
Monday, October 8, 2018

Meaninglessness Of Privileged Fragility

Meaninglessness Of Privileged Fragility
© Surazeus
2018 10 08

Through my struggle with the meaninglessness
of privileged fragility, which might thrash
broken wings of that blind angel of truth,
I deconstruct concepts of alienation,
and join the department of grievance studies
to play iconoclast of sacred cows.

Chewing thick cornstalk as he contemplates
mystery of clouds, the farmer drives green tractor
back and forth to versify the moist soil
where seeds sprout in green waves of energy
that whisper secrets of forgotten souls
in warm wind that blows across Georgia hills.

The boy finds the skull of some ancient king
buried deep in soil by the outhouse wall,
still ringed with gold band of authority,
so he gazes into vast emptiness
of its eyes to understand divine spirit
which inspires men to create works of art.

Rays of sunlight spiral around our globe
to splash thick in organic forms of life
through teeming waves of psychic energy
which pulse with constant interchange of atoms
connecting as ethereal carbon rings
to spin swift through elegant flash of love.

Organic forms construct from flashing atoms
which seem to stand forever on the plain
as elegant trees who sing in lake wind,
but everything decays in constant change,
dissolving back into our dreamless dust
that swirls swerving nowhere in beams of light.

I stand in the classroom on college campus
to explain how words, lashed by hungry tongues,
signify objects that exist as thoughts
conjured in human brains by written letters,
so we describe reality we dream
that all dissolves in swift atomic stream.

The young girl sets silver bucket on straw,
then milks the cow who chews truth thoughtlessly,
so when we sit around the kitchen table,
as dawn light writes our stories on pale walls,
we may feast on the spirit of the sun
since light and rain become the grass cows eat.

The oldest woman in the world, with eyes
white as eggs of dinosaurs, gives me book
of the Georgics written by Vergilius,
so I sit on steps of the national bank
and read about farmers tending lush fields
that form the base of all civilizations.

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