
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Our Great Mother Of Life

Our Great Mother Of Life
© Surazeus
2018 09 27

Sparkling clouds of moisture in empty sky
pour drops of rain on the high mountain slopes
where it collects in streams that rive the land
and flow winding among hills to the plain,
then rivers spill into the sloshing sea
where hot sunrays draw moisture into clouds.

Tribes of men build cities at mouths of rivers
where the River God controls shipping traffic
when boats sail up and down their flowing current
to transport food and wares from town to town,
and thus the Bridge-Builder reigns on the Arch,
assisted by Messengers in long white robes.

The water quality engineer strides
metal walkway around the simmering pool
to monitor the daily operations
at the large city water-treatment plant,
calculating amount of water flow
that sustains human life in the vast city.

The documentary-maker in windbreaker
stands on hilltop overlooking port city
and talks into recording camera
about the relationship between humans
and hydrologic features of the landscape,
rivers, pools, lakes, straits, bays, oceans, and seas.

"All major civilizations in history
developed at the mouths of major rivers,
connected by boat traffic on the coastline,
when Egyptians colonized the whole world,
spreading eastward from Sumeria to China,
then along Siberia to the Americas."

I stare at my face in the shining pond,
and see my ancestors evolve from fish
when they crawled up fresh-water river streams
to dwell in shallow lakes millions of years
as hairy lizards transformed into mice
and climbed into trees where they grew strong hands.

Swinging along vast canopy of trees,
we developed eye-hand coordination
to catch vines as we jumped into the air,
and howled laughing as we swooped among limbs,
then huddled together, eating fresh fruit,
and made love as we sang to the gold moon.

Then those of us whose long tails disappeared
left the trees and followed the winding rivers
to swim in ocean waves and catch quick fish,
and in the surging tide we walked upright,
dancing from the waves to walk on the land,
and followed cows onto the vast grass plains.

Eating mushrooms that sprout in the dawn mist,
we danced in wonderland of pulsing light
to signify things with sounds of our mouths,
inventing language we speak with deep breath,
then followed the great river of the moon
down to the sea in middle of the world.

We brought branches of fire to roast cow meat
and saw the hot flames bake clay hard as rock,
so we molded river mud into bricks
and built the flat-top pyramid to sit
in safety when the great river floods fields,
dwelling in the House of Ptah forever.

Then gathered on the flat-top pyramid,
feasting on fish while the river flood flows,
we all hum together in harmony
as Mother Amen teaches us to sing,
so we hum as she sings beautiful hymn
about creation of the world from water.

Mother Amen stands on the pyramid
and spreads both arms wide like rays of the sun
to sing how Am, our Great Mother of Life,
creates our bodies from the river clay
and breathes the spirit of life in our hearts,
so we all rise and sing in harmony.

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