
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Feast In The Hall Of Love

Feast In The Hall Of Love
© Surazeus
2018 10 07

Beautiful things try to avoid being seen.
The sleek hawk soars on the high mountain wind.
The lithe horse gallops on the boundless plain.
The fragile girl sings in the pouring rain.

When the seed is planted in the moist soil
it has potential to be anything.
We spiral from the core of our true selves
to become what we think we cannot be.

The girl wet from rain holds my trembling hand
when I fall from the tree trying to pluck apples.
She pulls me upward from the floating dark
so I land nameless on the solid shore.

She creates me from nothing of rain clouds
when she gazes in shadows of my eyes
and gives me name with voice of intense hope
so I kiss her when sun gleams through the rain.

Aching from sorrow of infinite loss,
I stagger to my feet and breathe the wind,
then we fill baskets with apples we pluck
while she sings among sun-lit drops of rain.

How strange this beautiful world of green fields
covered in forests of rain-dripping trees.
I walk by her side along winding stream
that leads to wood fort on high rugged hill.

The eyes of strangers in the feasting hall
stare at me shocked as I sit by her side.
The old warrior king wearing crown of gold
calls for me to come and sit by his side.

I stay with the sweet girl who rescued me
as she explains how I fell from the tree
and remember nothing before I woke,
so I kiss her and call her my good bride.

The old king laughs and gives me cup of mead
so I drink and they all cheer my lost name.
I kiss the gentle girl who rescued me
and proclaim I want her to be my bride.

I place wreathe of flowers on her bowed head
as the Tree Witch binds our hands with the vine.
We make love in the moonlight through the trees
and fall asleep as frogs sing by the stream.

I wake at dawn and see her by my side,
and leap to my feet in annoyed surprise.
Why is the milkmaid my bride, I cry out,
remembering the times we argued and fought.

You hate me so I hate you, I exclaim,
always fighting about everything we do.
She hides her face in trembling hands and weeps
while everyone in court now laughs at me.

You were always so arrogant and proud,
she cries through tears that pour down her soft cheeks.
You were always mean, calling me cruel names,
she weeps as I gaze in her glittering eyes.

Wiping tears off her rosy freckled cheeks,
I caress her hair and kiss her soft lips.
I love you with all my heart, I explain,
ever since we met by the apple tree.

My father is the great king of our tribe
and tells me I must marry some rich princess.
Your father herds cows, and you bring the milk,
so I called you names to forget your eyes.

My father would not let me marry you
so I tried to hate you for thirteen years.
My hate always disguised my love for you,
so now I confess, I love you forever.

I hold her tear-wet face with my firm hands,
and kiss her, then hug her close to my heart.
When I lost my memory of who I was
I became my true self in loving you.

While everyone in court now cheers for me,
my father places his crown on my head.
I wanted you to marry some rich princess
to ally as friends with our enemies.

But now you must stay with the girl you love
for you married this bride in the moonlight.
Since you are married you are now the king,
and your good wife is the queen of the cows.

Holding hands, we walk through the cheering crowd
and sit on gold thrones at head of the table.
I raise my cup and sing, to my sweet bride,
then we kiss and feast in the hall of love.

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