Book Of Wind © Surazeus 2019 03 17 When I find the Book of Wind in my heart that teaches me language of the strange sea I will build emptiness from broken part that might assemble my soul from the tree which spirals from my naked mind at dawn when we sing secret legends on your lawn. So many people struggle to survive in wretched labyrinth of hostile desire that they must find clever ways to contrive pleasure from passion as lilies from mire though I will care for you no matter what even when the eyeless angel is caught. We gather after sunset on my yacht to dance in starlight and drink bitter wine since you vote for me to play the mascot that represents the prophet most divine who calculates how atoms pulse with light as I on tangled wings explore through flight. Entwined in memories of our secret kiss, I enshrine your soul in statue of gold, yet when I see my face in vast abyss of nothingness I wake from death, paroled to wander waste land of the laughing fool who builds empire with invisible tool. Within blooming Marigold of my brain, that spirals petals to mimic the sun, I remember name I designed from rain to articulate strange power of the gun when last angel in the world wears my face to replicate my soul through polymerase. No trace of anguish left from searing fear gashes horror of truth through my eyeball so I shift engine of my heart in gear to search for treasure in paradise wall of sacred scroll with secret of rebirth when gene coils record soul of Mother Earth. Descended from weird River God of Faith, I gesture secret spell with ring of hands which proves I am son of the Glowing Wraith who appoints me to cartograph strange lands so I compose cosmic map of our world that reveals where Dragon of Truth lies curled. On turning wagon wheels of sacred quest I travel swift beyond town-walled frontier to build lost paradise in secret nest where I wear laurels as your balladeer till I crown myself seer of the strange sea so I can write spells in the Book of Wind.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Book Of Wind
Farmer Of Apple Trees
Farmer Of Apple Trees © Surazeus 2019 03 17 We should be building roads and businesses to connect all of the Americas in one commercial system of exchange, like China connects Asia in one system, instead of building hard walls to enclose ourselves terrified in fortress of fear. The farmer looks up at her apple trees, feeling sunlight gleam through fragile leaves of yellow hope, then huddles warm in coat of faith that turning of the world will flush warm winds of Spring to melt frost from its limbs so apples will swell again in white blossoms. Opening jar of apple sauce, she canned with her mother in the kitchen last Summer, she spoons some on hot oatmeal with cool milk, and eats while watching news on television, then grins at how her old mother would mock speeches of politicians with fake words. He wants to change our free democracy fueled by vibrant urge of capitalism into the fascist corporate mafia state that allows businessmen to exploit people, crushing our system of high education so we slave for pittance in factories. That is why I want you to attend college, the farmer explains to her three young children who run outside to play along the river, leaping across smooth white stones in swift stream, then sit among apple trees and tell stories of superheroes they read in comic books. Using pruner, looper, and folding saw, the farmer prunes branches and twigs of trees as late Winter sun gleams from jagged hills, breath of her soul puffing in silver mist that gleams gold in frosty air of desire while she hums America The Beautiful.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Dream Of The Wind Chime
Dream Of The Wind Chime © Surazeus 2019 03 16 The birds know why we can never go home so we sit by the river and count cracked stones, then after dark we continue to roam where blind clowns make music with hollow bones, for they paint their faces white with dry mud and drink wine made of mushrooms, grapes, and blood. We hide our faces in shadows of fear and weave rays of moonlight in blinking eyes to stare three thousand years in flashing mere that mirrors arcane truth from empty skies so we confront our shadows in the night, hoping to discover name of our light. We flow through whisper of each singing tree to slip past monsters who can never talk that leads us down to comfort of wild sea where I transform into the joking hawk to hide my sorrow in shadowless cave while I sing algorithm of each wave. I stand stiff in halo of screaming light to ask happy birds where my home may hide but they become the glow cloud of far sight so lost pilgrims hire me as their trip guide, though every castle half-seen through dawn haze haunts us with horror of its endless maze. Behind locked doors the blind forget my name so I look for the people I once knew but they wear masks and play the court power game while I continue searching for the clue that might reveal how our world was first made and why fearful men fight the vain crusade. Down by the river I sit in tree shade to ask the birds where I can find my home but I become stone statue in the glade for I am nothing more than frail wave foam blow by indifferent wind of swirling time, startled awake by dream of the wind chime.
Restore Garden Of Eden
Restore Garden Of Eden © Surazeus 2019 03 16 Elegy for William Merwin 1927-2019. Once I decipher the language of water I will be able to see the blank future because every object of vital substance is composed of viscous atoms that flow in swirls of chemical articulation to explain process of cause and effect. When voices of people clutter my dreams I walk from city maze to silent hills where trees explain the grammar of moon rain that translates sorrow into pointed leaves which I plaster on my face as new mask that weaves rays of light into my sad heart. Each morning when I drive to work I wave at Glow Cloud composed of ancestral souls who reflect in eerie orange light lost dreams their brains recorded to remember why we explore river shores to find the tree where trunks transform rain to nutritious fruit. Though I thought the glowing clouds were my friends they cluster in black billows of harsh wind and hurl lightning bolts to smash fragile house where my family pursues creative projects so I forget their names and blaze new roads through gardens where their faces smile as trees. That fragile face of replicated souls who smiles in mirror of each shadowed house shows me path where birds navigate despair so I become my parents when they die to look at puzzling world as gloom of blood nourishes my heart from breast of Mother Earth. Tall mountain stands in shadow of my heart so I climb beams of moonlight to weave wings from laughter of my children when they play catch the God Butterfly in ruins of church since water flows through our bodies of flesh and I build bridge of love with echoing light. I feel the Earth turning beneath my feet in rhythm with ocean waves in my heart as I walk signless road in evening light to cross every bridge nameless people built hoping to connect distant tribes of humans so we approach strangers with open hands. Now that stars wake me from dreamless hill soil, I follow whispers of wind in fruit trees to stone walls that sing secret of my name so we lose nothing we once thought was real till we offer snow to darkness of hope while flower-birds burst from eggs of our eyes. Tomorrow belongs to me when I touch slither of silver water in cool stream that flows from crystal snow of mountain peak and winds through anguish of my silent heart to sparkle bright on boundless plain of flight where we tell each other what we might know. Bright faces of water become themselves without one word we had hoped to invent so we can share analysis of truth before we wander too far lost in woods where shadows hide ghosts of people we love though their bodies crumbled to swirling dust. Dust of words from ancient myths of dead heroes fall out of books that we forgot to read so blind spirit of truth who dwelled alone in locked library now walks quaint avenue to teach children art of talking to birds who give us wings before they become stars. At last you understand I am blind guide sent by Death disguised as tornado ghost from bleak waste land where names of the dead wait still as lizards on stones to lead you forth from ruins of your church to bright-lit hall where children explain the secrets of science. So we gather on island in vast sea to eat pineapples of forgotten myths and thus transform into gods without wings to plant seeds of fruit trees from paradise we saved when planes bombed Heaven into faith and restore Garden of Eden on Earth.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Infinite Ladder Of Truth
Infinite Ladder Of Truth © Surazeus 2019 03 15 When John falls out of the window of peace he balloons into blinking eye of truth in shooting star that blazes bright with love across the universe of singing stars so we dance laughing to the twanging tune of his guitar that vibrates cosmic faith. Leaping backward into the Tree of Life, long-bearded prophet from wild Avalon rides steel-factory unicorn in the sky where Lucy dances with the diamond eye since she knows what it is like to be dead each time she springs out of his divine head. Now I feel like I have never been born so I follow the wide highway to hell where I dance in Strawberry Fields forever tripping over the secret pot of gold where my Leprechaun father twists rainbows into car engines that spiral far out. I climb the infinite ladder of truth and look through magnifying glass of my brain to see the word Yes in each pulsing atom that flashes in the clear eye of the sun so I buy roses from the star-eyed nurse who sings weird prophecies on Penny Lane. I follow long-haired prophet of world peace through endless labyrinth of huge silver screens beyond the crumbling walls of paradise to dance alone in waste land of Utah, chanting prophecies of the wise Glow Cloud where all my ancestors haunt my mute dreams. I take mask of the prophet off my face and walk alone in drizzling midnight rain past thousands of houses where inner glow of televisions shimmer in blank eyes so I can talk with ravens in dark woods who lead me beyond our civilized maze. The grandson of the prophet with no eyes sings complicated spells of psychic truth while hidden in dark basement of the soul to map the way home to paradise where Tree of Life fell rotten long ago though he keeps its last seed sealed in his brain. With each tornado born from ghost of truth my ancestor retreats into vast sky till mortal man becomes luminous cloud of divine wisdom that glows in my brain and haunts me while it guides me through the maze where skulls of gods swallow lost prophecies. I invent the past out of future dreams that fly fast at me on demonic wings of energetic passion for rebirth so I plant seeds of ten thousand fruit trees in the waste land where prophets discuss dreams and water their roots with my tears of hope. On each new anniversary of my death I hang out on the beach of singing skulls to chat with my once and future assassin complex concepts of fake philosophy that drips blood from my eyes in moonlight glow which I mold into this mask I wear now. I join his revolution number nine to dance on rainbows of nuclear missiles, then sail crystal boat on river of diamonds where laughing demons steal my dreamless eyes so I enter Grail Castle to explain secret of rebirth to the virgin queen. When John leaps from the coffin of world war he plays lyre of Mercury by the pond where Narcissus and Echo fall in love then slithers serpent-swift in tree of apples to offer ancient wisdom of the stars so I carve poems in Runes on skull of God.
