
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Eyeless In The Flashing Dark

Eyeless In The Flashing Dark
© Surazeus
2018 10 06

Gliding through the infinite maze of time,
I become eyeless in the flashing dark
and dream the history of our universe
weaving as wheels on my stone prison wall.

The little girl in the white angel gown,
who hides her bright wings when she visits me,
asks me, who is the mother of the sun,
so I kiss her forehead when she sings rain.

I dance on the frail sparkling rainbow bridge
which arches high over abyss of death
to drink the blood of stars that waterfalls
from mountain of my brain to sea of eyes.

The gloaming spokes of my spiraling brain
expand outward in million specks of light
that sparkle in the dust forming my body
to pulse with rhythm of cold ocean waves.

I am now here because God is nowhere
though people try to convince me with lies
that he is everywhere, watching from skies
everything we do from inside our heads.

What is this constant throbbing in my head
that reveals through pain I am not yet dead
as we explore the ruins of the castle
with glowing candles to hunt for the ghost?

The little girl who finds the ancient sword
flickering in the bright water of the lake
shows me the true way to the secret grove
where I feast on fruit I steal from the snake.

I sing to express visions of my mind
when moist soil crumbles from my grasping hand
with ache of sorrow at our emptiness
that swallows all minds in horror of nothing.

The absence of her is ghost who haunts me
with memory of her voice in soft moonlight
as we talk about the meaning of life
and conclude we invent the one we want.

The angel who appears before my eyes
everywhere I go on daily routine
beckons for me to leave it all behind
and walk along the ocean shore with her.

She speaks to me with deep voice of the sea
about the weird process of living free
while acting in constraints of natural law
that bind energy in passion of growth.

She rises from the sea on flowing wings
and places true holy grail in my hands
so I drink blood of my cells to revive
galactic spirit flashing in my brain.

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