
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dotard Righteous Mockery

Dotard Righteous Mockery
© Surazeus
2018 06 30

Meaning if white must push nothing where sky
open how ball successful up therefore
grin keep yellow under screen absolute
because language poetry broken curse.

However succulent before death wait
crash force mirror opulent rest high when
lambaste socialism uphold quiz fast
insubordinate math disk cracked excess.

Browse sand purple hydrovent realize
excellent within sphere flame tragedy
therefore medal valiant orange around
asylum forward meadow vast renew.

Pool helium epochal clemency
abhorrent symbiote thief glib depose
excoriate chest balloon wing glass moon
pundit conspiracy spurious might.

Our Home Of Liberty

Our Home Of Liberty
© Surazeus
2018 06 30

The facile lies of fascist tyranny
demand way too much mental energy
for angry perpetrators to maintain
in their vain desperate effort to control
the minds of hungry people seeking pleasure,
so their ploys always collapse on themselves
into plain truth of free democracy
where liberty of every individual
urges us all to cooperate with love
together building our community.

The tyrant who builds his tower on lies
and props it up with aggressive attacks
on our strong institutions of free choice,
free assembly, and free expression of truth,
must always stay alert to maintain power
because the people form alliances
to challenge his feeble authority
and soon will strike his fragile tower to shards
so haughty fool will fall from heights of pride.

Over twenty-five hundred years ago
Lao-Tzu, wise philosopher of Henan,
wrote little book of poems called Way of Power
in which he talked about the natural Way
and how we can gain calm power over death
by flowing with natural process of life
when moving in harmony with the way
our actions cause construction or destruction.

"If you want to lead your people," Lao wrote
in the fifty-seventh poem of his book,
"with good success to help them grow and thrive,
you must learn to follow the natural way,
and not attempt to control their life process
by letting go the concepts of fixed plans
because the world will govern itself well."

"The more laws prohibiting things you pass
the less people will behave with honest virtue,
the more weapons of death your soldiers wield
the less secure everybody will feel,
and the more you subsidize lazy people
the less they will rely on their own wits."

"Therefore the Master of the Natural Way
declares to every ruler in strong tower,
I stop passing laws that command behavior
and people treat each other with respect,
I stop funding people who will not work
and people work to generate earned wealth,
and I leave people to follow their hearts
and they become serene from active faith,
so I drop desire for the common good
and the good flourishes common as grass."

Though our nation is controlled by the tyrant
who pushes his agenda against nature
in vain attempts to control minds of people,
the people challenge his authority,
asserting process of democracy
to ensure equal justice for all people
which maintains our strong state of liberty.

Though our flexible institutions quail
from vicious assault of his arrogance
to crown himself emperor of our lives
we will unite against his tyranny
and throw him from his haughty tower of pride
for we accept no mortal men of flesh
who dare assert themselves as royal king,
and thus sustain vibrant democracy
where we confirm our souls in self-control.

Never more will kings rule over our land
for every person rules their own free heart
together in our home of liberty.

Advance Guard Spy

Advance Guard Spy
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

The alabaster heart of the blind ghost
inserts quick angle of the mirror moon
revealing whatever I lost last year
when I swirl sand-words to invent new tune.

Outside the broken wall of paradise
the advance guard leaves the cathedral ruins
to innovate the language code of lies
jokers tell to trick our minds to eat truth.

The little girl wearing black mask and cape
jumps up and down on the stage of the church
and throws pennies at the mute audience
who wear porcelain masks to hide their faces.

I pack ideals of the future we dream
in flashing cubes of broken cameras
to hide angel wings we are searching for
because no one ever answers the door.

The person with no face or name stands mute
on stage before attentive audience
to express concepts programmed in their brain
combining comedian, prophet, and preacher.

The stoic pioneer drives four-wheeled wagon
west over rolling hills, down along rivers,
to colonize the nameless wilderness
with buildings where people talk to the sky.

The farmer breaks ground in the ancient sod
to plant seeds of pumpkins and apple trees
and versify the meadow while he chants
sad plowing song his grandfather composed.

I breathe in wind of inventive thought spells
to signal phenomenon through persona
how bold Icarus refuses to fly
because he does not want to play our spy.

Advance guard spy who remembers my trick
explains he does not need prizes or fame
to validate quality of his art
since the performance circuit is a game.

I find myself lost in the silent mist
swirling down from the blank eyes of the moon,
midway through my life to the cozy grave
still searching for mountain of paradise.

Performance of the sermon, poem, or joke
excites the audience with secret vision
but when the performer falls in the grave
their words fade into mute splashing rain.

I blaze new trail along the ocean shore
where we play laughing in the surging waves
while the blind ghost chops down the Tree of Life
and buries apples in my rotting heart.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Children Of One Whole Earth

Children Of One Whole Earth
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

Each moment I express my secret thoughts,
contorted to conform to framing words,
I sing another theme in symphony
that generates bubble of my world view.

I perceive environment around me
and assess where I am in the real world
then envision where I want to be next
so I can fulfill hunger of desire.

I see what is, and then dream what I want,
programming actions I must perform
to attain material that will sustain
pleasure my body requires to grow.

I analyze strict steps I need to take
to navigate vast labyrinth of things,
hunting for the animal I can eat,
and gathering herbs that spice roasted meat.

So many factors can disrupt my plan,
so I consider mistakes I might make
and restrict my actions of urgent force
to cause effects that bloom result I want.

This complex process of foresight I use
to navigate waste land to paradise
was developed by each ancestral soul
who succeeded in generating life.

Each ancestor on my long vine of being
faced hostile situation of brute conflict
and summoned courage from their aching heart
to leap abyss of death and maintain life.

All those millions of moments shine combined
through glowing aura of my thinking brain
which lights my own way through hostile terrain
to avoid death so I can sire new life.

Who am I on vast chessboard of this world,
performing my role in our social drama
by constant action pushing wheel of hope,
like blinded Samson grinding wheat for bread?

I push aside the pillars of your faith,
causing your whole religion to collapse,
then teach you how to design new grand temple
that worships every hero of mankind.

I gather stones to form ring on the ground
which contains roaring flames to roast fresh meat
and cast warm glow of love on every face
while we dance and sing stories of our hearts.

Around communal fire of dance and song
we build grand temples and spacious cathedrals
where cooks rule the tribe as priest, king, and god,
judging who lives or dies by how they act.

While sitting on Throne of Divine Word,
singing hymns to celebrate my wise rule,
I see the most beautiful girl on Earth,
so I crown her my bride, Goddess of Life.

We crawled up rivers to evolve in lakes,
we climbed tall trees to sing among the stars,
we danced to walk upright in surging waves,
and we ate mushrooms while following cows.

We transformed from fish to lizard to mouse
to monkey to ape to man, and now we
dance around pyramid of our First Mother
who teaches us how to sing hymns of truth.

First Mother Amen stands on pyramid
and stretches both arms wide to show her breasts
and, as gold sun glows bright above her head,
she sings creation of our universe.

From Kemet we spread out to every land,
migrating east and west along the coast
to colonize the world with pyramids
where first mother of each tribe guides our way.

Every seven days of First Mother Sun
we gather in hearth temple with our tribe
to celebrate lives of our honest heroes
and sing holy hymns of national pride.

Whatever the name of your tribal prophet
whose name mutated into Light of God
we honor them all in one world religion
that celebrates quest for truth of mankind.

We are all the children of One Whole Earth,
composed of atoms born at the First Flash
that flares forth into galaxies of worlds,
so we all dance to the rhythm of stars.

Delusions Of Grandeur

Delusions Of Grandeur
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

I can attest to the marvelous fact
that writing long epic poem about life
can make you feel like an immortal god
since I strut around town like Superman
even while my body rots from old age
and delusions of grandeur blind my eyes.

Escaping cold Museum of the Muses,
after writing almost one million words
in epic poem about philosophers
to narrate quests in the lives and ideas
of twenty-six ancient Greek physicists,
I dance around the Story Fire of Bacchus.

Give me wine, I shout to the howling crowd,
who dance holding hands in circle of stones
while Apollo high on pyramid mound
twangs electric riffs on Hermean lyre,
so I twirl around under flashing stars
and fall laughing into abyss of death.

Tear my soul apart with your hungry hands,
you wild people looking for a good time,
and roast my brain over the Story Fire,
then devour my body of singing words
and drink the spirit of my humming blood
so you hallucinate my tale of heroes.

Throw my singing head in the stream of time
and I will float on the ocean of souls
to become one with the whole universe
reborn as ten thousand ambitious poets
who follow our footsteps up Mount Parnassus
to sing the noble history of mankind.

My Body Is Mine And Not Yours

My Body Is Mine And Not Yours
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

This body of flesh and blood is my body
because I always wake up in my head
so I get to choose and nobody else
what happens to this body every day.

My body belongs to no one but me
so nobody gets to make any rules
they legalize in their stale court of law
that define what I can do with my body.