Through Maze Of Myths
Through Maze Of Myths © Surazeus 2019 03 15 On the busy street in the sprawling city, where strange people are walking everywhere, I stop by the tree outside the book store and watch the urgent motion of desire. I wonder where they are going today, these random strangers with interesting faces whose names float invisible in the air, concealing thoughts that flash throughout their eyes. Haunted by Glow Cloud of infinite truth, I listen for thoughts they will never share as they vanish somewhere down signless streets so I will never see their face again. Even those people in my family, my children I have known since they were born many years ago, are strangers to me since I only guess what visions they dream. I turn around and gaze back down the road where my ancestors traveled to this moment for thousands of years around our vast globe, and feel their hungry hope urge me forth more. They traveled in wagons to the wild west more than one hundred years ago to find paradise far from nations rife with conflict and built homes in the rugged wilderness. So all those changes in society when nations of Europe fought two world wars my ancestors but heard of in the news, while preserving their medieval world views. I still see structure of society built on hierarchy of wisdom and strength, peasants working for nobles ruled by kings who manage food production from stone castles. This system of democracy we built to vote for presidents who rule like kings during four years to manage state affairs encouraged revolutions against kings. Common people working in factories united to overthrow royal kingdoms and established states on equality of every person to pursue their dreams. I learned to compose maps that represent landscape of the world where people build cities to process food so everyone can eat and thus work to earn fair wage for my labor. My eyes survey the structure of vast cities and watch how groups of people interact, then I strum guitar and sing of the hero who navigates their way through maze of myths.
Beyond The Pleasure Principle
Beyond The Pleasure Principle © Surazeus 2019 03 15 Live extrication of the monstrous heart that fuels aggressive tactics of my mind reveals agenda of fierce hunger force through aching compassion of blind desire. I drink coffee at the crowded cafe and plot revolution for more just laws, then watch historical dramas to see how people fought fascists for liberty. This fatal situation blaming light for glowing passion of conscious insight resolves itself through calculated risk because I faithfully perform my task. I must say what I think without regard so everyone knows delusions I make from broken wings of the red albatross which now haunts the arrogant mafia boss. I stop before the blank numberless door to every house ever built in the world and give new mask to father of the clan so he can understand the pain they feel. Another angry man with laughing gun kills people whose religious creed he fears will eradicate faith of his own truth which vanishes as illusion at dawn. I want to teach people the natural truth about life, not with bullets but with words, so everyone sees the same universe based on facts and not ideology. My heart transforms into demonic ghost that haunts my life trail as Glow Cloud of God who guides my way with moral code of scripture which I compose from my prophetic visions. We know why he wants to play the world king so we must oppose his chess game of power to equalize all people of the world though we copulate and kill to survive. I sit at the picnic table alone and talk to birds about our politics to design solutions that will rebuild conceptual model for society. So every person knows the sacred name our mother dreamed the hour before our birth we dance around the tree on river shore where first father fought the serpent of lies. Beyond the pleasure principle we play serious games of life and death with our thoughts while we stand silent, waiting for the bus to sit all day in the room without eyes.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
We Become Each Other Now
We Become Each Other Now © Surazeus 2019 03 14 Whirled snow flakes invent new name for my hand that touches infinite gloom. Every time the vacuum cleaner cries out to the light three birds take my eyes to the naked cave where the oldest woman in the world paints keys that lock broken hearts. Nowhere else time spools threads from tangled brain. We think he knows how cows design milk from rainbows of faith. The cat with eight eyes in glass box of dreams rules the real world that does not yet exist outside my words. When I wake before dawn I realize my eyes are open wide hole big as the Grand Canyon. I step from van and run across desert hill where quick snakes explain algorithm of heat. The secret of being awake I give to the last bird. Vast eye of the glowing ruby collides with passionate hope to resolve slipstream of infinite truth. I speak formulas of quick contraction on chessboard of power however long it takes to film the truth. All the sleek planes at every airport in the world are asleep in mask of ice. I am the emperor of this broken mirror. Where is my flower-eyed harbinger of love who wants to help kill priests stealing quick souls of children? Looking down in fragile vase of glass skulls, she watches birds without wings flock to ancient tree of rotten fruit. Death calls me on the telephone. Laughing ghost of transparent faith glues my skeleton back together from numbers without light. I paint lattice that reveals inner life I store in attic where ghosts twist contempt to create tornadoes. I design names for each tornado born from spiral eyes. Black phantom leaps from walls of ruined church to eat light in nuclear reactor dome though we kiss. I stand here on this one spot of lightning sparks in all our universe. The emptiness of truth that is my ghost visits my mother and father in dreams they never remember. I paint on wall of every house I lived in fifty years faces of dictators who murdered millions of children we are not. Never the meek inherit the Earth. Hungry angels howl idea of apples through my wandering cloud. I am the chosen guide you once called for before you crushed the telephone with rocks of salvation. I look at bright-lit homes filled with lives of invisible non-persons who equate night with silence of lost words. All I follow is my own strange desire to know why. Stark edge of infinity beckons me to drink darkness of true love. From broken dreams of lost pathetic souls I assemble puzzle of inner life that reveals desires to rule the fake world of fragile hopes. This door might be the one that leads me to paradise I invent from your myths. I found them in dusty books, the masks you dropped on the highway to hell although they resemble your loyal friends. Strict anguish of contempt scratched on car door conceals secret formula for success we buy at the discount store. I drive far beyond broken walls of your paradise because I want to live in my own heaven though the gate is locked. I stop at red lights and think about the mask I wear today which mirrors obsessions you never speak. Memories of those times we sat in the park talking about meaning of nothing much keep popping up before my staring eyes. All road signs point to Glow Cloud in blank skies where emptiness of self is all I know. True happiness, packaged in factories by religious zombies, so long for sale, bleeds from my eyes when indifferent rain sings. The bullet of hate knocks his head backward and splatters fragments of his pulsing brains on our blank faces for a thousand years so we laugh. I peel faces of my parents from my fractured skull to reveal mute demon whose emptiness blooms from dinosaur eggs to become this persona I express when I play chess with Death on windy beach. She looks through glasses at my twisted heart to calculate love that bleeds from my mouth. I smear dreams of compassion on blank page of every book that no one ever reads in every dark library in the world where you wait. I always see your true face in the mirror where you have never looked for your soul. We become each other now.
Red Octagon Sign
Red Octagon Sign © Surazeus 2019 03 14 She stops before the red octagon sign where four letters in white reveal strange truth, shaping features she perceives in the world that look like curved river, tall tree, round sun, and human face, but wonders what it means, four pictures that map the way to the garden where she tends fruit trees by the winding river while the sun shines warm, giving life to all. Walking along cracked road into vast city where no one has lived for a hundred years, she gazes astonished at rusting cars, houses, apartments, office buildings, stores, churches, factories, shopping malls, and banks, and wonders about the people who built enormous structures from bright metal beams, then sits alone on river shore and weeps. Before she died last month among fruit trees, while we were sitting in glowing moonlight, my grandmother told me how she was born when this bright city was busy with life, filled with magical machines that allowed people far away to communicate, because wizards they called scientists found secrets of atoms that compose all bodies. In one hundred years they transformed the world from farmers with horses in wooden homes to computer operators with cars in sprawling cities built from steel and glass, and everyone held tablets in their hands that radiated beams of light through the air, who talked to each other across the land as they flew metal birds around the world. Instead of bringing peace and harmony between every nation around the world, these magic tablets they could use to talk caused fierce conflict between opposing groups, so people in gangs fought to control truth, competing to narrate how all things work, but they destroyed each other in great war, killing everyone over right to live. Walking into large store filled with cobwebs, she holds small eye phone gleaming in her hand where she sees her face reflected in glass, so she takes it back to garden of trees far outside town on the curved river shore, and places it on shrine inside her cave where it gleams dark and silent in moonlight while she brews juice and sings forgotten tunes.
