in the waste land,
stands now outside gold gates of paradise
to warn us that our enemies approach
to conquer us with weapons of destruction
and taste sweet fruit from the trees our hands tend
while forcing us to slave at their commands?

Yet our own brothers, fearful of destruction,
overthrow old leaders to snatch control
of bold authority, and make new laws
that give them absolute power for all time,
unless we fight for our rights to live free,
so paradise is torn by civil war.

Can we unite factions with common goal
through equal respect under one fair law
to fight external hostile enemy
with brotherhood for liberty of all
while we can maintain steady operations
producing food so everyone can eat?

We humans have survived so many eras,
transforming from fish into talking gods,
that we are confident we will survive
where other creatures in the past had failed,
for our wisdom, personified as God,
will guide us to overcome arrogance.

Will we transform into spiritual beings
or will we insert our brains in machines
that expands to encase our entire planet
so we become one global conscious mind,
dreaming evolution from egg and sperm,
till the sun expands to swallow our soul?

Whatever we were in the changing past,
whatever we become in the far future,
today I sit before computer screen
and dream the history of the human race
rising from the lake to eat fruit of life
and singing as we explore this strange world.

The wordless rose that prophesies our faith
excites our hearts with passion to make love
and generate new children from our bodies
so we replicate ourselves to survive
as long as we can on this spinning globe
to feast and sing in the Temple of Truth.

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