My definition of true liberty
states I can do what I want with my body
as long as I respect desire and wish
of other people to do what they want.

Your definition of false liberty
states you decide what I do with my body
if you can force me to obey your will
to exploit me for your personal gain.

If we form strong mutual relationship
where we decide together what we do
with our two bodies to pleasure each other
then we are equals in friendship and love.

We must balance necessity and lust
to work together for shelter and food,
protecting each other from pain and harm,
then sharing pleasure with mutual respect.

Can we attain this beautiful ideal,
designing process of daily routine
to help each other thrive and grow with trust,
and treat each other well with selfless love?

Since I will bear our baby in my womb
you must take care of me while I am weak
if you want our child to develop well,
so I choose when you will impregnate me.

Women gestate children ten lunar months
so Teiresias said women enjoy sex
ten to one, but Hera blinded his eyes,
and changed him from woman back into man.

If you impregnate me against my will
or I get pregnant when I enjoy sex
I will choose to abort the child I bear
because my body is mine and not yours.

I want this baby growing in my womb
because I chose to make it with your seed
so I will care for it with tender love
while you care for us both with gentle hands.

This body of flesh and blood is my body
because I am awake now in my head
so I get to choose and nobody else
what happens to this body every day.

Sentence Of Death

Sentence Of Death
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

Jarrod stares at glowing ghost of his face
reflected in glass window of the office
where journalists work on daily newspaper,
writing stories about small town events.

"I fell in love with her beautiful face
when we were fellow students in high school,
and every time she walked the crowded hall
she was elegant like some movie star.
I asked her on a date, but she said no,
so I visited her house, but she slammed
the door in my face, so I called her phone
and texted messages to show my love.
When boys in the movies reveal their love
they persist till they win love of her heart,
so I followed their example, and dreamed
of when she would stand beside me in church.
I want to build her big house with a garden
and I want to make love and raise cute children
but she called police who arrested me
and charged me with stalking my future wife.
How can she call harassment this deep love
that urges me to tell her how I feel,
but her rejecting me makes me feel rage
that burns till I feel my brain will explode.
I am a good man with heart full of love
but when newspaper writers publish stories
that paint me as the evil criminal
everybody in town now laughs at me.
I was not stalking her with evil lust,
because I was trying to prove my love
and how I want her for my loyal wife,
because God says wives should obey their husbands.
Though I filed defamation suit in court
because these journalists defamed my honor,
I thought justice would defend my good cause,
but then the corrupt judge dismissed my case.
The judge declared that everything they wrote
smearing my reputation through news stories
was true, and thus did not defame my name,
so today I will pass sentence of death.
How could you all corrupt my love to hate,
twisting my feelings for the pretty girl
to rage against the vast fake news machine,
for you all conspire to destroy my life.
Our president who tells it like it is
reveals how journalists always tell lies
to push their evil communist agenda
to destroy freedom in America.
Now it is time to take out the vile trash
and punish these reporters of fake news
for defaming me with their vicious lies
because I am the vengeance of the Lord."

Jarrod raises the rifle from his coat
and files hundred of bullets through the window,
shooting reporters who flee for their lives
and grinning as they fall in pools of blood.
Police cars arrive, flashing lights of fear,
so Jarrod hides under computer desk,
but police arrest him, cuffing his hands,
and lock him in bright jail cell with his hate.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Carnation Stained By Blood

Carnation Stained By Blood
© Surazeus
2018 06 28

Our perception of the atomic world
is a catalog of objective concepts,
so I string concepts together in spells
to generate the vision of each poem.

I like to pretend that my entire life
is a movie no one will ever watch
yet every scene of action and reaction
shines recorded in falling drops of rain.

Hiding in shadows of invented truth,
I catalog concepts of strange qualities
while staring at the tree to penetrate
core of its being, and perceive its true essence.

The oldest man in the world returns home
where he first wrote the most infamous song
that everyone sings while driving alone
on their long journey to the heart of darkness.

The old bearded man smiles at us and laughs,
this aching consciousness of our strange life
is nothing more than our brief flash of light
between two vast infinities of nothing.

The girl with three eyes who hides my lost name
collects every story book in the world
then tears out every page and nails them each
to its own tree in wood of nameless souls.

I read the history of our spinning world
at random as I leap from tree to tree,
assembling puzzle of weird narrative
to preserve unspoken names of the dead.

I go beyond all national narratives
where each religion, company, and cult
worships their founder as the divine god
for they are nothing now but mindless ghosts.

Our world is haunted by the ghosts of founders
whose loyal followers fight brutal wars
over whose vicar on Earth should play god
to maintain dynasties of royal blood.

Concept by concept we dismantle structures
of social power that prop weak patriarchs
who manage institutions of control
which support their false right to make the rules.

Who has the right to live in liberty
and who must bow to wise authority
and who can eat the food that others grow
and who reaps wealth that others make all day?

I sit mute in the library all day
and watch rain sparkle in the setting sun
then sleep in cardboard box among old trees
while you read tale I wrote where I am king.

Alone Together

Alone Together
© Surazeus
2018 06 28

Silver water gushes over black rocks,
sparkling in rays of sunlight through tall trees.

The red butterfly with delicate wings
lands on the little toe of the young girl,
then slowly opens and closes its wings.

The young boy lying flat in tufts of grass
places small green turtle on his pale chest
and squints his eyes while looking at the girl.

"When we are alone together I feel
contentment fill me like the waterfall."

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

True Name Of Our Sun

True Name Of Our Sun
© Surazeus
2018 06 27

The girl who knows the true name of our sun
packs my fluid soul inside the flower seed
and buries me in the darkness of silence
till all our sorrow from the ache of loss
blossoms outward from my mute heart to sing
with tongues of tree leaves in soft river breeze.

The pale girl with eyes black as the full moon
touches her cheek, flushed pink as the Godetia
that blossoms on green hills in sparkling mist,
and smiles to wind laughter around her heart
like thread she sews on white crinoline blouse
when I explain how I fell off my horse.

I reach over to hold her fragile hand
and she blushes when I kiss her soft hand,
then her fingers dance on piano keys
which vibrate the air of the dim salon
with memory of sunlight flickering on water
of the blue pond where I see my strange face.

Each music note she plays pierces my heart
with galloping hoofs of horses who glide
joyfully swift among old apple trees,
and I imagine embracing her heart
to feel primal pulsations of desire
but I float paralyzed in warm sun beams.

Falling through emptiness of her black eyes,
where countless stars of her words light my sky
with secret calculations through weird code
which formulates pattern for puzzling rules,
I become just what she wants me to be
when bees swarm from hollow hive of my brain.

The girl who names everything we perceive
dips both hands into clear pool of my heart
and scatters forgotten memories of truth
to water seeds of tales about dead people
which sprout into statues on pedestals
who teach me how to invent words to sing.

No Puppet Of Desire

No Puppet Of Desire
© Surazeus
2018 06 27

My body is no puppet of desire,
I insist to cold water in my blood
that your heart pumps into my flashing eyes,
for my breast is the mountain where you play,
and your eyes are the deep pool where I swim,
but when desire urges my helpless feet
to walk the broken world to your soft garden
I admit I am puppet of your love.

I heard somebody say these things with love
so I repeat them to express my passion
but I feel silly, flushing with desire,
so I stand mute and touch your hand with mine,
hoping to connect our separate hearts
across the infinite abyss of hope
where I fall when I cannot feel your hand,
so I become the world where you may walk.

I never speak the name people call you
for they own that part of you they describe,
but I can never own any one part
of you, because I love the all of you,
so I can never confine your lithe soul
inside stale definition of one name,
since every word I speak to you all night
composes the name of your flowing soul.

I fall out of myself when you walk by
and float away singing into the sky,
yet flash back down inside my dizzy head
when you vanish, so I sit by mute lake
and think about deep timbre of your voice,
so when I feel you standing at my side
I turn to embrace you inside my heart
but absence of you is the silent ghost.

I am the fruit on the tree of your hope
so when you touch me with defining hand
I wake from dream of nothing to become
landscape of the fertile world you explore
so when you touch my secret name and smile
I drip from honeycomb into your mouth
till we twist slowly into one soft body
and our names disappear into each other.

Sweet scent of the half-peeled orange sparkles gold
as sunlight on grass where our bodies merge
in writhing tension of explosive light
that glitters the first flash of the big bang
awake as consciousness of the whole world
so I am every soul who ever lived,
gaining wisdom with each discharge of death
to float nameless in placid sea of loss.

Next On Sick Sad World

Next On Sick Sad World
© Surazeus
2018 06 27

Young children searching for the better life
walk across bleak desert of poisonous snakes
to seek asylum in grand empire of money
while Christians who live in churches of glass,
whose prophet taught them to welcome the poor,
lock them in cages, next on Sick Sad World.

