
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Ripe Sense Of Divinity

Ripe Sense Of Divinity
© Surazeus
2024 01 16

We are atoms who dream ourselves as God, 
aware that we evolve from hungry chemicals 
transforming through organic shapes of mind 
as we transcend limitations of time 
when we regenerate immortal soul 
of genes through bodies of clumsy desire. 

These bright atomic coils of pulsing light 
that weave our body in matrix of life 
flash timeless passion of attractive hope 
through vibrant spirals of perceptive love 
composing neural nets of dreaming brains 
so we wake on shore of the star-eyed lake. 

That hour four hundred million years ago 
when I first wake beneath the apple tree 
frames how my brain constructs reality 
as virtual models of objects I sense 
with bold subjective ache of anxious faith 
contained in name that signifies my hope. 

So, though I float on timeless sea of truth, 
possessed by awe of vast eternity 
flowing through my heart as quick molecules, 
I know how I must exercise restraint 
to channel passion of my will to live 
through selfless attention to how you feel. 

Alone I wander lost on roadless plain 
without direction of cautious intent, 
but, when I meet reflection of my soul 
in gracious mirror of your curious eyes, 
compassion activates my social sense 
that urges me to share romantic play. 

I offer apple with attentive smile 
as gift provided by the Tree of Life, 
and glow with pleasure when you eat its fruit 
to see excitement gleaming in your eyes, 
which cements fragile bond of calm respect 
to links our hearts firm with mutual consent. 

All bodies formed of atoms fall apart, 
and conscious glow of self-awareness fades 
as structure of our soul disintegrates, 
so we are temporary beams of thought 
swollen with ripe sense of divinity, 
though we accept that we will disappear. 

Though I am atoms dreaming themselves God, 
able to conceive of infinity, 
I savor sensual existence of mind 
bound within flushed limits of time and space 
as we embrace to generate new life 
who grows aware as we fade into death. 

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