Horror Of Beautiful Love
Horror Of Beautiful Love © Surazeus 2019 03 14 Most days when I wake before dawn I feel like Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now, head stuffed with straw and bones fragile as glass as I hunch bleary-eyed in silent ruins of lofty cathedral where nought but wind whispers words of horror from mute abyss secrets of prophets and philosophers who search for God and find only themselves. I walk along old trail of broken hearts where skull of every person who has lived, since we first crawled up rivers from weird sea, watches me explore labyrinth of lost myths to create new character I will play on public stage of power littered with bones of kings who seek for immortality but vanish as their children play new roles. Whoever manages to steal from death Mask of God to play high authority, enforcing moral laws of right and wrong, loses their sense of self in role they play through vain bid to gain glory of great fame, so they vanish from history without name that defines private personality when they search for themselves and find fake God. I sail up river into Heart of Darkness on sacred quest to find the Holy Grail, and then assassinate my alter ego who crowns himself emperor of the Earth, but contemplate mystery of consciousness while I gaze at my face in flowing water as Narcissus tries to find his love Echo where she dances singing in gold starlight. This fractured body of my buzzing soul, once assembled by Doctor Frankenstein, I navigate through labyrinth of locked doors past pedestals where minotaurs stand guard with double-headed labyr axe of justice to climb ziggurat of star-singing goddess who brews mushroom wine that will blow my mind when I reincarnate from her vast womb. I climb thirteen steps of high pyramid and find giant diamond-eyed telescope where I gaze down in crowded maze of hope, watching people who make things with their hands they sell in markeplace of new ideas to earn fortune in the American Dream while I manipulate their puppet souls with promise of eternal life in Heaven. I rule this fertile globe of rock and water that spirals randomly through empty void by measuring landscape of its clashing force, then mapping contours of our psychic dreams to comprehend secret of flowing streams and compile encyclopedia of knowledge I gathered by encircling with my feet crystal structure forming eyeball of Earth. Rubbing my head with crafty hands of wit, I contemplate emptiness of frail forms because all objects of material shape are teeming clumps of energetic atoms that transform through states of chemical force, consuming each other in constant war to direct life through self-control of law, awed by the horror of beautiful love.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
People With No Mouths
People With No Mouths © Surazeus 2019 03 13 In the village of people with no mouths they seek to express strange amorphous thoughts about contingency of second birth by exchanging seeds of flowers, herbs, and fruits. The little girl walking among bluebells, that sprout from blank eyes of their dead ancestors, discovers red mushroom that blooms from heart of her mother who sleeps from drinking rain. Plucking the red mushroom, soft as the moon glowing on clear pond among apple trees, the little girl consumes it with her eyes so the mushroom blooms from her ruby heart. When the girl sits in village ring of faces, the mushroom blooms from soft skin of her face and they stare astonished with blinking eyes when she opens red lips of her round mouth. The little girl opens her mouth and sings melody of wind rustling leaves of trees in harmony with water-trickling stream through bird words that flash visions in their eyes. When the little girl with red mushroom mouth kisses the face of each person, a mouth blooms from mute anguish of their aching heart, so they join strange song of water and wind. Leading the villagers, both young and old, in circles around landscape of their eyes, the little girl with red mushroom mouth signs each existing object with bird-tweet name. Holding hands in circle on round hill top, the villagers with red mushroom mouths sing with the voice of wind and sunlight on water as they transform into tall apple trees.
So I Feel Every Bullet
So I Feel Every Bullet © Surazeus 2019 03 13 The bones of people killed by men with guns rise up from mud of Earth and walk at dawn, crowding city streets with clack of their pain to wash our tears away in flashing rain so I feel every bullet blow my mind. The little girl lost in vast maze of fear appears before me with flowers in her hands then wild sea wind blows melodies of hope to whistle through frail cracked skull of her soul so I feel every bullet blow my mind. She reaches bone-sharp fingers in my breast to clutch tight wild beating wings of my heart and twists it from tendons of my rib cage then sets my soul free to soar among clouds so I feel every bullet blow my mind. I see them all around me on sea shore, bones of their sorrow glowing in moonlight, then I become breath of souls killed by guns who haunt my life in every open door so I feel every bullet blow my mind.
Way Of Wholesome Masculinity
Way Of Wholesome Masculinity © Surazeus 2019 03 13 My strong sense of responsibility for the life of children I generate blocks quick thrust of my desire to enjoy pleasure of passion for this mindless now, because I want to raise my children well by teaching them to navigate strange maze of reality, and guide them on way of truth to paradise of fruitful trees where strict routine of actions nurtures life, ensuring they survive after I die. If I pursue quick pleasure of desire then leave the woman pregnant with my child to survive this reckless world, if she can, my genes may dissipate from dream of time because I abandoned them to blind fate, but if I commit passion of my love to care for the woman I impregnate, sheltering her from hostile environment, and feeding her good food I hunt and gather, I can preserve lives of children we make. I think this way is natural for my mind, to plan long-term beyond moment of pleasure for preserving lives of my wife and children, because most of my male ancestors paused at moment of connection through hot lust to remember how men blinded by passion failed to preserve lives of their fragile children, and so decided to commit their hearts to guarding life of the woman they loved so their children grew up healthy and wise. Thus men who focused on moment of pleasure, then abandoned pregnant women to fate, failed to teach their children how to live well so their way of thinking vanished at death of each generation lost in the world, while men who focused on raising their children by caring for their wives with generous love taught their children how to investigate nature of this Earth to survive and thrive, so their offspring now populate the world. Though urge of chemical biology drives me with fierce desire to procreate with every woman I meet in the world, I exercise self-control of respect to honor first the wish of every woman to control her own reproductive rights and commit eager passion of my heart to care for one woman who shares my love when we both express our mutual affection to work together raising children well. Instead of impregnating every woman I can catch against desire of her heart, who would sacrifice or abort the child, unwanted because forced against her will, I respect private will of every woman to choose the man with whom she wants to breed, because she generates flesh from her flesh, thus I protect the right of every woman to live the way she chooses, and to bear the child she wants to raise with loving care. No woman should be forced against her will to bear the child of fierce aggressive man who cares nothing for her private desires, so every man should care for every woman to respect and honor her right to choose whether or not to bear child from her heart, then every child well born to loving parents, who work together to teach them good way to savor beautiful pleasures of life, will transcend flesh with divine consciousness. When force of genetic biology urges me to procreate in new children, so eternal spirit of foaming genes reincarnates again in flesh of bodies, I control urgent energy of lust to woo the woman who attracts my heart, so we together plan our matrimony with mutual agreement to replicate children of our love through expressed free will, and thus we build our family on respect. Through way of wholesome masculinity, based on respect for free will of each woman to exercise her reproductive rights through clear-eyed choice to share passion with me, I navigate confusing maze of life through hostile landscape of indifferent nature by committing faithful love of my heart to live hand in hand with my trusting mate so we raise children to love the White Whole who create with joy after we both die.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Seething Fertility Of Nature
Seething Fertility Of Nature © Surazeus 2019 03 12 Seething fertility of nature flows through chemical process of flashing blood that nurtures consciousness of dreaming brains in constant regeneration of form that blossoms as tendrils of bones and nerves from spiraling coil of genetic soul. The pregnant woman generates new body of sensitive flesh to conjugate soul of conscious awareness in flashing brain which incarnates flighty imagination bound within limits of chemical shape so immortal God wakes in mortal Human. While Mother Earth molds our bodies from slime with sloshing hunger from swift-swirling sea, and throws us panting for spiritual breath on cold indifferent shore in beams of light, we rise up tall on two feet and stretch arms of hope to fly high, urged by angst of love. Crouching low on river shore among trees, I scope landscape to spot fierce predators, then, gripping stick and stone, I run on wind to attack the wolf that ate half my clan, hurling stone to stun its head as I thrust sharp spear into its heart, and howl its voice. Draping wolf fur cape over my tense shoulders, and, gripping diamond that glitters sunlight, I raise metal wand I dug from foul muck, and lead my clan on winding river shore to curve of placid pool teeming with fish, so boys holding spears form ring to stand guard. Sitting on stone perched on high rounded hill, I hold wand and diamond under tall tree that hangs heavy with apples full of juice, while worshippers kneel and offer me gifts in return for apples from Tree of Life, then drink juice and dance under sparkling stars. Twelve girls pregnant with my children form ring around throne with monolith where I sit and judge disputes people bring to my court, then five men leap from large crowd and hurl spears to kill me and my brides, but I leap swift to break sharp spears and crush their fragile heads. Erecting ring of stones around fruit tree, I build paradise around garden haven surrounding tall tower of stone on high hill where I keep watch over large market town that thrives around sturdy walls of my castle, invisible god whose eye sees all things. I carve commandments on tablets of stone, establishing rules of social behavior which I enforce with harshest punishment to build strong walls of paradise that stands firm against hostile forces of cruel nature to protect society against death. My sons fight civil war for thought control over who will reign as god when I die, but they kill each other with bloody swords, and thousands of my people die from plagues, so I sit alone, last person alive, hungry and cold in prison tower of power. Descending tower of power in castle grounds, where gardens of fruit trees are tangled wild, I walk past skeletons rotting in mud, to stand on river shore in gleaming dawn where my ancestors founded paradise, and watch fish swimming in still-flowing stream. I spear large fish and roast it on hot flames, then sing heart-aching melody of love, alone in paradise reclaimed by nature, and listen to soft voices of dead souls who crowd around me in clear moon-lit night to sing their names forgotten in the wind.
Flowing Wave Of Still Infinity
Flowing Wave Of Still Infinity © Surazeus 2019 03 12 The most intense moments of deep awareness, when we become conscious of divine glow that shimmers from neurons of our dreaming brains, we spend alone among sun-silent trees, attempting to compose expressive song through flowing wave of still infinity. What spirit-flashing wind of aching hope swells conscious sense of self beyond the shell of fragile bone encasing sponge-wet brain so we become moist body of the world and feel all living things in tense compassion through flowing wave of still infinity? How can we capture in tumble of words, we utter soft from hollow breast of shock, where beating heart of lust to know the truth fuels frantic urge, this weird transcendent vision of whole complexity that awes our minds through flowing wave of still infinity? So strange this shimmering vision of the world that glows complete before our gazing eyes, visible only to our stark attention, simple in its vast comprehensive image, yet too complex to describe in linear speech through flowing wave of still infinity. Whenever I enter this conscious trance of clear perception, where I see as one countless processes weaving tapestry of vast reality, I float on waves of wordless ecstasy to become all through flowing wave of still infinity. Though bound inside limited shell of flesh, that my mother generated from slime, my conscious glow of divine comprehension expands large as the White Whole of all light so tangled genes of my name spiral wide through flowing wave of still infinity. I lose sense of my particular self as strange special details of my being vanish in swirling mind that spirals zillion suns so every atom of my body pulses quick in rancid harmony with all minds through flowing wave of still infinity. Awake through mirroring conceptual flash of atheist spiritualism, I laugh with surging waves of joy that spark my heart to gallop wild on timeless plain of faith, exploring our world dreamed by the White Whole through flowing wave of still infinity.