Wise women seeking sweet pleasures of life
dance and drink beer with their friends at the party
but boys spike their drinks and rape them all night,
then Christians scream and call them murderers
when they get abortions to maintain health
of their own bodies, next on Sick Sad World.

Strong men working in dangerous factories
forge metal for engines and vehicles
to earn enough to pay rent and buy food
while Christians call them lazy greedy moochers
when unions request good health benefits
to care for their kids, next on Sick Sad World.

Attentive teachers guiding minds of children
help them construct whole world view based on truth
with reading, writing, and arithmetic,
while Christians trying to defund public schools
shout that reason is enemy of faith
in their puppet God, next on Sick Sad World.

Dare Disturb Your Universe

Dare Disturb Your Universe
© Surazeus
2018 06 27

After I relate various incidents
that happened to me on my path of life
I will then conclude my personal tale
with some moral epiphany of truth
that will incapsulate in pithy proverb
this basic cultural value we all share,
that we each feel more important than we are.

The one thing common with all presidents,
tribal god-father of organized strife,
whose basic principles might be for sale,
yet undiscovered by most clever sleuth,
is how their mental powers are suberb,
reflected in perfection of their hair,
and try to read the future in the star.

The chaos inherent in human action
swirls past our eyes in vast network of streets
when millions of people follow their dreams
in swift complicated dance of desire
hidden by yellow fog that rubs its back
on television screens which always glow
with endless stream of breaking news we watch.

You think there will be time to meet the face
of God that shines from monstrous clouds of vapor
shimmering with eternal light of our star
before the taking of the toast and tea,
but when I run for president this year
I will revise your vision of our world
which flashes on computer screens of truth.

The truth you think you know is hidden clear
in words we speak to each other today
is not the truth we dream in spinning night
till we have risen on wings in dawn light
and walk again the road of lusting hope
since all I want is to sit in peace and eat,
and savor aching victory of defeat.

Today I dare disturb your universe
though my cell phone is buzzing in my purse
so I will talk to the ghost of my love
who might exist somewhere on spinning world
while I am talking to the silent air
but if you vote for me as president
I promise to do all the noble things.

You ask me how I got stuck in this maze
and now am nothing more than flame of pain,
but if I thought my story would be told
to everybody living in your world
my writhing soul would speak no words of truth,
but since no one ever returns from Hell
I will speak without fear of infamy.

When the yellow rose of my aching heart
blossoms at the silent gaze of your eyes
I feel tendrils of vines and roots spread deep,
curling into the blood veins of my soul,
so when the tree of life blooms from my brain
you can eat the apples of my mute songs
and dream the sparkle of sunlight in rain.

If you follow this thread of laughing words
deep into winding labyrinth of stories
you will meet every word-born character
who dwells forever in the text of books
because they wait like puppets on the page
till your eyes cause them to spring into life
and they act again on stage of your mind.

I slide inside shiny red pickup truck
and drive along wild California coast,
thinking about the character of death
who wanders in the waste land of despair
and pans for gold in the river of tears
to fund the movie studio of dreams
where pretty girls dance before cameras.

Since giant corporations of Manhattan
supported oppressive regimes of goons
in those poor countries south of Mexico
to exploit natural resources for wealth
millions of people from their jungle valleys
walk the waste land of misery and fear
to pick crops in fields of Onatah.

What future Christ and savior of his people,
taken away from his young weeping mother,
sits now in gold cage of the prison camp,
staring in boundless center of our world,
and sees the heart of darkness in the light
that energizes action of his hands
to lead his people to the Promised Land?

To defy the Christian tyrant of greed
he will grasp the rod of Moses and stand
before the White House in cold pouring rain,
and cry out against heartless policies
that sell his people into slavery,
but they will crucify this Spartacus
on the telephone pole of simple faith.

Since no one ever reads secret reports
which I dispatch from the lost Cave of Plato,
I will reveal key of immortal life
encoded with human experience
that opens glass door to Tomorrowland
where children not yet born play hide and seek
through endless labyrinth of official lies.

Remember now the secret I conceal
in mute silence written between the lines
of our Constitution and Bill of Rights
which translate the proverbs of Solomon
so we can navigate the social games
of kill or be killed, performed on the stage
of religious drama each Christmas Eve.

Just as I thought I could escape the maze
of verified illusions priests invent,
from shadow of the last unbroken door
Foucault emerges with a Rubix Cube
to explain nature of our power structures
which support patriarchal hegemony
because I am statue of Liberty.

When he invites me to Cafe Rotonde
we walk together in faded footsteps
of every famous poet who once lived
to sit at Round Table where candles glow
and deconstruct the meaning of each word
with blind Derrida while sipping red wine
prepared by the hands of war refugees.

I reject that every person in the world
shares common model of knowledge and truth
concealed in structures of language we speak
so let us lay the beast of hungry fear
on the sacred altar of sacrifice
to deconstruct assumptions of our words
by peeling the orange of mental desire.

The tree that grows on the shore of the river
presents in changeless form of its idea
every tree that sprouts from the ground of being
so this tree is that tree, and thus all trees
are contained in the structure of the word,
so when I speak tree you dream every tree
though trees grow and decay in flash of time.

Are you still with me in this dance of dreams
as we project our private consciousness
to think it glows in every pulsing atom
for since I am enclosed inside my head
I feel connected to the universe
to dream the First Flash at the dawn of time
that glows in every atom of my brain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

River Shore Of Hope

River Shore Of Hope
© Surazeus
2018 06 26

This feeling that our nation falls apart
compels aggressive passion of response
to assemble weird puzzle of experience
which organizes projects of our hands
we create to stave off chaos of fear
while sitting alone in apartment hive.

While old wizard with television eyes
stands on bridge of death above the wild stream
where chunks of ice shaped like skull of Orpheus
howl prophecies we must calculate first,
we assemble scenes of human experience
to encode our progress from fish to god.

I offer no solutions to resolve
dilemma contending opposite views
embedded in mask that reveals my soul
true as blue moon hidden within my eyes
to help me see algorithms of thought
that formulate how we perceive our death.

How many other prophecies of doom
we must read to decrypt atomic physics
concealed in formulas of psychic spells
to wave surreal flux beyond garden walls
and sail winding stream of change past our tombs
where priests recite passages I compose.

Each time I meet her face to face, we kiss
flashing hunger that fountains from our hearts,
so I will know secret name she designs
which maps our quest from obliterant hell
to create heaven from waste land of truth
which we can only see through mirror eyes.

One hundred years before the genocide
my ancestors escaped kingdom of greed
to sail across wild western sea of death
then travel far up the Oregon Trail
on endless quest to find new paradise
though demon of rage follows our faint song.

Though every institution that insured
progressive growth of our democracy
crumbles from assault of aggressive men
who grasp at illusions of thought control
we conjure inner rebel to defy
power structures of the privileged few.

From muck of rotting bodies with sponge brains
I rise reborn to construct dome of truth
where angels sing hymns my anguish composed
recording how our empire fell from greed
and rose again to dominate the world,
enforcing single system of bold justice.

Now I throw book of prophecies I wrote
at wild indifferent sea of endless song,
then all my visions change to butterflies
whose wings preserve memes of cultural truths
so we transform small fractured nation-states
into global enterprise of craft shops.

Though our nation seems to fall into chaos
through contention of opposing world views,
efficient engine of democracy
rededicates morals of good and bad
based on acts of construction or destruction
so we feast on the river shore of hope.

Bard Of Lost Souls

Bard Of Lost Souls
© Surazeus
2018 06 26

Though I pedal my bike up the steep hill
of small Texas town where I was not born,
past huge red-brick church where my family sings
hymns to praise the emperor of the world,
to the library on the college campus,
I play I am the Hobbit on his quest
to win bright gold from blind dragon of greed.

With Gandalf I enter dark ancient archives
and search thick long-forgotten books of lore
to discover strange secret of the ring
encrypted in curving letters of Feanor,
then go outside in the hot Texas sun
and race my bike along white narrow sidewalks,
swerving around buildings with empty classrooms.

Sitting on cool rim of the sparkling fountain
at the Mizpah Gate to the college campus,
I open little black notebook to write
record of my quest on lined yellow pad,
inscribing with curving letters of Feanor
my adventures in the small Hobbit town
where the dragon slumbers beneath the church.

Gliding back downhill to my small green house,
I stop at yellow house where Brenda lives,
who smiles soft when I knock, and her brown eyes
glitter warm in the late afternoon sun
as we climb the fence behind our two homes
to the pasture across from our grade school,
and ride our ponies in the twilight zone.

Brenda is a graceful Elf with brown hair
and I am an awkward Hobbit, I muse,
but I tell her I love her anyway,
and she smiles as we gallop to the trees
where soft oak leaves hear the nothing we say,
then we ride back and put saddles away,
and I lie in bed, gazing at the moon.

I never find the gold of the church dragon,
though I invent new alphabet and language
for Ranika, my own fantasy world,
and after we move up north to Seattle
I never see my Elf Princess again,
but I go on long quest across America
and transform into the bard of lost souls.

