
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Survive These Terrible Times

Survive These Terrible Times
© Surazeus
2023 06 11

If we would survive these terrible times 
we should look to the American sky 
where Jesus and Apollo play chess games 
while I lounge by the pool and ponder why 
humans form gangs to fight for fertile land 
with the Holy Book and the Gun in hand. 

Slouched in despair by the abandoned tomb, 
where the devil plays Savior of Mankind, 
I worship mystery of the nuclear bomb 
that blows all theology from my mind, 
which Zeus, the beautiful Storm God of Wrath, 
wields as thunderbolt of secular faith. 

Though he stood on the Ziggurat of Power 
ten thousand years as symbol of state truth, 
the Tribal Leader, before whom we cower, 
whose face shines bright from our loyalty oath, 
has vanished from fascist national myths 
and hides now as humble, hardworking smiths. 

When noble hero rises from the crowd 
to oppose the tyrant, who scams blind Fate, 
leading common people to rise unbowed, 
he transcends himself to become the State 
through apotheosis of mental fire 
so he directs our song in the global choir. 

While common people in each global state 
work hard to earn enough money to live 
in system controlled by greed of the gate, 
the wealthy pass laws so they can enslave 
our bodies to hunger for food and hope 
while we go mad just attempting to cope. 

The world food-production machine is based 
on back of the farmer who tills the soil 
so we consume goods till mountains of waste 
fester in Eden while our children toil 
to harvest apples from the Golden Bough 
because naught will ever be good enough. 

Though I fall from walls of Heaven at dawn 
to blast open space for living in Hell, 
I rise reborn to found New Avalon 
where hungry workers gather at the bell 
to join my feast in grand Temple of Truth 
where I rule the world as Messiah Sleuth. 

For I am apparition of state power 
who crowns myself as incarnation of god 
to rule the world from my money bank tower 
by fighting tyrants with the Justice Squad, 
while our planet spins on in silent void, 
that leaves Jesus and his son unemployed. 

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