
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Third Coming Of The Beast

Third Coming Of The Beast
© Surazeus
2018 12 09

Long since returned to the blind falconer,
the falcon leaps again from his raised fist,
and turns again into the widening gyre
when things fall apart from the center tower
to loose again the blood-dimmed tide of war
that drowns old ceremonies of false power.

Now are they gathering in the ring of stones,
wizards and mortals, magicians and muggles,
clinging to convictions of old religions
with passionate intensity of fear
to wait for revelation of the sleuth
who heralds this third coming of the beast.

So travel on your pilgrimage of faith
to gather at the pyramid of light
where Lion King reigns over all the world
from waste land where rainless winds whisper truth
with pitiless gaze of the nuclear bomb
that glitters in shadow of shrieking hawks.

Whatever face world emperor wears now,
he reigns with the World Spirit of the Christ
whose sons for twenty centuries wield swords
to slay all rebels against his divine rule
while holding skull of Jesus in his hand
to chant about third coming of the beast.

Now reigning with the gun and rumbling tank
one hundred years on throne of Bethlehem
the rough beast howls for blood of sacrifice
to tear down walls between all nation-states
and thus in one vast world empire unite
tribes of the world around one center tower.

Since Barsanti harnessed strong power of force
with piston engine to move machines swift
tyrants of nations have clashed in world wars
to wear the triple crown of reborn Christ,
who rise and fall in cycles of control,
catalyzed by third coming of the beast.

Though sons of Christ still grasp the Wand of Power
and rule both hemispheres with Skull of God,
new Hidden Dragon stirs from eyes of hope
when child of Ishtar wakes on vision quest
and sees clear golden path to Throne of Justice
where she will bear the Scales of Truth and Right.

Past testaments have all been nullified
to favor revelation she proclaims
that rough beast shall be crucified at last
and honest Mother from the dreaming sea
shall gather in lush Garden of the Tree
all nations at third coming of the beast.

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