Vision Of Endymion

Vision Of Endymion
© Surazeus
2018 06 26

The teeming chaos of our modern world,
where people operating fast machines
race each other to find paradise, where
Endymion once lounged on river shore, lost
beneath enormous towers of steel and glass,
spirals ever faster with each new year
we build more powerful engines of greed
that aid our attempts to control the Earth
and exploit its resources for blooming wealth.

Yet as I stand still at the city core,
and gaze through bright eyes of Endymion,
observing constant motion of machine
operated by driving hunger of man,
I see resolve, from cycles that repeat
interaction of physical contact,
processes of cause and effect define
elaborate patterns of chemical change
that weave from fierce contention of desire
fabric of our global society
where every person plays emotive part.

We humans evolved from the sloshing sea,
bodies transforming across generations
from single cell to conscious tetrapod
who developed ability to speak
by swinging limb to limb in sprawling trees
to coordinate action of our hands
with quick assessment of observing eyes
to analyze true nature of our world
so we can grasp hard objects we perceive
and mold shapes of material, wood and stone,
to aid our interactions with the world.

Through quick manipulation with our hands
to change shape of matter and build machines,
we transform dirt of the sphere where we dwell
by metamorphing minerals of thick soil
to construct engines that move vehicles
on spinning wheels quickly across the globe,
and computers that process blinking sparks
that signify letters of sounds we speak
which paint visions of the world in our eyes,
and thus mutate the natural world of woods
and blooming flowers along sparkling streams
into controlled biodomes where we tend
food-producing plants in organized gardens,
converting Earth to global paradise.

From paradise garden enclosed by walls
of stone, where we developed police state
from compact well-organized companies,
lead by the tribal leader as our God,
where each person performs their special role
based on skills they gain from apprenticeships,
which we maintained in hostile wilderness
thousands of years in struggle to survive,
perfecting process of cooperation
in efficient communes of food production,
we expand to assimilate all cultures
in vast global economy of markets
that requires each person, healthy and strong,
to contribute to our national wealth
by constant action of strong peak performance,
thus we evolve or die in game of life.

On Grecian Urn the pastoral poet Keats
observed tableau of farming life preserved
to replicate communal farms we forged
to plan efficient production of food
in hostile wilderness of aching hunger,
well managed by the wisest clever patron,
personified by God as national leader,
who organizes every tribal member
to do their part so all my live and thrive,
this agrarian way of life we designed
that served us well these past ten thousand years
when we transformed from hunting gatherers
through farmers tilling soil and tending crops,
to craftsmen designing sturdy machines,
now replaced by workers in factories
where people perform repetitious tasks,
then watch dramatic movies to relax.

Should we go back to hanging out in trees,
to dancing in the surge of ocean tides,
to following herds of cows across plains,
to tending crops around high pyramids,
to crafting goods inside castles of stone,
to assembling goods in large factories,
or combine them all in efficient style
of living that balances work and play
which should produce enough nutritious food
for every living soul on Earth to eat
as we drive together on crowded roads,
racing each other through the maze of wealth?

Where are you now, gentle Endymion,
who gazed into the starry sky at night,
observing progress of the shining moon
through sparkling labyrinth of hungry hope,
and danced with sweet Selene on the shore
of that star-shimmering lake where apple trees
blossomed bright in the evening mountain breeze,
and sang the beauty of our teeming world
of verdant paradise florid with herbs,
whose soul I see in face of every person
who hurries about business of their life
like honey bees around wilderness flowers?

Though you vanished from our world long ago,
gentle shepherd and vast meadows of trees
that once flourished around our spinning globe,
your heart that loves the natural world of plants,
blossoming rich in swirls of sun and rain,
still beats wild in the breast of every person
who struggles to keep up in swift rat race
of our global civilization, yet longs
to stop from constant strife for greater wealth
and lounge in fruit groves on lush river shores
to feel the timeless beauty of the world
in burbling song of water over stones
and chirp of birds flitting among tall trees,
and thus to breathe the spirit of the Earth.

From teeming chaos of destructive wars,
when tribal leaders battle to control land
and people who work together to live,
our new world order of united nations
assembles clashing cultures in one system
that offers equal opportunity
of training and productive work for all
through objective justice for every person
based on standard of universal rights
where every person can pursue their dream
to live well as they will while harming none
so we work together in global commune,
giving and receiving with open hearts.

This ideal society of world peace
shines bright from the raised lamp of Liberty
to guide our interactions every day
as we cooperate to transform Earth
into paradise that nurtures all souls,
lead by example of Endymion
who dances balanced with the shining moon,
Mother Selene who nurtures their child
while singing hymns in the garden of fruit
where we all may live in harmonious love.

Return to us from heaven of our hopes,
wise Endymion, shepherd of paradise,
and teach us how to live in peace on Earth,
transforming our world to garden of trees
where we work and play with love in our hearts
to savor sweet beauty of being alive
and celebrate process of birth and death.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Child In The Cage

Child In The Cage
© Surazeus
2018 06 25

The child in the cage cries out for their mother
and though three hundred million people hear
the shriek of their fear tear the atmosphere
no one arrives to take them to their mother.

The child in the cage clings to golden bars
and calls without words for the face they dream
hidden now somewhere beyond the blind stars
since no one arrives to soothe their stark scream.

The child in the cage cries out the strange name
of the stranger they once knew as their mother
whose face fades blank into the emptiness
of the ghost who haunts their footsteps forever.

The child in the cage calls out to the statue
of Liberty for help, for her flame glows
to light the way of refugees to heaven,
but the statue stands and stares blankly nowhere.

The child in the cage stares into my heart
where shadows of illusions of the truth
flash in the cave of moral obligation,
so I march city streets to free the child.

The child in the cage waits still there forever,
growing old as the world in mute despair,
and tries to sing the sorrow of the blues
that no one ever hears on the radio.

The child in the cage shouts at broken mirror
of the television that reveals the truth,
then assembles the puzzle of the future
from laws of decency that we forgot.

The child in the cage looks into our eyes,
asking us to show them the way back home,
so we run shouting through the labyrinth
to save them from the sacrificial knife.

The child in the cage runs through maze of lies,
unspooling tangled thread of Ariadne,
but they wander lost past legends of gods
while men sell them to families for adoption.

The child in the cage will remember you
who locked them in the maze of money greed
though you forget their faces without names
while you pray to your God in church of glass.

The child in the cage creates wings of hope
and leaps off the burning tower of your pride
to follow swift Icarus to Elysium
but they fall crippled to the desert sand.

The child in the cage cries out for their mother
who wanders in their war-torn land alone
and though we listen with a heart of stone
we all think about our own weeping mother.

United In Purpose

United In Purpose
© Surazeus
2018 06 25

My view of the world, not the world itself,
is shattered in shards of puzzling concepts,
because people refuse to play the roles
their ancestors played in dramas of life,
so we rewrite the archetypes of truth.

Equations of actions people perform
to generate their right to eat good food
shift each moment people change their desires
to swerve from righteous paths of noble cause.

I do what I do, whatever you do,
because I discard masks of ancient gods
after I wear them to hide my true soul
the hour we ascend highest temple stairs
and stand amid the ruins of world views
to taste the rain of timeless consequence.

Now I will play no character but me,
for I rise reborn from the pain of death
to transcend all the lies of history.

Instead of pushing frail statues of gods
off pedestals of mindless worship, look
closely at their faces, and see their eyes
to recognize the face you must perceive
when you look in the mirror of your soul.

We should keep the statues of all dead gods
standing in abandoned temples of power
to remember history of how we got
here at the height of colonial empire.

We long were oppressed by hordes of strange people
from distant lands who invaded our lands
and forced us to work building their grand temples,
but once we succeeded in our rebellion,
fighting for liberty of human rights,
by driving them back to their sterile lands,
we replicated their structure of power
to protect ourselves from future invasions,
and secure our borders against their greed.

Now we expand beyond borders of faith
and invade their lands with hordes of warriors
eager to dominate fallen dominators,
and force them to build temples to our power
so they know how it felt to be oppressed
when former slaves become their overlords.

We endured slavery thousands of years
but we enslave them past five hundred years
and now they cry against us in their pain,
forgetting how they caused us the same pain,
so they claim we always oppressed them,
failing to remember they oppressed us,
and taught us how to play master of death.

Now we must put aside all past oppressions
and live together equal on this land
and mix together so we become one,
sharing the fertile beauty of this world,
united in purpose of trusting love.

What Is This Puzzle

What Is This Puzzle
© Surazeus
2018 06 25

What is this wilderness of empty space
that stretches vast and strange between the walls
of buildings where we enter through glass doors
to dwell within weird hologram of truth?

What is this window of the laughing ghost
who gazes from the bubble of illusion
at patch of dirt where grass and insects thrive
outside holy bounds of society?

