
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Understand Everyone Else

Understand Everyone Else
© Surazeus
2023 06 01

Since everyone always misunderstands me 
I try to understand everyone else 
but I get so lost in the maze of myths 
I see only myself in mirror eyes 
till I become the ambiguous ghost 
of every person who has ever lived. 

As I age into strange beauty of death 
my eyes become clouded with memories 
so I almost cannot see the new person 
who stands so alive in front of me now 
though I stare at bright moons of Jupiter 
from which I carve the mask of God I wear. 

My eyes measure time through eternity 
since constellations become laughing crows 
who carry my soul over River Styx 
to connect my heart to the universe 
because I love every human alive 
though I hide from them in silent delight. 

Anxious from influence of all dead gods, 
I watch human faces on clouds and trees 
explain how bright light of the universe 
pulses weird from thirsty cells of my brain 
so I catalog everything I see 
as ideal forms composed with gravity. 

I constitute the mountain of the Earth 
who scatters fruit in wet soil of my heart 
so I become the stranger I admire 
though we never meet on the road of life 
while I carve marble in idols of gods 
who wake to embrace me with loving arms. 

My body thrums with animating light 
that emanates from One Galactic Eye 
who dreams itself awake through my own brain 
so I hug apple trees on rowdy hills 
where the rugged cross on the picture screen 
bleeds tears of the damned I drink as sour wine. 

The Moon Crow knows its way into my heart 
as if we cannot understand why Death 
gives me lost Holy Grail to drink her dreams 
while our world drifts in Void of Everywhere 
on vast periphery of the universe 
where Mother appears in mirror of time. 

The dancing Devis of the purple moon 
reveal to me the secret of true love 
so I give cookies to Grandmother Death 
who chuckles as she gives me glass of milk 
and teaches me to understand your mind 
though no one will ever understand me. 

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