
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mission To Conquer The World

Mission To Conquer The World
© Surazeus
2018 12 20

After watching thousands of classic films
that recreate fragments of human history,
I realize I now live in paradise
built on harsh suffering of billions of souls
who struggled through chaos of bloody wars
to develop advanced technology
that supports more equal society
sponsoring creative talents of each person.

What brutal suffering people in the past
endured against hostile forces of power,
whether natural disasters and disease,
or oppression from strong nobility
who assumed their right appointed by God
to exploit the labor of common men,
which means the sons of Jesus crowned as kings
enslaved the sons of Odin across Europe.

I speak these accusations against kings
and their gangs of nobles oppressing people
by right of my divine authority
I claim as descendant from wise Meroveus
because I am son of Jesus and Odin,
long since united to conquer the world
through bold mission of Christians to enforce
all tribes of Earth to worship Christ as God.

Though Jesus is not supernatural God,
we venerate him as God of the Earth
because bold children sprouting from his seed
through womb of Mary Magdalene the Mermaid
wield Scepter of Zambor to reign as Christ,
crowning themselves kings over fertile lands
through political party of this religion
by right of the Holy Grail blood they claim.

Through Meroveus the sons of Jesus reign,
Constantine, Arthur, Muhammad, Charlemagne,
and all the bloodlines sprouting from their seeds,
thus through William the Conqueror of Avalon
the Presidents of the United States
of America perpetuate his rule
as immortal spirit of God the Father
who reigns in mortal bodies of his sons.

Though mortal rulers, descended from Jesus,
rise to reign with every new generation,
then fall to make way for new sons of Christ,
the immortal soul of Jesus the Savior
reigns reborn through mortal sons of his blood,
regardless of whether they are good or bad,
noble leaders or oppressive dictators,
for always they maintain the rule of Jesus.

From Jesus to Victoria, Queen of Europe,
who ruled empire from Siberia to Alaska,
the sons of Jesus conquered half the world,
till fierce revolutions through two world wars
fueled movements of commoners against nobles
to overthrow the monarchs of his blood
which killed billions of simple human beings
and soaked the Earth with blood of their lost souls.

Watching two separate television series,
titled as Victoria and Penny Dreadful,
I see two sides of the same glorious era
when sons of Christ fought over who would reign
as Emperor over lands of Christendom
while opposed to Vicar of Christ in Rome,
glamorous Fairy Queen who rules Hall of Mirrors
and wizards who fight cruel vampires of lust.

Though the monarchies of the Holy Grail
crumbled from the onslaught of two world wars,
the sons of Jesus as state presidents
still rule the new democracies of Europe,
controlling Russia and America
as blood-bound Brother Knights of the Red Cross,
uniting after endless civil war
to fight sons of Confucius for the world.

Alone somewhere in vast Empire of Christ,
but one of billions descended from Jesus,
I ponder my place in this ancient game
the sons of Christ play to conquer the world,
on whether I should support or oppose
this obdurate mission to assimilate
all nations of Earth in one social play
where sons of Jesus alone rule the state.

Then as I watch clear rain falling on trees
and contemplate two thousand years of history
this headstrong mission to conquer the world,
I laugh to think I have some role to play
as one lone individual on huge Earth,
for titanic clash of civilizations
will occur no matter how I perform,
so I will chronicle what I perceive.

So many people in vast flow of time
lived and died in constant wars for control,
therefore the man crucified on the cross
represents every single human soul
who suffered in the clash of kings for power
since Jesus survived and rallied his sons
to begin mission to conquer the world,
thus I will write their names on flowing water.

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