What would they think about me if I strip
the mask and costume of social convention
then walk back outside the walls of strict rules
to sit naked in splendor of the grass?

What strange illusions would my eyes perceive
were I to toss my glasses in the weeds
and crawl wordless in fuzzy shapes of color
to become one mind with the singing tree?

What meaningless name do you address me
to encase my wild being in category
of accepted social roles I once played
before I cut the puppet strings you wield?

What is this aching hunger of despair
which claws at frail fruit of my throbbing heart
with anguish at the notion that our life
is slow but relentless decay of lust?

What is this concept these verses convey
from my teeming brain on signals of thought
broadcast through beams of words our tongues express
to conjure illusions of naked truth?

What is this crumbling of frail flesh we wear
to sustain bold vibrations of our brains
when emptiness of horror that is death
consumes chemical sparkles of our cells?

What is this honest world view I prefer
presenting fact that we are clump of atoms
which generates consciousness from our brains
and will disintegrate to nothing at death?

What is this bridge, forged from rainbows and steel,
arching over lethal River of Dreams
with wires that vibrate like strings of the lyre
so we sing hegemony of our empire?

What are these prophecies of broken poems
that blind prophets once howled at the blank sky
and now lie gasping in anthologies
of famous poets no one ever reads?

What is this puzzle of our nation-state
assembled from tribes all over the world
to forge new global rule of human rights
which nurtures liberty of differences?

What is this mirror that reflects my soul,
presenting memories I never dreamed,
so I invent new person I now play
on crowded stage of history till death?

What is this character I now portray
which formed from pain of my experience
to motivate aggressive play for power
in chess game of the self-important clowns?

What is this laurel crown I now must wear
to validate success of my creation
when dream spells of sentences I compose
flash hallucinations through conscious eyes?

What is this agony of ecstasy
that spirals galaxies of singing gods
through maze of memories I write in spells
to reincarnate my genes in new child?

Beauty Of This Life

Beauty Of This Life
© Surazeus
2018 06 25

Bright sunlight on this normal morning glows
rays of constant change threading through my brain
so I feel hum from where car traffic flows
through endless maze of fields with blooming grain.

The engine of our empire cranks away,
transforming dirt into food and machines,
distributed to stores by fleets of trucks
that glide network of highways sea to sea.

The process of commercial enterprise
nourishes the health of communal life
so we work and play on stage of our towns,
teaching our children how to play our roles.

How fragile spin the operating wheels
of our complex commercial engine, round
and round in performance of routine
that channels material so all may eat.

What if the tyrant who wants to control
every thought and action of our own hands
to generate profit for his account
abuses us all for his private gain?

How shall we unite effort of our minds
to resist his fascist attempt to grab
reins of power to bend our work to his profit,
and maintain rights of individual freedom?

We operate our strong democracy,
steered by wheel of capitalist adventure,
to process matter with engine of hope
so every person may pursue their dream.

Each person born with inalienable rights
deserves equal justice under one law
and equal opportunity to work
to care for their children they raise with love.

Our bodies and this world are made of atoms
that consume matter in process of change,
so strong creatures with more efficient skills
control the weak to benefit their wealth.

We overthrow all autocratic kings
and elect the wise and generous person
to operate the factory of our nation
so everyone thrives together with trust.

Any time one man tries to take control
and enslave us to work for his account,
we fight to maintain freedom of all people
who work together for the common good.

We dedicate ourselves again this hour
to preserve our system of equal rights
and work together in glow of sunlight
so we may savor beauty of this life.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Spirals Of Winding Genes

Spirals Of Winding Genes
© Surazeus
2018 06 24

The poet composes prophetic scripture
presenting ontology of the world view
the pastor preaches to the congregation,
teaching them about the mystery of life.

The singular eye of light flashes bright
from core of nothing to be everything
flaring forth into galaxies of suns
which nurture worlds to bloom organic life.

Sparks of light link in triangles of quarks
that spin strings of energy in tight spirals
to compose protons and neutrons in atoms
which connect in spirals of winding genes.

Electrons orbit in spiraling pulse
around flashing nucleus of the atom,
springing in shells from core of the proton
to weave molecules into conscious cells.

Each atom spirals electrons in shells,
requiring two base sparks in every layer,
two sparks in the first, plus six in the second,
plus ten in the third, to balance strict spin.

Carbon that forms base of organic life
contains two electrons in the first shell,
and four electrons in the second shell,
so it connects all other atoms together.

Lipid molecules weave polar membrane
embedding proteins in fluid mosaic
that shimmers elastic matrix of tubules
to protect cytoskeleton of cells.

Carbon weaves molecules in chromosomes
which sparkle with the content of our souls
and replicate themselves in metaphase
as centromeres confect kinetochores.

We transform from the Eye of the First Mother
when sperm sparks egg to replicate gene coils
which mutate into tetrapods with brains
who open eyes to dream ourselves alive.

I stand on the shore of the flowing river
and see sun heating rain drops in wet soil
that spark seeds to grow into trees of fruit
as I breathe wind and sing sweet love I feel.

I design letters to imitate things
which translate sounds I speak to signify
objects with qualities that perform actions
so I can describe world of things I sense.

I stand before the crowd of silent people
and sing the vision of my dreaming brain
so we all perceive the same universe
and eat fruit of truth from the tree of life.

House Of Dying

House Of Dying
© Surazeus
2018 06 24

When autumn sun gleams red on Texas fields
I walk the shady lanes from school to home
and kick crackling leaves which swirl in cool wind
and scent the air with the beauty of death.

I feel strange aching sadness in the air
that swirls around me in the cold orange wind
and rustles in the voices of the dead
who have only dry leaves with which to speak.

I stop beside small shining pool of water
which reflects distorted image of my face
and wonder if its sheen is secret doorway
into some strange alternate universe.

Picking up one large oak leaf, solid brown
as dry mud of the river shore at dawn,
I see written in the delicate tendrils
names of the dead in their forgotten tales.

Each one of these ten thousand fragile leaves
that fell just from the trees of my small town
contains details of one forgotten soul
who all died after living for so long.

The wind blows them all away into nowhere
before I can read even one to the end
so I kick the pile of leaves from the gutter
where they had gathered to commiserate.

Then just beneath the restless pile of leaves
I see one red apple hidden in shadow
so I retrieve it from bosom of the Earth
and smell the pungent perfume of moist soil.

Wiping the apple clean on my coat sleeve,
I bite sweet juice brewed from sunlight and rain
and taste the history of the universe
as light of the first flash glows in each atom.

Each house I pass I see behind its door
shadows of the people who must live there
but I never see the mask of their faces
though I can guess their eyes are green or blue.

Eating the apple that fell from the sun,
I listen to the leaves tell tales of people
who walked this same road before I came here
while I sense their dying in autumn wind.

Though I am now young and eager to live,
when children spring from the cells of my heart
their growing will flow from my energy
so they will walk this road when I am dead.

I want to walk up to every house door
while eating the apple of light and rain
and listen to the stories of the dying
so their spirits will live in my memories.

Kicking leaves that preserve names of the dead,
I pass the House of Dying in the twilight,
and carry into my bedroom memories
of their stories I write for thirty years.

Broken Mask Of Anne Bradstreet

Broken Mask Of Anne Bradstreet
© Surazeus
2018 06 24

I used to wear the masks of people dead
from anguish of desire to live beyond
expiration of the spirit of truth
that sprouts as the tree from the ground of being.

If you will hang me from the tree of life
because I believe differently than you
then leave me for the ravens to devour
the apples of my eyes when I am gone.

When I first arrived in America,
sailing wood ship over wild sea of storms,
I sat on shore of Massachusetts Bay
and stared at the blue sky of silver tears.

How I longed to return to Avalon
and dance with fairies in the sparkling mist
so I dipped my quill, feather of the raven,
in blood of my heart to write songs of hope.

But I turned my face away from the sea
and gazed into the shadows of the future
west across American wilderness
to build our city shining on the hill.

What great empire will grow from this small town
I cannot imagine in evening glow
when I sit alone by the kitchen window
and write about our struggle to survive.

Ten thousand people who sprout from my womb
may walk across hills of America,
following the rivers of silent tears
to build the new secret Garden of Eden.

What grand epiphany of divine truth
can I discover in the shining air
when I gaze at sunlight shining through clouds
and compose verse to remember my dream?

I wear the broken mask of Anne Bradstreet
three hundred eighty eight years after she
arrived on the shore of America
to dip her quill in the blood of its land.

Alone in the woods of whispering trees,
I gaze through fluttering leaves at the sky
shining with the consciousness of my mind
so I feel the loving soul gaze at me.

I hear nothing but the thoughts of my mind
so I look behind me in silver mist,
wondering what weird mystery I might find
lurking in the shadows of wordless hopes.

My dreams loop back each day I wake alive
to tend my garden in the morning sun,
cook meals for my children at glowing noon,
and write poems of faith in the twilight zone.