Garden Of The Broken Gate
Garden Of The Broken Gate © Surazeus 2019 03 12 This war that rages all around my head is nothing more than illusions of words billowing as smoke from mouths of the dead who follow each other in howling herds. We shoot each other with sarcastic jibes to prove that we are right and they are wrong then go about our boring daily lives to eat despair and suppress the weird song. We encode dreams to calculate fate so we can navigate vast maze of lies while dodging volleys of aggressive hate that splatter ideologies through eyes. This civil war we fight to define truth destroys delusions of our noble state so every soul becomes messiah sleuth as we contest right to investigate. We crucify god on telephone pole who reigned as our tyrant in the White House so we interview who will play king role to overthrow messiah of blind clowns. The triumvirate of three emperors who rule world empire of national pride vanishes in clear light of honest mirrors where the new queen of the world will abide. When Mother Amen on first pyramid reveals creation of our universe how we evolved from the first phoronid she heals our wounded hearts as psychic nurse. When illusion of empire falls apart we dance in ring of stones to celebrate then design and create new worldview chart that leads from garden of the broken gate.
Seething Ghosts Of Energy
Seething Ghosts Of Energy © Surazeus 2019 03 12 I preserve my sorrows in the cool fridge so I can eat them when my hungry soul aches for proverbial wisdom of friendship, then every word we speak in confidence I bury in the backyard of lost hopes to publish pithy phrases for respect. Instant grammar of the twisted concern for passionate embrace in silver light of the moon that laughs at our sacred love still calculates how many likes we earn for every poem we post on instagram in desperate hope our wisdom is no scam. The sweet illusion of my gentle self I paint on social media hides the mask I design from those humorous anecdotes I tell everyone at the dinner party to share our precious stories of survival as true citizen of America. From each migroaggression I create honest identity as the oppressed which I play on social stage of state power to earn credits of loyal love from strangers who apply admiration of respect which paints idol of my good character. With choir of social justice warriors I tweet coded phrases to earn salvation in the paradise of good reputation which flickers as shadow on the cave wall where we preserve delusions of grandeur while burning violators at the stake. We strip away sarcasm of intent to expose raw nerves of humiliation when angry mobs of vigilantes crowd court of public opinion to condemn those who dare to entertain nuanced views which explain strange complexity of life. We are engaged in a great civil war where, instead of wild gangs of angry boys shooting each other with guns of despair, fierce gangs of social justice warriors attack each other with sarcastic jibes and dox new victims to destroy their lives. What strange adrenaline rush of desire can energize our bodies with contempt to drink delusion of unquestioned right and howl at strangers, drunk with argument that proves they are evil and should be killed in brutal battle to define the state. People entrenched in ideology on both sides of the partisan divide shoot sarcastic jokes of hostile contempt to bomb opposing groups into submission by accusing souls on the other side of wishing to enforce rules of behavior. People always contest for power to write new narrative of truth that will define good and evil characters in our play of national history as struggle to live by presenting players on the public stage as god or devil in the war for truth. Whoever wins the struggle for control writes the story of who is right or wrong, though the wisest ones will sing the weird song about evolution from the White Whole that accounts for contest to reproduce, for we are seething ghosts of energy. The Earth generated our souls from slime so we consume each other to survive, evolving forms to match environment on constant progress to replicate soul as we dance laughing over deep abyss on bridge of ambition to become God.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Act Of Prayer
Act Of Prayer © Surazeus 2019 03 11 The act of prayer has no changing effect on physical state of the universe, for visions in the brain cannot beam rays to transform structure of existing matter, nor does intense energy of desire convince some supernatural deity to change the universe that it designed although such a cosmic-sized conscious mind does not exist outside the human mind, thus prayer is nought but expression of hope. Though prayer can focus intent of the mind on analyzing perceptions of things that helps us better visualize our hope, we must apply force of active design that will manipulate matter of things so gestures of hands will alter the state of chemical nature to reconstruct the shape of one thing into something else, thus prayer effects change in nature of things through physical force of our active hands. So though I pray for my success in life, which helps me express in vision of words how I want to change nature of the world to improve our system of food-production, I must implement strict program of change that activates transformation I want through stepping progress of cause and effect so we can create new world we imagine that nurtures existence of every soul, supporting growth of each person through love. Through act of prayer we can visualize how to improve system of society that benefits every existing person, then through act of our hands we implement vision of this better world we desire, and thus we work together to create fair social system that benefits all with equal opportunities for life, so join hands with me in circle of prayer to share our visions of this world we love.
Till All Our Sorrows Flow
Till All Our Sorrows Flow © Surazeus 2019 03 11 Wherever children call forgotten names of rain angels that dance on flashing lake, we will wake from memory of their childhood when we are way too old to understand coded riddles of the way fruit trees laugh with aching joy to still be alive now. We sit together on the lush lake shore and talk about everything we once thought till our heads are empty of lost obsessions so we observe new ripples of strange time flowing across the surface of our eyes till we dissolve in memories of our hopes. The lake knows the mystery of our desires, for hidden in its silent depths still lurk wild aching passions we long to express through uncontrolled dance of our flailing limbs to discover limits that bind our bodies though we leap high to become the bright wind. Insistent drum of rain on cottage roof supplies strict rhythm of expressive time so we sing slow in tune with aching rhyme through melancholy vibe of psychic truth that we may yet survive indifferent wind which crushes everything we built on hope. So curling up from dark abyss of fear, strange horror spirals outward from my heart in heart-enchanting melody of faith that though we vanish in black gloom of death we may taste pleasure while our hearts still throb in steady rhythm with the beating rain. Pale white in red glow of stark evening sun, their faces stare at me in silent awe when I cease singing words of aching hope, and thoughts I sang drip silent from frail leaves to splash and flow as tears down every cheek till all our sorrows flow lost down the river.
Spirit House Of Hope
Spirit House Of Hope © Surazeus 2019 03 11 I love how the river flows winding wide curves of elegant grace through rolling hills of trembling passion to the sloshing sea where I was molded by currents of hope that still weave flashing neurons of my brain in rhythm with pulsing waves of desire. Soft ripple of the river current flow caresses my face with loving compassion when I crawl grasping diamonds through swift stream from deep cold ocean where my mind was formed to slither in tranquil pool of fresh water where I float forever in sensual glow. While stretching sensually in warm sun glow, I sing vibration of my aching heart to generate new body for my soul, then he grasps my heart tight to fertilize eggs of my hope before they leave my womb so they transform into my replicants. My sister spews her eggs into still pool before he can fertilize them with seed so they swirl away in swift flushing flow while mine cluster tight around me and grow from wiggling tadpoles into four-legged lizards who crawl on river shore and eat insects. When giant spider with blood-sucking fangs leaps from stalk to consume our throbbing souls, we climb high tree and skitter on long limbs where wind brushes our feather-scales to fur, so we leap limb to limb with grasping hands, then cuddle making love where apples bloom. Plucking ripe apple with large grasping hands, I leap from tree and slide into sea waves where I walk upright in high-surging tide, dancing on long legs to keep my head up high, then walk on shore while grasping stick and stone to huddle on vast plain where milk cows graze. Eating mushrooms that flash dreams in my eyes, I sing flowing words of heart-aching tunes to symbolize connection between sounds and objects with qualities that perform actions animated by urgent desire to hunt with my family on river shore. Clumping thick clay that bakes hard in sunlight, I stack bricks to pave hill with pyramid where we sit safe in spirit house of hope to feast on bread and sing tales of our eyes when Mother Amen names each human soul as we explore our world with grasping hands.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Shadows Of Their Souls
Shadows Of Their Souls © Surazeus 2019 03 10 From visible darkness my mushroom brain, sprouting outward on writhing wings of lust, converts rotten muck into tangled web of neurons flashing with pure divine soul to wake in superconscious dream as God who walks along mountain river of truth. Descending from indifferent mountain cave, where I saw contests for power between men as shadowy illusions cast by bright fire of ambitious hope, I enter arched gate of ancient citadel my fathers built, to stand silent in the grand council hall. Standing before my brother, who now reigns as king of our empire, I raise gold wand and declare, "I follow my own mandate, and condemn our father and you for crime of enslaving people against their will and forcing them to labor for your wealth." My brother gestures for guards to attack, but I twirl swift on rainbow wings of faith and swing gold wand I forged from mountain heart to smash all arrows and swords aimed at me, then stand triumphant in astonished court, frowning when my brother falls to his knees. I hesitate on verge of victory, worried I will become corrupted by power, acting from blind fear with cruel tyranny, but if I walk away from throne of judgment someone else much worse will assume the seat, so I sit to enforce true liberty. Sitting on throne of judgment to rule well, I declare all men and women now free from ownership by other human beings, and every soul shall be paid for their labor, then lift high holy grail of divine truth and drink blood of the Earth to seal new law. I walk about our kingdom every day, enforcing laws of justice for all people to ensure every soul with conscious mind lives free to pursue their own happiness within structure of our society so each does what they want, if they harm none. I marry the woman who tends fruit trees and teach our seven sons my noble laws, but they contest over who will reign next while I sit in high mountain cave, watching shadows of their souls on the wall, and listen to song of the waterfall.
