
Monday, September 3, 2018

Infinite Jumbles Of Words

Infinite Jumbles Of Words
© Surazeus
2018 09 03

They sit together in new clean cafes
and talk about the great wizard of words
who once mapped the nowhere of our weird world
that guides us wandering in the maze of stores.
They look at faces reflected in glass
then hold eye phones high up over their heads
to snap selfies of themselves with their friends,
then post photos on social media sites.
We give each other the faces we make,
and talk about important things we read
to express the abstract concepts of truth
that shimmer around us in mute sunlight.
The first whisper of breath some being expressed
began our endless songs in secret words
we invent to communicate desires
so we can understand all we have lost.

On bridge of absurd abstractions, we reach
to touch cloudy inferences of wind
that sing through infinite jumbles of words,
strung together in puzzles of weird dreams.
On frail boat of words, down mountain of caves,
we ride turbulent streams of clashing ghosts,
disoriented by swirls of scenery
where people play scenarios of power.
Our singing spells at prophet-broken rocks
spawn language of logic in muddy pools
where tormented souls writhe in naked dance
after drinking blood of Earth from the vine.
Where shall we build shelters from broken words
to heal our souls buzzing with opaque rage,
soaring far across void of nothingness
till we create peace in grove of fruit trees?

Though you mean more to life than me, I live
through your living, not knowing I am full
of legal spirit behind the locked door,
living the way you think we should not live.
So when I climb the stair to where you live
I find only shadow of my desire
that escapes from my oblique heart of chance
to reveal why I think we should live now.
The sun mutters optimistic proverbs
to explain how we live through fears we share,
so I leave the strange place where you once lived
and leave behind the absence of your face.
Time passes through the window where I stare
at blackness of infinite hope we share
because we are stuck in the here and now
while trying to find the there and then we lost.

I wear my overcoat to hide my heart
that longs to become my angelic wings
so I can soar through the window of time
that flows into the vision of your eyes.
Now that I become the blossoming stream
of boundless sorrow, growing into love,
I hide inside the sun beams of your window
so I can see the true spirit you hide.
We keep dodging each other when we play
hide and seek between windows of the sea
to run together through our labyrinth
we create from mirrors that face each other.
What are we trying to evade with our games
of forever misunderstanding words
we give each other with shy eager hands
to become what we think the other wants?

These infinite jumbles of words I sing
are whispers out of time that no one hears
which I arrange on chess board of the world
to play the king who never loses power.
How humble we are in our unsung genius
that beams with blithe beauty of blessed contempt
so willing to play uncrowned king of truth
who always prophesies what may occur.
Crushed by relentless turning wheel of time,
I sing secret formulas of weird laws
that calculate how love tangles our minds
so we see only ourselves in their faces.
I walk up and down every city street
past nameless strangers I will never meet
to leave my shadow in every glass door
since no one hears the magic spell I chant.

The man across the street smiles at the sky
while I wear the mask that wizard of words
dropped on his way to his own funeral
where he lies chanting in the silent tomb.
Since I am the child with one hundred eyes
who designs wings under the spangled sun,
I glow alive with music of despair
that motivates me to sing about you.
When you step from deep shadow of the spruce
you tell me I am the you I would be
if I could weave sunlight into my words
connecting lost souls of my multiverse.
We sit together in ancient cafes
and change ourselves into wizards of words
who map the nowhere of our inner souls
to become the world in our maze of dreams.

Now I become the you you want to be
so we can play pretend that we are free
to dance in cave of shadows where we see
stars shining infinite jumbles of words.

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