I feel them in the woods of chirping birds
wherever I go on my morning walk,
the spirits of the people who lived here
before we arrived on the ship of fate.

I stop and listen in the silent woods
but cannot comprehend the secret thoughts
they whisper in agony of mute death
so I weep, longing for the woods of home.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Endless Maze Of Liberty

Endless Maze Of Liberty
© Surazeus
2018 06 23

Though fascism has come to America,
wrapped in the Flag and carrying the Cross,
I will spend time with my fun-loving children
on Saturday night, eating chocolate ice cream
and watching movies about superheroes.

The honest people of America,
who value and respect positive force
of Liberty and Justice for all people,
will always overcome their differences
and join the noble fight against fascism.

Like the Avengers fighting space invaders,
Americans will unite with one purpose
to overthrow the dictator and tyrant
who will fall weak because, like faith in God,
fascism requires too much energy
to sustain itself on fear people feel.

The tyrant who sets himself up on high,
attempting to control the hearts of people
through instigation of self-blinding fear,
must enforce tyranny of absolute rule
through constant rants to rile people with hate,
but people will rebel against oppression
and destroy the fascist dictatorship
of the Strong Man who is weak and afraid.

When the time comes in course of grand events
for me to play my small but crucial part
in vast chemical procession of change,
which adds to electric charge of true justice,
along with millions of other good heroes
so all united in one common cause
will generate field of accomplishment
and thus reprogram mental paradigm
which governs performance in play of life,
I will be ready to assert my will
for justice to prevail in social game.

Meanwhile I will perform my private play,
making maps, composing epic of heroes,
watching fun hero movies with my children,
tending plants in the garden, watching games
of soccer, or chatting with loyal friends,
to maintain energy of social life
because simple humility of love
far outshines complex haughtiness of hate.

Though darkness is the natural state of nothing
our souls will ever glow with hope for peace,
suffusing light of love through everything
to energize our bold aggressive play,
thus on green hills by flowing streams of light
we dance together in the swirling wind
to generate new life when we make love
so spirits of our children will shine on.

The fascist tyrant must work way too hard
to control human actions against nature,
attempting to bend matter to his will,
but the selfless messiah comprehends
natural flow of every chemical process
that swirl around us like surging sea waves
and thus will bend his will to flow with matter,
and by inaction rules the world of action
to guide us by example of his trust.

After rain storm that crackles lightning bolts
passes over our plain suburban home,
enchanting the hearts of my family,
we go outside to stand in twilight zone
and gaze at glorious beauty of the sky
where clouds of moisture shimmer scarlet flames,
then tell each other stories about life.

Though fascism has come to America,
wrapped in the Flag and carrying the Cross,
we will defeat its darkness of blind hate
with light of conscious love that guides our way
mapping the endless maze of liberty.

Man In The Maze

Man In The Maze
© Surazeus
2018 06 23

Will I ever find the Man in the Maze,
the secret self I design for myself
to play when I explore maze of my life,
based on characters of gods in old myths
I found written in legendary tales
of forgotten holy books no one reads
in the town library one afternoon
while sitting in the quiet glow of lamps?

I travel through the endless maze of life,
encountering strange dramatic events
on stages without walls where people die,
till I reach the place at the heart of hope,
then turn around and go back where I came
so I move forward to the secret core
in the middle of the maze where I find
the mirror of my eyes looking at me.

Each time I fall in the maze of desire,
I pick myself up from bottomless grave
and continue on and on to the place
where I find the true complete self I invent,
so I stop and gaze in the memory
of ten thousand mirrors which show my way
designing the maze of my life I map
by each moment I choose to turn aside.

I map the maze of my life with my feet,
tracing the round shape of the spinning world
to ever evade the center still point
where the Man in the Maze looks back at me
from the core of myself where I remain
moving forward on progress of slow change
to become the person I dream about
who will reveal the secret name I reflect.

Emerging alive from the cave of shadows,
after the flood destroyed the world I made,
I throw rocks in the river to build mountain
where I plant the tree with the fruit of life,
so the wolf and the raven follow me
everywhere I go in the maze of dreams,
and gather lost children in ring of stones
where I teach them to write letters as signs.

This Rune I mark on wood signifies sound
we express with our mouths to speak thought words
that conjure ideas of solid things
so you see vision of action I dream
when I sing spells that make you see illusions
flashing half-seen before your watching eyes
that guide you to explore the maze of life,
teaching you when to turn toward your true heart.

When they wander lost in the maze of life
and venture too close to the cave of death
I reprimand the children of my heart
to teach them how to walk efficient path,
but they rebel against my harsh command
and strike me down so I float in the gloom
of dreamless death, but lightning sparks my heart
so I rise reborn to walk in wild rain.

I stand on towering stone in laughing wind
when children I raised throw stones at my heart,
but I sing flashing spells that blind their eyes
and cause them to kneel in helpless despair
so they turn and run from the maze I made
and escape into the Valley Beyond
where they see me in the heart of their maze
for I am the Man in the Maze they love.

After turning and turning through my maze
in circles that loop backward on themselves
I return to my primal cave of shadows
where I sit alone in heart of the mountain
and gaze in the mirror of my own mask
that reveals every moment of my life
when I stood at the edge of songless death
and turned aside to find the hearth of flame.

At last in the maze of my life I find
the mistake in the turn of each new choice
that opens the door of infinite change
so I step out beyond the bounds of time
and soar on wings of light to singing stars
where in the heart of the spiraling sun,
that reflects pulsing atoms of our eyes,
I find the Man in the Maze of Myself.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Waste Land Of Hope

Waste Land Of Hope
© Surazeus
2018 06 22

Mute children wander in hot desert sand,
and the mother holds small child in her arms,
and gray wall divides the light of the moon,
and rusty sign points to the Promised Land,
and fresh water spills from the trembling hands,
and no one sings the American Tune,
and the eagle waits on the cactus throne,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

Wind cries the name of the mother who died,
and the old deaf man sits on the wood porch,
and no one calls him on the telephone,
and his son walks through the desert of snakes,
and nine children follow his faint footsteps,
and the empty coke bottle gleams at noon,
and rubber tires grind their skulls in white sand,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

The serpent slithers in the timeless sand,
and the candy bar wrapper flaps in wind,
and the white truck races on desert trail,
and Coyote lurks in shadows of fear,
and the farmer aims rifle at the ghost,
and he shoots the twelve-year-old girl in the head,
and the butterfly lands on blood-stained hair,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

The television flashes blue at night,
and ravens talk on the telephone lines,
and the yellow dress is torn on barbed wire,
and the searchlight flashes across black sky,
and the devil stalks in black leather boots,
and white choppers patrol the border wall,
and the princess runs across blistering sand,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

The barbed wire hums spells in the midnight wind,
and thirty people crouch low as they run,
and men driving trucks surround immigrants,
and guns laugh at heads of women and children,
and Coyote runs in shadows of night,
and agents arrest the woman who smiles,
and her daughter cries in the red moonlight,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

Long white tents shimmer in new prison camps,
and agents pull children from arms of mothers,
and teenagers attend large music concerts,
and children in cages cry for their mothers,
and families watch movies in theaters,
and young girls feed mute babies without names,
and white cat lurks in shadows of despair,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

The father of nine hungry children sighs,
and cartel king demands he sell cocaine,
and he walks away with proud empty hands,
and five men in the black truck shoot his wife,
and blood of her heart dribbles from her mouth,
and he leads his children on jungle trails,
and the jaguar glides in silver moonlight,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

The lone tree waits on the mountain of flames,
and the old blind man climbs the rainbow bridge,
and the turtle explains meaning of life,
and the river flows from the timeless sun,
and the boy writes names in the wind-blown sand,
and the girl recites the names of the dead,
and the old woman gives them pears to eat,
and we wander lost in Waste Land of Hope.

