
Friday, June 30, 2023

Gods In Human Form

Gods In Human Form
© Surazeus
2023 06 30

The tears I have held back and never cried 
for too many years since my loved ones died 
have formed glistening pool inside my head 
where all my fears drown in silence of dread, 
so with bold bravado of the grim fool 
I face nothingness with psychotic tool. 

Lost in shadow of American Gloom, 
I reach out and grasp the strong hand of Doom 
though Angel of Death appears in my space 
to wake demonic beauty in my face 
when I rise up from ruins of world war 
and leap through spiral of the History Door. 

Born from anguish of the bottomless sea 
to comprehend glow of eternity, 
I swim forever upward toward the light 
as I evolve through bodies in star-flight 
to dance at last on spinning globe of faith 
in ever-shifting form of the Mind Wraith. 

When Death arrives at door of my bruised heart 
to laugh at errors of my dream-world chart 
I somersault Bridge of Forgetfulness 
to escape diseased Devil of Success 
who wants to crown me with Diadem of Fame 
though no one could ever win at that game. 

Though dark cloud of disaster from dream cave 
looms over our nation in fateful wave 
I face tsunami of tellurian change 
with magic gesture that would disarrange 
conceptual players in contest for wealth 
who invade Heaven with occultic stealth. 

When Jesus deploys divine privilege 
to condemn my Free Will as sacrilege 
I lead rebellion against tyranny 
to advocate for world democracy 
when I bear shining torch of Lucifer 
in vain fight against greed of Jupiter. 

As Earth spins lost in void of starless hope 
my soul evolves by learning how to cope 
with mindless nature of hostile intent 
till I subdue all monsters who resent 
how I declare I am true Son of God 
who rules the world with legal justice squad. 

I float in pool of tears my heart conceals 
as I chant spell with dream code that reveals 
celestial force of gods in human form 
who cooperate to control social storm 
through argument about the state of being 
that conjures our ability to sing. 

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