Core Of My Being
Core Of My Being © Surazeus 2019 03 10 If I strip away all identity in search for essential core of my being till I stand naked on the river shore I find nothing more than brain full of dreams that invents stories to explain its state describing how my soul transformed from nothing. The white male Christian European mask, which reflects essential core of my being, describes through race and creed and landscape name long rugged path that winds around the world my ancestors blazed for ten thousand years to regenerate themselves through my birth. All humans everywhere around the world no matter nationality or creed began our quest on Pyramid of Amen where First Mother stood with arms outstretched wide to sing creation of the universe and gave us vision to explore the world. We all spread outward from her pyramid to found hundreds of nations from four races in every valley of our spinning world where colors and shapes of bodies and eyes were molded by the landscape where we dwelled though her first song still vibrates in our minds. The differences of appearance we wear reflect the paths our ancestors explored so how we look reveals the special way they journeyed across landscape of our world and shows the map of how we all survived when we celebrate human soul we share. I want to know the details of your story encoded in the color of your skin and recorded in legends of your creed for your experience, though different from mine, reveals essential core of being we share in curious eagerness to know the truth.
World-Wide Ring Of Phones
World-Wide Ring Of Phones © Surazeus 2019 03 10 Crackling whisper of sand in restless wind calculates passion of love we all feel to replicate our bodies through wild spring of soul-transforming rain on turning globe where angels sprout from mud in human form so we gather around bright fire to sing. Ring of ancient voices on tree-stirred wind expands our consciousness beyond the skull that guards galactic tangle of brain wires which conjures model of vast universe in flickering flash of vision bound by words so we sing to each other at the fire. Though we alone are here alive in wind, the flashing spell of words our tongues propel conjures visions of people now long dead so we sense their ghosts our own brains invent glide around us as scented moon-gray smoke so we sing to the ghosts around our fire. The ghosts of dead people our words designed vanish at flash of the sun rising red over hills of anguish where we must hunt on quest for food that will sustain our souls when we return to sacred ring of stones so we share stories around fire of truth. Thousands of years later, I have returned to ring of stones where my ancestors sat for countless generations every night to share stories that create my world view which preserves their tales in dreams of my brain so I sit alone around fire of truth. Now we hold fragments of eternal flame glowing encased in tablets of smart phones that connect our minds in the world wide web though we walk alone in vast maze of time, still exploring mysteries of our lush world so we share tales in world-wide ring of phones.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
New Arcane Scripture
New Arcane Scripture
© Surazeus
2019 03 09
Whatever gang gains power in Washington
and erects new strict ideology
to worship law or personality,
I will follow my own private religion
where I live by physical laws of nature
based on visions I express in new scripture.
I celebrate myself and sing myself,
just like the Gotham Prophet once proclaimed,
and though I am mocked I am not ashamed
to sing calculations of magic spells
for I am the talking organic creature
who codes creation in new arcane scripture.
Though money gangsters ruling Earth from banks
oppress me with more strict rules of behavior
I will resist and become the great savior
who leads vast armies in jetplanes and tanks
till my heroism is stained in portraiture
because I compose wisdom in new scripture.
Political leaders may rise and fall
in constant turmoil of aggressive power,
but like the bee brews honey from the flower
I become process of the waterfall
through chemistry of the solar filature
and describe the White Whole in sacred scripture.
© Surazeus
2019 03 09
Whatever gang gains power in Washington
and erects new strict ideology
to worship law or personality,
I will follow my own private religion
where I live by physical laws of nature
based on visions I express in new scripture.
I celebrate myself and sing myself,
just like the Gotham Prophet once proclaimed,
and though I am mocked I am not ashamed
to sing calculations of magic spells
for I am the talking organic creature
who codes creation in new arcane scripture.
Though money gangsters ruling Earth from banks
oppress me with more strict rules of behavior
I will resist and become the great savior
who leads vast armies in jetplanes and tanks
till my heroism is stained in portraiture
because I compose wisdom in new scripture.
Political leaders may rise and fall
in constant turmoil of aggressive power,
but like the bee brews honey from the flower
I become process of the waterfall
through chemistry of the solar filature
and describe the White Whole in sacred scripture.
Yellow Wood Of Hope
Yellow Wood Of Hope © Surazeus 2019 03 09 The white kitten in the cupboard with eyes green as surging ocean of the bright moon explains mysterious passion of true love that strikes my heart when I gaze in your soul. Awakened voices of the young who see conceptual forms of strange eternity emerge from mist of how it used to be and sing about Utopia they desire. The glorious bards of America seem to cheer our lofty land with hopeful people who transform misery into naked song when hiding horror behind mask of death. Then pausing in the snowy woods at dusk, the steel-eyed bard dreams visions of sunlight pierching shadows of trees to reveal faith that justice will prevail through raging war. The roads of time-bound consequence diverge multiple times in yellow wood of hope so all other possible worlds of fate vanish in mist of each new choice we make. Through absence of the vast absolute mind we wake bound tight in frail atomic form of brain-animated body to dream infinite scope of love flashing our eyes. So mindless deity of aching love restrains itself in taut genetic coils to generate this moist body that nurtures flicker of consciousness we dream as soul. Thus every ache of suffering sparks awake brighter this consciousness of how we feel so we become more ourselves every day and sing with surging ocean of our hearts.
To Live As Long As I Can
To Live As Long As I Can © Surazeus 2019 03 09 Strict arbitrary glow of sunlight gold on changing faces of our fragile souls reveals strange truth of shadow in the door who gives us name that means nothing to us. More pure revelation of tinged concept opening curtain slats to disturb rays of sunlight on indifferent grass of time I accept but invent my own new name. Pursuit of the rainbow that cracks my eyes leads my footsteps wound through whispering woods to the first tree that ever curled from Earth so I may comprehend sound of your voice. All other things we need to do to live, maintaining animation of this body, I do with strict routine of hope to spend quality time with you in our backyard. I once lived for the afterlife alone, enduring painful events of this life in suspended animation of fear, crawling through misery for paradise lost. Now that I know there is no afterlife, I savor every moment of each day I find myself still alive with sharp ache of desire to live as long as I can. Waking startled at this hour of still light, that floats amused in air around my home, I trembled amazed in paradise found within vision-throbbing glow of my brain. We talk a while to convey recent thoughts in constant calculations of our hopes to flash faith in each other as bright lamp that guides us united on quest to love.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Eye Of The Glowing Ruby
Eye Of The Glowing Ruby © Surazeus 2019 03 08 Where Tara sees red star fall from the moon she puts on swan wings, her blind mother wove from laughter of children drowned in the sea, and flies along curving glow of the river to find dark ruby lodged in thick oak roots. Somersaulting between jaws of the dragon, Tara snatches ruby from its blood eye then transforms into otter to escape, and hides in apple tree on the cliff ledge where butterflies discuss philosophy. Peering into eye of the glowing ruby, Tara dreams first flash of the bright big bang which flares forth wide into spiraling torus of eyeless mother-stars who birth new worlds where people rise from lake of eyes and sing. Pulsing at core of the spiraling torus, huge round star-spider with billions of eyes spins web of galaxies from tangled skein of flashing neurons in her throbbing brain, so Tara sings in rhythm with sea waves. Swimming along gushing flow of the river, Tara climbs over diamond sand to cave where humming shadows writhe on jagged walls, then tucks her wings and otter cape away, and sits with eight sisters by the crackling fire. The oldest woman in the world, with hair gray as spider webs on high cavern roof, demands she give her ruby of the moon, so Tara swallows it into her heart but agony of lost love sears her soul. Transformed into wingless serpent of fear, Tara slithers into heart of the globe where she wears skull of every soul who lived in history of the world that spins in void, and dreams entire flow of their life to death. Waking in gray dawn, Tara births young boy with silver eyes who reaches out his hand to touch her face, and she remembers why seeds bloom into trees where ripe apples hang, and sings creation of the universe.