We Live Together On One Globe

We Live Together On One Globe
© Surazeus
2018 06 22

The way trees grow from weird cracks in my heart
I wonder if the wisdom of the sages
completes the puzzle we are working on.
But every day another open door
might lead me to discover something new
nobody else in the universe knows
so I should write it down in the blank book
nobody can find in the empty church.
Or wherever you want to go today
I will go with you after I pack things
we might need while exploring silent woods.
Because no one ever goes there alone.
Since we visited the garden last year,
and planted seeds of our lost memories
among the special flowers with true eyes,
we began to understand secret code
of forgotten myths our words calculate.
The spotted owl in the oak tree knows why
we give each other secret names of love
so no one ever understands our songs
when we sing to each other by the river.
I know the answer you want me to say
to the surreal questions you never ask.
Yet everything we learned in history class
distorts the way we view present events
because we are spectators in wild streets,
watching famous people perform old roles
in another episode of Greek myth
that plays on television every night.
I kneeled and prayed in church every Sunday
for twenty-one years, gazing at the sky
to see the face of God they say exists,
but though I saw faces form in the clouds
they never spoke to me nor explained why
we suffer pain, disease, and final death.
I knew then there was no omniscient God,
only my brain perceiving world of atoms.
I never felt any lightning of love
strike my heart and blind my attentive eyes
with transcendental vision of the truth
so I see grand scope of human history
play in stages across the turning world.
I did see those visions, but without passion
of ecstatic insight that might connect
my mortal mind to that infinite soul
of timeless perception beaming my eye
huge as spinning galaxies that weave light
into billions of planets which nurture
conscious beings who may become self aware
like me standing now on high mountain slope
to gaze at stars that flash across the eye.
I do feel that bizarre passion of life
expanding my soul far beyond the bounds
of my buzzing skull so I become stars
who beam water drops to swirl in cool mist
around my body as I glide through stream
of sparkling water to find where it springs
bubbling in fountain from heart of the world.
I feel each atom in the universe
pulsing with vibrating music of spheres
which spin inside each neuron of my brain
so I become that supernatural God
of timeless consciousness you all search for
because that God vibrates inside our brains,
and, as we pause together at the door
of infinite possibility, touch
light swirling around us in soft rain,
and express emotions pulsing our hearts.
We become one with the vast universe
since we first wake at flash of the White Whole.
So what if that God we all thought was real
was never real, and never nothing more
than consciousness glowing inside the brains
of people who told us that God was real
because they sensed in vision of the light
transcendent spirit shining from the sun,
because we know we project our own minds
at that vast mirror of our universe,
enormous swirl of atoms singing love.
We project our consciousness at the world
so the world reflects perceptions we dream.
We are the atoms of the universe
awake in conscious brain of flashing stars.
We are the process of chemical actions
flashing as they flow through veins of our flesh
and laughing with each wild beat of our heart.
We are the water of the falling rain
that flows down mountains in sweet winding streams
to fill the ocean of our conscious dream.
We are the sunlight of the glowing sun
that weaves molecules into blooming plants
so we consume its light when we eat fruit.
We are the spirit of the whirling wind
that fuels our cells with sparks of oxygen
so we dance and sing on the river shore.
The way trees grow from wounds cracking my heart
I sing wordless vibrations of sweet tunes
that make my body buzz while I pick fruit
from Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
which curls roots deep into soil of my brain
to weave neurons from galaxies of light.
We contain multitudes of our ancestors,
billions of people who once walked the Earth
flashing in the genes they passed down to us
so we have been alive since dawn of time
four billion years ago in sloshing waves
when our first ancestor, Eye of Insight
swam singing in the vast ocean of light,
and crawled up rivers to stand on lush shore
and pluck sweet fruit from tall tree full of snakes,
thus we hope our descendants reproduce
another four billion years as the world
spins onward into the infinite void
so we are still alive on spinning globe
when the sun expands and swallows us all.
We will return to the light of the sun
from which we come every hour rays of hope
beam down and spin conscious life on the Earth.
When we still lived in castles of stone walls
to protect ourselves against hostile gangs
of rapists and killers roaming the land
our belief in wise supernatural God
embodied by the king wearing gold crown
guided us well to function with one mind
and expand our communal way of crafts
we sell in markets to conquer the world.
Now that we spread beyond the Walls of Heaven
we construct vast cities of steel and glass
connected by hard highways coast to coast
where we drive automobiles on four wheels
and fly airplanes among clouds on broad wings
powered by the engine Barsanti designed,
we discover God is concept of Kings
they propagate to subjugate our will
so we work together to survive death.
When geraniums last in the dooryard bloomed,
I stood outside my house on the lush grass
and watched rain clouds flash lightning in the sky
to pour rain on millions of shining cars
that glide with beaming headlights on network
of roads connecting us all in one empire.
Shall we all stand together in the rain
and share the stories of our migrant lives
how we travel around the spinning globe
ten thousand years building empires on seeds
of plants that flourish from our tender hands
so we appreciate how we all were lost
and now we live together on one globe?
I can see you all as you all see me,
talking together on the world wide web.

Overthrow Our King of Fantasy

Overthrow Our King of Fantasy
© Surazeus
2018 06 21

Her ghost is nothing more than emptiness
of my desire to hold her in my arms
and eat the sweet apple of happiness,
deceived by the perfection of her charms.

When I record revolution of power
to overthrow our King of Fantasy
I dance in the meadow, sniffing the flower
that spirals me on wings of ecstasy.

I claim the laurel crown Apollo wears
and strum the lyre of Hermes with a grin
while singing on top the pyramid stairs
to prove I know the spells that help me win.

I wear the mask of God to hide my face
while clutching diamond scepter in my hand
and then adjudicate the endless race
for who will rule the people of our land.

My heart is charged by rhythm of the Beats
who dance around tomb of Milton all night
so I write verse on weird water with Keats
and swim with Shelley in the Sea of Light.

I oscillate between the poles of truth
from cynicism to sincerity,
exploring maze of stories as the sleuth
who preaches Gospel of Prosperity.

The Jester who was crucified at dawn
returns as first son of his seed to Earth,
converted to world king from humble pawn
to promulgate the secret of rebirth.

These visions flashing from my blinded eye
strike lightning swift to crack the ancient lie
that frees mankind from Invisible Spy
who dares to drink water and question why.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Taken From Their Mother

Taken From Their Mother
© Surazeus
2018 06 21

This hour we come upon the fallen star
we make up stories to explain the why,
and then we ask who invented the car
that we fly soaring in the cloud-bright sky.

The small child taken from their mother cries
and searches long for her forgotten face
while tearing pictures from the book of lies
to map their quest beyond the perfect place.

Though here we dwell for many hungry years
to tie ourselves to family while we roam
no painted picture captures bitter tears
because no house will ever feel like home.

I stop and stand before every locked door
to name the restless soul who lives inside
while tending love flame in my darkest core
and yet avoid my role as spirit guide.

The grown child taken from their mother sings
hymns of faith in silent church of lost souls
but they who hear the flash of angel wings
wander deceived by the trickster of goals.

I snap this mental photograph of time
to paint scenario showing how they play
brutal game of power when the divine mime
weaves illusions with words they try to pray.

We know the way through labyrinth of rules
so we swerve far off path of righteousness,
hoping to escape sinking ship of fools
that drifts nowhere on sea of consciousness.

The mute child taken from their mother stares
helpless while men with guns take them to cage
where children pretend to be carefree bears
whose daydreams hide spark of mind-numbing rage.

The prophet who appears at prison gate,
once crucified on the telephone pole,
to free the children from the money state,
ponders if he should play the martyr role.

The prison guards shoot the prophet of truth
though they worship him on Sabbath in church
so he returns as the journalist sleuth,
seeking to knock the tyrant off his perch.

The blind child taken from their mother prowls
through endless maze of empire to retrieve
Book of Secret Codes that translate our howls
of outrage at lies the faithful believe.

The mafia don elected president
places crown of Napoleon on his head
though haughty pride, it now seems evident,
will leave the cruelest tyrant always dead.

Who Hears Light Waves

Who Hears Light Waves
© Surazeus
2018 06 21

The keyless piano in empty room
reveals strange music no one ever hears
except for deaf children who vibe the light
of colors singing from clear ocean waves.

Although I speak the prophecy of doom
I color over mask of hidden fears
because Yartha taught me art of foresight
to name ever-changing shadows in caves.

I stand knee-deep in star river all day,
catching fish who sing riddles of the truth,
but when I look in mirror of her eyes
I dream whole history of our universe.

She explains the secret of how to pray
to God who eludes the most clever sleuth
but cannot explain why everyone dies
so I keep riddles in my secret purse.

I map unseen footsteps through church of gloom
where the book that preserves secret of flight
explains how to escape and run away
because I always fall from naked skies.

My brain expands with the white apple bloom
because she knows I must play the shipwright
crafting vessel of truth from last moon ray
which inspires me to join the cult of spies.

My heart gouged by pain holds many new tears
because I must play the hero who saves
since my new persona is the most couth
who ever evaded the phantom curse.

Because my leather bag holds gold arrears
I jumpstart the money machine which paves
ten thousand roads leading to the last booth
where the Sun God drives new celestial hearse.

Gray Man Of The Money Machine

Gray Man Of The Money Machine
© Surazeus
2018 06 21

The man in the gray suit with black briefcase
stops walking along with the busy crowd
and stares beyond the blank infinite sky
at reflection of his face in the void.
"I am but one small useless broken cog
stuck somewhere in the vast money machine,
so farms and factories will produce goods
whether I sit at my desk or in the grass."

Dropping the briefcase full of sales reports,
the gray man walks over the river bridge
where he hears for the first time song of wind
and soft laughter of the indifferent river.
Stripping off his gray suit, the hairless ape
sits on grass mound in the middle of traffic
and watches lights blink yellow, red, and green,
while people chase rainbows for the machine.