Torus Of Everything That Exists
Torus Of Everything That Exists © Surazeus 2019 03 08 Birds remember to fly back to my heart though the world we always knew falls apart in fragments of world views that oppose truth while puzzle of faith by the wordless sleuth is analyzed for sunlight on the stream because of when I kiss you in my dream. Gold candles flicker in the house of gloom while storm-winds prophesy our cosmic doom but though I gaze in glow of candle flames I see no God in flash of conscious names that we assign ourselves with masks we wear to label mortal shapes born from the star. Our indifferent universe loves my soul because she weaves my brain from the White Whole so hologram model of everything about which ten thousand shining girls sing reflects in tangled neurons of mind dreams shape of worlds that flash in galactic streams. I think I see one star fall in the sea but all I find on the shore is gem key that glows with memories of ancestral eyes who long dreamed of dancing above the skies but when I search for Heaven in swift plane I find nothing more real than clouds and rain. The absolute completeness of hot light generates my mind from dark form of night so I become the final end of lust that foams into flesh, then dissolves to dust, when I wake in bliss as Knower and Known to carve my Idea Soul into white stone. Meditating in core of the white sun, I am Everything that beams from the One so I face myself in mirror of All then sing hymns with you in cathedral hall to spiral from coiled genes of ancient soul at first flash flaring forth from the White Whole. The torus of everything that exists spirals from the vast White Whole that persists through beaming eternal Ideas of things into the love-conscious mother who sings visions about the pure essence of light that pulses in each atom of our heart. While standing on sea shore in black dawn I think I see eyes of stars looking down, but no conscious God in vast empty sky is watching me to answer questions why, so I glide singing with the cosmic flow since I am nothing more real than brain glow.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Peaceful Waves Of My Brain
Peaceful Waves Of My Brain © Surazeus 2019 03 07 Sweet memory of floating in the bright sea more than seven hundred million years ago still shimmers in peaceful waves of my brain. Through enchanting spell of song in word key we calculate weird process of time flow to blossom from seed in laughter of rain. Ascending mountain where fresh wind blows free, I drink from fountain of the singing crow and bake bread for everyone from sun grain. Plucking rain-ripe apple from the broad tree, that whispers secrets by the warm chateau, I flash seed to permeate vast world domain.
Our Love Is Creative Force
Our Love Is Creative Force © Surazeus 2019 03 07 Our love is creative force that we perform with generous expression of rich concern to cause actions that construct, not destruct, organic structures of bodies and minds through close analysis of needs and wants to assess how much we can give and take. Observing chemical nature of life, I perceive what causes expensive growth and urge my actions to generate life by channeling material to nurture hope so our bodies consume nutritious food that sparks flush of desire in blooming change. What actions that cause destruction of forms I avoid with strict self-control to rein aggressive suggestion of selfish greed and swerve from motion that would but destroy so I preserve structures of living bodies to maintain life till inevitable death. Since all organic creatures will decay and structures of bodies and minds dissolve in constant transformation of fierce change, I restrict my actions so I cause growth and restrain inevitable fall toward death, and thus express love for all to live well.
Truth I Perceive Now
Truth I Perceive Now © Surazeus 2019 03 07 Though I speak words, they are not carved in stone, so concepts I express flow through my mind in constant shifting shadows of discernment as I analyze fragments of perceptions to consider where each small piece of data fits in the overall puzzle of life while I design ever-changing world view that helps me comprehend nature of being so I can better navigate vast maze of human interactions to avoid collisions of desire when I express vision of my free will to live in peace. I want force of my actions to create goodness of sweet pleasure and happiness so effect of results from active cause of my emotional desire, from urge to consume food and procreate strong children, generates benevolent consequence through good will conjured from more ideal vision glowing in my mind that our social structure supports productive lifestyle of more people who cooperate through mutual love for truth, since those who perceive real truth of the world can better sustain strong health of their body. Today I express concepts I perceive based on facts I analyze and align within structure of how things operate, but tomorrow more new facts I perceive may necessitate re-evaluation so I may adjust pattern of belief to better focus attention on truth helping me better comprehend reality as I build ideology on facts rather than twist facts to support false views distorted by incomplete ideology, because I want to comprehend real truth. Facts are basic truths our senses perceive, but how we describe nature of those facts with sentences of words reveals world view based on specific principles of ideas, so how we align facts in patterned pictures expresses architecture of belief that formulates structure of how we see process of cause and effect that displays secret agenda of our base desires to seek nurturing pleasure of our success, so we see what true facts we want to see, filtering out facts that oppose our will. This world is one gigantic mass of facts, but I focus on facts I need to know to construct puzzle of vast ideology that guides how I act as I navigate landscape of this world to find food to eat, working with my mate to produce good children within protective walls of garden haven where we feast and sing to share our perceptions, and teach them how to perceive this strange world and design their own dynamic world view that helps them to survive, thrive, and procreate, so my words express truth I perceive now.
Restore Process Of Democracy
Restore Process Of Democracy © Surazeus 2019 03 07 Soft flowing curves of the porcelain lamp, painted sunset brown as frail autumn leaves, reminds me of her considerate smile when she looks up from her chair by the window while reading yet another romance novel, and looks at me with eyes green as pine trees in high mountains before winter snow falls, then reminds me of what we need to do. I rise from my chair in half-shadowed room and move from sharp gold glow of the desk lamp, which illuminates the bones of her face, becoming the mystery of silent gloom, and plot new revolution for our camp when we expand knowledge of arcane space, to call about the thing we need to do, while I shine in radiant concept of blue. We walk together on long signless road to navigate strange unspoken desires beyond ruined walls of paradise lost, so by the river I set down my load to erase past mistakes in wordless fires since we calculate what it all must cost, although we kiss in mist of waterfalls and leave unanswered new telephone calls. Relaxing in the downtown cafe, mute as purring kittens in sun on the floor, we drink coffee and talk about the truth that no one can see, while the silver flute explains concept of invisible door which hides the trail followed by the blind sleuth who investigates the thing we have done that cannot be solved by the laughing gun. Still holding hands after contentious fight, we run through alley of the singing skulls with bags full of star-lit diamonds we stole from their elegant angel of far-sight whose prophecy was ignored by cruel fools who cannot understand our ancient goal to restore process of democracy that defends true justice of liberty. Now that we trash class inequality to ensure each person has basic rights to life, liberty, and wild happiness, we analyze flash of causality to perceive nature of atomic lights that nurture expression of craftiness where every person does their private thing under protection of the divine wing. We construct from cracked bones of dinosaurs new empire of equal rights for all souls who work together in bright factory maze to make products for sale in shiny stores while wise people design new social roles as we transcend each revolution phase to create United Nations of Earth where every conscious soul enjoys rebirth. At the end of the day we all return home to the lamp-illuminated stage where we express weird drama of our hearts to celebrate our victory against death by constraining chaos into strict order which generates health of our dreaming minds as we feel Earth spinning into the void where we are one with the cosmic White Whole.
Mask Of Who I Am Now
Mask Of Who I Am Now © Surazeus 2019 03 07 The house of the moon where I keep my soul shines invisible to the eye of greed for its walls are fragile pages of light where I write down all the dreams I forgot in words that slip through my fingers like rain before I can taste memories of your love. It seems I am always walking through doors to find the mystery of your secret name you never tell me except through your song that shimmers on the naked air of hope so when I think I understand real you you shapeshift into sweet stranger I love. I think about the way the river flows through sparkles of sunlight in silent wind to lead me wandering among heat-dry hills whose timeless ecstasy of lurid stillness reveals cute mask you wear to lure me home so I stay here alone on the lake shore. Although if you crack open my frail bones you can read the history of my desire to replicate new body from my soul so I can spring beyond my broken self on coiled genetic wings of strict ambition and fly among the clouds that rain on you. The house of the moon we together build from story pages we tear from old books protects our passion-scarred hearts from lost faith long shrouding our minds in veil of despair since rain flushes aching tears of mute sorrow in thirsty soil that drinks our loyal love. If you wake to see me walking through doors of abandoned churches to measure walls of ruined faith that crumble with turned time you can invent new name for me to wear that hour we roll together in wet grass and kiss in passionate pleasure of lust. When you explain the way the river flows in streams of thought-sparkling words from our hearts to flash weird visions of what is not real too real before our illusion-smeared eyes we hold hands and laugh to become light beams of joy weaving waves of pleasure in dance. As blind angels crack open my frail bones each photograph of one dead person flies on butterfly wings to weave threads of words in time-shifting tapestry of lost tales so each ancestor who designed my soul wears my face as mask of who I am now. The house of the moon where I dream reborn from spiral tendrils of alphabet vines reveals on mirror walls every strange face my ancestors wore on journey to find fountain of youth where they met their soul mate who weave new body for me to wear now. Because we never cease walking through doors to explore beyond pale of our safe haven we write encyclopedia to preserve world encircled by feet of curious children when I drape my shoulders in wolf-skin cape then hold wand and gem as I view the Earth. Now I will map the way the river flows to calculate strict process of erosion when eager wind sculpts mountains from soul dust exposing skulls of dragons who once roamed landscape of this wild globe when we first crawled hungry along rivers to find fresh fruit. So my lover cracks open my frail bones to dip its sharpened point in my heart blood and write these formulas of spelling verse on tablets of stone in new prophecy that describes how the messiah sleuth dreams way to redesign our society.
True Objective Of The Patriot
True Objective Of The Patriot © Surazeus 2019 03 07 When I was a soldier in the world war, fighting Germans to free occupied Europe, I saw destruction on a massive scale caused by the arrogance of selfish greed to control the lives of working people and profit from the labor of their hands. Returning home to vast America, I continued the good fight to protect our people from chains of fascist control so we can profit from our own hard work, but now the greedy mafia businessman occupies sacred office of our White House. The mafia thug who occupies our White House wants to crown himself president of life, because no moral code of noble values restrains aggression of his thievery, so we must protect our democracy and prosecute him for his venal crimes. Protecting true justice and liberty from criminals disguised as businessmen, remains the true objective of the patriot who stands vigil against the corrupt gangsters to stop their exploitation of the people, and guard free expression of sacred rights.
Signless Road Of Life
Signless Road Of Life © Surazeus 2019 03 07 Shining essence of your eyes wakes my heart with each wing flap of divine eloquence unfurling petals of perception wide as boundless sky from naked hope for love. So every day I walk out the front door to perform daily rites of fruitful labor, I trust you will be here when I return, loyal to our program of mutual growth. Companions on the signless road of life, we share bread we extract from fertile Earth, and teach our children how to sing the truth so we replicate our souls beyond death. We rose from lake of dreams at dawn of time to eat sweet fruit blooming from tree of life, so we will stand on mountain of insight at sunset of life when the sun expands.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Dead God We Worship
Dead God We Worship © Surazeus 2019 03 06 Dead gods follow me on the signless road, howling for me to bring them back to life by writing poems that glorify their lives, but I sit mute under the apple tree inside ruined walls of Heaven, and sigh as I watch sunlight flicker on the lake. We founded nations, empires, and religions, they declare in wind that howls through old trees, so we want you to preserve memories of our deeds and speeches in noble verse to preserve our souls from oblivion, but I shiver in chill of their lost souls. Picking up wave-smoothed pebbles from the beach, I see faces of those ten thousand gods uncarved from essence of eternity smiling at me from their indifferent roundness, so I blow my breath on sphere of cold stone and toss each god back into lake of time. Once I have thrown all gods back in the lake, I listen to soft voices in wild wind of the nameless people who lived through time and struggled to survive in times of war when gods of their religions fought each other to control the souls of mortals like me. Wandering alone in bleak ruins of Eden, where the first God ruled orchard of fruit trees, I find the skulls of gods and men alike cracked and mute among flowers where buzzing bees gather pollen to brew honey in trees, so I sing with sad birds in sunset glow. Gathering apples in baskets on large wagon, that grow from rotting bodies of dead gods, I sing about the gentle girl I love, then haul my wagon to the castle gate where people buy them for small silver coins, stamped with the face of the dead god we worship.
Honest Light Of Liberty
Honest Light Of Liberty © Surazeus 2019 03 06 For thirty years I worked hard every day and earned enough money to buy my home where my children play safe in the backyard and my wife tends garden of vegetables. For more than two hundred and forty years our democratic republic has thrived, which makes America the greatest nation that exists in the history of the world. Now the mafia mogul in the White House, who abuses his position of power enriching private gain at state expense, acts like his business is above the law. The criminal who squats in our White House calls the election illegitimate and refuses to concede that he lost, crowning himself the dictator and tyrant. Our nation breaks apart in civil war so now we flee with countless refugees who wander lost on highways without cars while gangs of his thugs burn our houses down. We must fight to restore democracy, and overthrow the dictator of greed to re-establish trust in liberty, and make our America great again. We lost everything we built with our hands when the dictator destroyed our great country, but the spirit of liberty and truth will rise again like Phoenix from the fire. Though he destroyed America with greed, we will create our new America with justice and equality for all, guided by honest light of Liberty.
Soul Of Brooklyn Cement Town
Soul Of Brooklyn Cement Town © Surazeus 2019 03 06 My heart beats like the bouncing basketball as I walk the streets of Brooklyn at noon. Kids painting murals on the red brick wall show the basketball star dunking the moon. Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so hands in the air I say, "Got no cash." Snapping fingers to the radio rap beat, I stroll through gold trees of Prospect Park Lake. Light as feathers, I dance on angel feet, laughing because everyone is so fake. Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so I slip through shadows of fear and dash. Strolling under Soldiers and Sailors Arch, I scope the Grand Army Plaza for spies. Smoking rainbow, I explain to the larch, "We are angels and devils in disguise." Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so I whistle, wearing my boy scout sash. I feel intense buzz of electric death vibrate from soul of Brooklyn cement town. I pause among trees to take a deep breath, and hope no one sees me as the lost clown. Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so I write poems, then throw them in the trash. I leap laughing through Bailey Fountain spray, and drink with Nereus in the shining pool. Though Phoebus and Minerva watch me play, I ignore anyone who calls me fool. Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so I somersault to avoid the clash. I sing to Wisdom and Felicity as police aim guns at my throbbing head. I shout, "Long live Justice and Liberty," then leap free as the police shoot me dead. Red and blue lights of the police car flash, so I fall far from Heaven with a splash.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Salty Tears Of Dead Angels
Salty Tears Of Dead Angels © Surazeus 2019 03 05 Kneeling before the lost Fountain of Youth, I drink salty tears of dead angels stained red with blood of strawberries. Butterflies steal forgotten memories we tried to hide in books we stole from deserted libraries without windows. I cannot see your soul though I stare in cracked mirror long enough to experience the complete life and death of every conscious creature ever born. I wander rooms of your houses forlorn. Receding infinitely backward, small as gleaming fragments of bomb-shattered windows, I disappear into mirror of faces to be you. Step into my fragile boat, I carved from laughing oak trees, and relax while we escape armies of men with guns who hate us. We sold them apples last year but now they burn our orchard in revenge for losing the last game of chess with death. I stand invisible within your breath. Always slipping away between grim shadows of blind rage, fueled by greed for fertile land, we wander signless roads to distant towns as refugees from another world war to visit the museum of fine art. Each classic painting of the long-dead god was smeared with blood from refugees shot dead by nationalist heroes. Now they are statues erected in gold above our crushed skulls. Now we can list more achievable goals. Each apple seed that shimmers in my hand contains photographs of all nameless people killed in wars the past hundred thousand years since God came to Earth. He stands on high hill of divine authority to command thoughtless obedience to his cult of power. We hide in the cave where shadows reveal changeless pattern of nothing that is real except this mask we wear to hide despair. I secretly rule the world from my lair. When every poet who has lived before me gathers in the Grand Canyon just at dawn, I hide in beams of sunlight to become sponge of my brain that soaks their dreams like rain of laughing nonsense. Each puzzling concept cut from their tongues I assemble in sphere of flickering tubes to reconstruct cathedral where hungry people gather to eat mushrooms and dream creation of our universe. I hide love blessings in prophetic curse. Naked at midnight, I walk busy highway to weave hallucinations through fake songs in throbbing brains of honest worshippers who seek eternal life. I open gate to Heaven where I play harp of taut nerves woven from neurons of our rotting brains to tease them with the resurrection lie. On empty highways ten billion cars rust in rain that nourishes new apple trees. The Grand Canyon is filled with your house keys.
Collision Of Passionate Hope
Collision Of Passionate Hope © Surazeus 2019 03 05 When our eyes, in airplane propeller twist, flash contentious words of opposing views, we fly past each other to comprehend nothing we say in exchange of desires, so we loop back around to realign connections of our minds reflecting hope. Contorted landscape of our obscured dreams unfolds surprises when we try to talk, exploring secrets we fail to express that loom cliff-high from mist of angry words, so we keep dodging away to avoid cracking collision of passionate hope. So when I crash in jungle of your rage, I climb obstructing cliff of mute despair, scaling endless obfuscating requests to surmount resistance of your hard heart, navigate confused maze of tangled truths, and thus penetrate concealed cave of hope. Once we untangle misunderstood thoughts, and weave new tapestry of common faith, that displays compromise of clashed desires in clear cooperating program of action, then we can dance in strict ballet of love to achieve performance of fertile hope.
Rites Of Feasting And Play
Rites Of Feasting And Play © Surazeus 2019 03 05 Though all we say and do will disappear in cold indifferent wind of swirling time, we leave our footprints in the sands of love to show our lost children where they can run before relentless tides of change rise high to drown these cities we forge with our hands. Though wild natural disasters will destroy everything we build from our dreams of hope, smashing temples and homes in sudden fury of inevitable destruction and decay, we must continue to construct our garden so while we still live we can work and play. After we labor all week at our jobs, or study in school to increase our wisdom, we sit together by the sparkling lake to feast and drink in the warm glowing sun, and celebrate beauty of life with song, savoring pleasure till fierce storms of death blast. This ancient planet spiraling through space around life-nursing sun that spins through void, conjured our bodies from womb of her sea, and urged us to rise from the lake of dreams, so we savor rites of feasting and play till Mother Earth consumes our souls of clay.
Act As Their Life Guide
Act As Their Life Guide © Surazeus 2019 03 05 What strange eternal sense of consciousness is this that spirals flushing through my brain quaint sparks of angst to pangs of happiness which shimmer from my eyes in drizzling rain? No angels glow around us in swirled air nor devils lurk to hurt is in grim gloom, so I never expect life to be fair nor hide terrified in my silent room. I walk in shadow of nothing to find, sketched clear in geometric formulas, that clock machinery of our human mind which vibrates archetypal orchestras. This frantic drama of genetic wires we swerve to escape emotional scenes springs flashing bright from frustrated desires, so we wander to puzzle what it means. On every planet in our universe do tetrapods with brains served by two eyes evolve as natural forms for molecules to generate from strict chemical phase? Are we humans, thriving on planet Earth, standard patterns inherent to strict shape that carbon molecules will generate, or are we random accidents of fate? I smell sweet scent of electric recharge sparkling in cool air after wild storm rain, and feel my ancient spirit swelling large to expand glow of truth beyond my brain. These children of my genes walk by my side around the lake with dreams of history because I want to act as their life guide to perform with justice and liberty.