"The basic rule of our commercial game
states if you work then you will get to eat,
but if you fail to contribute your labor
you will receive no share of the reward.
Because I understand this sentiment,
I choose to no longer participate
operating commercial enterprise
that crushes individuals who resist.
I would rather sit here on mindless grass
and savor wordless beauty of the world
while I starve and vanish from the fierce game
of eat or be eaten to win the name.
Though my descendants vanish from the world,
defeated in the chess game of place power,
stronger and wiser people will survive
thus I die so some humans become gods.
Forces of evil greed to control nature
assert strong will to dominate our culture
but since they must fight so hard every day
their drive sputters from grim weakness of fear.
Though evil seems to prevail at this hour,
when police kill people with darker skin
and lock children of immigrants in prisons,
their power will burn out and good will prevail.
Because they work so hard to maintain power
of oppressive rule over normal people
their engine of power will run out of hate
and they will fade in natural light of love.
The system of our capitalist venture,
funding operations of food production,
may collapse into chaos of desire,
but I will remain in calm meditation.
I wander so lost in flashing illusions
when I prophesy what future events
may transform from this current situation
that I forget to perceive the real world."

The gray man on the mound in traffic flow
transforms into the gaunt wolf with long hair
who shouts weird prophesies at passing cars
who chase each other for glow of prestige.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Mother Of Apple Trees

Mother Of Apple Trees
© Surazeus
2018 06 20

The woman rises from the flowing stream
and stands in grass beneath the apple tree.
She reaches hand to touch the glowing beam
that sparkles through the swirl of singing mist.

Gazing long at awful glow of the sun,
the woman touches each apple that glows.
Each apple is the sun congealed from rain,
she whispers breeze that ruffles flashing leaves.

Crouching low in silver flow of cool stream,
the woman watches stars flash from the sky.
She rises from dark stream at flash of dawn
and reaches out her hand to eat the sun.

With every bite of apples in her hand,
the woman eats the sunlight and the rain.
She feels sunlight glow in her beating heart,
and she feels rain flow from her dreaming eyes.

Beyond the pale of leaves around the tree,
the woman ventures forward toward the sun.
The sun rises high and falls in the stream
so she walks backward toward the singing tree.

While reaching out her hand to pluck the fruit,
the woman gazes at her grasping hand.
She flexes five fingers, gold in sunlight,
stretching them wide as branches of the tree.

I am the walking tree that must eat fruit,
she whispers in the swirl of sparkling mist.
She buries seven apple seeds in mud
and dips her fingers in the flowing stream.

She gazes at reflection of her face
and hovers fingers over flashing waves.
Her face separates in another face
who reaches hand to touch her blushing cheek.

Turning startled at sound of his strange voice,
the woman sees the man standing in grass.
She plucks fresh apple from the singing tree
and puts it in his hand for him to eat.

Staring at her reflection in his eyes,
the woman leans forward to kiss his mouth.
You are the apple of the sun alive,
she whispers as they embrace on soft grass.

The sunlight of his heart beams in her heart,
thrusting deep in dark shadow of desire.
Their bodies move in rhythm with the stream,
clinging to each other at flash of light.

She feels her breasts expand to mountain peaks
and gasps at gush of stream-sparks in her heart.
She feels bright stars flashing inside her eyes
when she becomes the dancing tree of joy.

Waking alone on grass under the tree,
the woman hugs herself in floating mist.
She waters saplings growing from black seeds,
caressing her belly round as the sun.

Clinging to long thick branches of the tree,
the woman howls at agony of light.
She pushes little baby from her womb,
and cradles it so it can suckle her breast.

Eating white apples composed of sunlight,
the woman hums while her child sucks white milk.
She gazes in bright sunlight of its eyes
and sees red apples swelling from blue rain.

The woman rises from the flowing stream
and stands in grass beneath the apple tree.
She helps small child to stand and take small steps,
then places sun apple in its small hands.

Unemployed In Greenland

Unemployed In Greenland
© Surazeus
2018 06 20

How fragile stands the house of cards I build
on promise of the paycheck every month,
based on the process of my daily work
to maintain function of economy.

Clutching his stomach as he stares at light
of sun rays gleaming on the office window,
Samuel stands on edge of dizzy despair,
hoping to see beyond blankness of tomorrow.

Our bosses say they must eliminate
dozens of jobs to maintain fiscal budget
to operate the process of our business,
and my job was first on the chopping block.

The elegant grace of my perfect home,
the mobility of my well-tuned car,
the stocking of food for our daily meals,
these all depend on every check I get.

Our daily actions of productive play,
attending school, watching movies together,
going on picnics with family and friends,
will all be disrupted without that cash.

We developed sophisticated culture
for producing and distributing food
based on everyone performing their function
and receiving pay as reward for work.

But now my employment has been severed,
and flowing spigot of cash to my hands
was terminated, my fragile life style
will collapse into unproductive chaos.

What action could I perform every day
in rote position of employed mandate
to maintain function of society
so I can fund the drama of my life?

Other than tending garden in my yard,
to produce food that would nourish our bodies,
no other action would sustain our household
since I need money for mortgage and fuel.

We built this complex system of machines
producing goods in giant factories
connected by computers that calculate
flow of payment to fuel engine of commerce.

I nurtured pride in performing my part,
participating in vast enterprise
of running huge productive factories,
but now mask of my role was stripped away.

Naked in the dark of unsurety,
I stand at bottomless cliff of desire,
staring into bleak emptiness of fear,
confused at how I can mitigate dread.

Without this clear job to define my purpose
I tremble nameless on the nowhere road,
seeking clemency from people in power
who guard asylum of wealth with hard hands.

Gathering all his things in briefcase and box,
Samuel walks on eggshells through busy office,
dizzy on steep precipice of despair,
and walks out glass doors into blinding sunlight.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Silver Cage Of Despair

Silver Cage Of Despair
© Surazeus
2018 06 19

Falling into hollow ache of my heart,
I twist around to fly like Lucifer
with mangled wings onto the bleak waste land
where I wander toward walls of paradise.

We travel thirty days in rattling truck
from Nicaragua north to Mexico
to escape the gangsters who killed my father
because he refused to sell their cocaine.

Running through the desert of blind Coyote,
we race toward the gates of lush paradise,
dreaming of the apple tree by the river
where we will sing in silver drops of rain.

The men with sunglasses and baseball caps
point assault rifles at our distraught faces,
then pull me out of the arms of my mother
who cries as she reaches to grasp my hand.

They lock me in the cage with nameless children
who cry for their mothers that disappeared,
then we all transform into butterflies
to escape the silver cage of despair.

I speak words but they are mute gusts of wind
that scatter my thoughts in leaves of dead trees
so I hide my soul behind the blank mask
carved from the bones of the crucified god.

We dance in the maze of the prison camp,
painting riddles with our blood on locked doors
that reveal the fate of all tyrannies
buried with skulls of the innocent children.

Alone in room of my suburban home,
I play video games on large television,
fighting zombies of the apocalypse
with laser guns that blast their rotting brains.

I cannot hear their cries screeching the wind,
children torn from the arms of weeping mothers,
but weird horror swells from my empty heart,
so I go outside and stare at the sky.

Sitting with my mother at kitchen table,
I watch terrible news on television,
and write Keep Families Together on posters
to free them from silver cage of despair.

New Melodies We Invent

New Melodies We Invent
© Surazeus
2018 06 19

Clouds of silver and red bulge over hills
of tall green pines that shimmer in warm breeze
which swirls over sloping fields of gold wheat
and herds of cows where cars glide by on roads.

I perceive this landscape with beaming eyes
imbued with timeless glimmer of existence,
for these hills and clouds persist in this space
long before and long after my hour here.

This shimmer of perception in my brain
is nothing more than brief flash of awareness
that flickers in slow spinning of this sphere
four billion years around the blazing sun.

Yet here and now I feel all spinning time
hanging motionless, through solidity
of pulsing atoms that throb with my heart,
in ceaseless flow of stillness beyond death.

I turn and look in the eyes of my mate
who stands beside me on the treeless hill
in silent observation of the scene
that holds our bodies in frame of slow change.

We could be anywhere on this huge globe,
standing on any hill by any river
and gazing at any landscape and sky,
so we become everywhere at all time.

I refuse to succumb to ecstasy
of insightful vision enclosed by words
of this weird religious epiphany
that opens wide the eye not in the sky.

So all the times I drive my car on roads
through maze of streets in many nameless towns
flashes fast forward through my memory
to remind me how I found my way lost.

My journey through the landscape of the world
weaves silver thread of my soul in its fabric
till every atom of my brain reflects
face of every soul I meet passing by.

This journey I map is not mine alone
for every conscious soul who ever lives
continues swimming from the sea of dreams
up river flow to stand on timeless shore.

We hold hands and form ring around the tree
where apples shimmer in red morning rays
to sing timeless beauty of hills and clouds
which erode in rain and disperse in wind.

We bury bones of our parents in roots
of apple trees, then take their place in ring
of dreaming eyes to maintain their old song
with vibe of new melodies we invent.