Monday, March 4, 2019
For The Earth Spins Long
For The Earth Spins Long © Surazeus 2019 03 04 Little children, who play among the trees, if you may stop to wonder who we are, how we got here, and why we are alive, gather under this tree and eat ripe fruit, then listen to my song about creation that reveals how we evolve from the sea, for the Earth spins long before we are born and the Earth will spin long after we die. At first flash of the big bang the White Whole expands matter that fragments into strings coiling as they sparkle into taut quarks which link triangles into pulsing atoms that form in protons, neutrons, and electrons, then stars forge molecules from nucleus, for the Earth spins long before we are born and the Earth will spin long after we die. When stars form elements helium to iron they explode and swirl elements in spheres that form planets with mountains full of seas where thermal vents heat carbon to form rings which spiral into writhing coils of genes constructing bodies that develop brains, for the Earth spins long before we are born and the Earth will spin long after we die. Plants that sprout onto surface of the Earth convert carbon dioxide to oxygen then tetrapods with four legs and long tails crawl from seas along rivers to broad lakes, evolving fish to lizard to mouse to ape to man who stands on lake of dreams to sing, for the Earth spins long before we are born and the Earth will spin long after we die. We stand by lake of dreams at dawn of time and speak to beam visions of eyes in words so we communicate what we perceive and design programs to cooperate building complex food-production machine so we fly airplanes among clouds like gods, for the Earth spins long before we are born and the Earth will spin long after we die.
Wherever The River Flows
Wherever The River Flows © Surazeus 2019 03 04 I follow wherever the river flows to understand the language of the land when she explains curving contours of faith to support ancient truth of the tall tree. The tree that explodes out of my dark heart reaches for the light of infinite truth that teases me with hope to comprehend vast emptiness of everything that is. I feel this strange intensity of being while standing on college campus at noon with aching hope to become pure sunlight that weaves compassion into every brain. Sweet arrogance of water beams my eye with tangled concepts of perceptive rigor so when I look in mirror of this world I see my consciousness reflected back. One hundred moments of intense insight that I experienced over forty years merge all their archetypes into one pattern to reveal why I design my own truth. The puzzle of truth I invent from facts reveals basic laws of cause and effect as single threads of beaming progress seen clear as starlight in complex web of being. Each particle of light that pulses bright within construct of my organic being supplies sparked urge of divine energy which animates my body with pure soul. I channel flash of energy I feel to motivate strict motion of my body so I control through agency of will free progression of my desire through space. From hermit alone in singular cell where I dream awake visions of this world I proceed on strict way of self-control to become billions of live conscious souls. While we stand face to face on cement walk among tall trees that rustle in cool breeze, I feel all these intense concepts of faith flashing out around my head in weird glow. When I try to express transcendent vision in time-constrained words of linear coherence, I weave circles around vast sphere of truth that shimmer as ripples on seething sea. So if we catch small glimpse of vast White Whole flickering from sparkles of sunlight on water through visions conjured by our conversation then we may become one with flow of light.
Wagon Wheels Spin Around
Wagon Wheels Spin Around © Surazeus 2019 03 04 Among gray rocks in tufts of grass we wind down sloping mountain to the white sea shore to fling large nets and haul fish from wild waves, then sit at sunset around crackling fire to eat roasted fish and drink apple cider, and sing heart-aching melodies of love while making love to rhythm of the waves, and teach our children the cycle of life. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. I encode human experience in songs to illustrate how humans animate aggressive actions to overcome death, and unite in groups to cooperate building empires on villages of farms, so computer mind of the world wide brain will dream our evolution into gods before we vanish in mute mists of time. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. Time is constant interaction of atoms when coiling strings of quarks connect to form triangle protons, neutrons, and electrons which cluster as molecules pulsing bright with vibrant tension of bold energy when carbon with six electrons weave tight all other molecules in spiraling genes to construct organic bodies with brains. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. My mother took me to school every day so I learned secrets of our universe and establish routine of daily work to contribute energy of my actions to maintenance of our social machine producing food for everyone to eat, so now I take my young daughter to school every day so she joins cycle of life. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. Twisting bolts with the silver wrench I tune car engine to operate efficiently so pistons crank axle that spins four wheels which animates my car when I drive swift with traffic flow on vast network of roads from home to office to store and back home in daily cycle of sustaining rituals chasing rainbows in search for paradise. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. We choose one wise and intelligent person through process of election to vote well so they may manage government progress to organize production companies so they interact with fair compensation, but when the leader asserts strong control to restrict out freedom of will and speech, we remove them and choose an honest person. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. I chop down trees composed of sturdy wood, debark poles and cut them into smooth planks, then steam white wood to ply them into curves so I construct strong wagon with four wheels, then harness wagon of business production to horse of ambitious desire for life to haul baskets of food to market stall where people give me coins for food I grow. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. Enormous galaxies of flashing stars spin slowly through vast emptiness of space far outward from first flash of the big bang to flare forth in spirals of vibrant life in quivering web of bright aggressive love as tendrils of desire from huge White Whole that dreams itself alive inside our brains which mirror neuron network of the Cosmos. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. Holding hands, we walk along signless road through forest of trees whispering in the wind, hearts eager to escape restrictive past and build new home on fertile river shore where we nurture trees of apples and pears, tend herds of cows and sheep on rolling hills, and raise our children to operate our farm, as we feast and sing under sparkling stars. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground. Spiraling from light beams of the hot sun, our world, that spins forward through empty space, nurtures our bodies with desire to eat which generates our conscious minds from light, so we wake on shore by the lake of dreams and sing together at the dawn of time, then transform Earth into computer brain that preserves our memories in data banks. I love the way wagon wheels spin around so I seem to float above the rough ground.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Strange Voice Of Infinity
Strange Voice Of Infinity © Surazeus 2019 03 03 Calm eerie glow of the gold candle flame contains in silent eye of solitude ethereal passion of wisdom wound tight with perfect elegance of naked truth. Alone in darkness of the silent night, she listens to voice of infinity speaking from nothingness of flowing time when all change ceases in calm starless gloom. The wild tornado crashed across the sky, pouring torrents of rain on muddy yards, and fierce winds howled around indifferent trees, shaking thousands of frail homes with cruel laughter. Perhaps aggressive force of brutal wind battered the power plant with spiraling coils, disrupting quick flow of electric currents so thousands of homes huddle in dark gloom. Every night for many years of my life light glowed to illuminate secret heart of my inner sanctum so I watched shows on television after cooking food. For ten thousand years my ancestors lived in houses lit by nothing more than fires in stone hearths, or flames of candles or lamps, till we strung wires on poles across the land. Now we feed hot volts of electric power to make our quaint homes glow with constant light so fridges hum and televisions flash as we play out the dramas of our lives. But then this wild tornado whirling through smashed the electric plant that powered our homes so now I sit in darkness of past eras and hear strange voice of infinity sing. How strange to think that we could lose this power, that surges bright in currents through vast web of copper wires hanging from tall wood poles, and plunge again into another dark age. I walk outside fragile shell of my home and stand on wet lawn under dripping trees to gaze at last orange flames of weird sunlight which flash calm across swirls of black rain clouds. Thousands of houses that usually glow with vibrant tales peeking through curtain veils vanish in silent gloom of swelling clouds that loom indifferent to our aching hopes. I hear strange voice of infinity jolt my sponge-thick mind to consciousness of truth swelling out bright from bottomless abyss to expand first flash into our White Whole.
Child With Her Bright Eyes
Child With Her Bright Eyes © Surazeus 2019 03 03 Nameless nobody alive at this hour, I sit in dark room of my nowhere house and listen to the stories of mute ghosts who flock around me with desire to live embodied in words I weave to contain vibrant passions of their minds in taut verse that masks ethereal spirits of their hopes in characters conjured by magic spells. Most clear among that host of nameless souls who cry with silent horror of despair, which I project onto masks of their hopes, young woman with long hair gold as sunlight and eyes blue as the sea in morning dawn, reaches both hands from deep abyss of gloom, then calls me to remember her true name and how we walked together by the lake. Tense anguish of sorrow grips at my throat as ache of horror at losing her soul, so I reach out to pull her back to life, and drag her heavy body from dark waves, then grip her lifeless corpse, so cold and pale, hoping passion of my heart in hot kisses will spark her tender spirit with quick pulse, but her eyes stare at nothing beyond time. What rain-sparkling lake among high gold hills contains animating spirit of life that once glowed so bright from her big blue eyes so she swims forever in its dark depths, gasping for breath as she calls out my name, but sinks deeper into mute nothingness while I wander lost on indifferent shore, calling her forgotten name in wild wind. Closing my eyes in silent gloom of time, I remember walking on lush lake shore, searching for walnuts and berries in grass, when I first see her among apple trees, dancing with carefree joy in summer breeze that makes her long hair swirl out like swan wings, then when she sees me gazing with true love she grabs my hands and twirls me in wild dance. Dancing with delight among apple trees, we kiss forever in sweet trust of love, and embrace in tender passion of faith to make love among gold and scarlet flowers, but I wake in dark silence of my house more than one thousand years after her death, and feel her spirit glowing in my heart transformed into the child with her bright eyes.
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