Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tears Blocked By Grim Hope

Tears Blocked By Grim Hope
© Surazeus
2024 10 13

I gaze across mountains, rivers, and plains 
with longing to see your face in sunlight 
instead of your dim reflection on the moon, 
and though years pass with the falling of leaves 
sharp pain of your loss remains in my heart, 
yet tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

After I empty many pots of wine 
to ease ache of my heart for losing you, 
I wonder with sly laugh of bitter sorrow 
who will fill the pots with sweet wine again, 
for I will never cease thinking of you, 
but tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

The river flows cold in light of the moon 
while I drink to remember those who died 
in storm of war that swept across the land, 
so I count the sheep that graze in lush fields, 
and lights of fishing boats on the dark lake, 
since tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

The river shimmers cold in morning light 
and wind blows in trees on the mountain range, 
so we cheer the hero on his white horse 
who will never return to his safe home 
from fighting for peace against tyranny, 
as tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

Time passes with the bloom and fall of leaves 
when children eat apples on the lake shore, 
and memory of your face fades from my eyes, 
while even your name dissipates in wind, 
yet glow of your soul shimmers in the moon, 
so tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

Scenes of our life together in the past, 
replayed by ghosts on stage of our lost days, 
lie scattered on ceaseless river of time, 
mute whispers that echo in empty house 
where I grow old without you by my side, 
while tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

Our love swirls wild on agitated waves 
as time flushes all to the heartless sea, 
yet my love for you endures in my heart 
old as tall mountains shining in vast skies, 
so I stand in rain and call out your name, 
yet tears blocked by grim hope will never flow. 

Our love lasts forever despite cruel fate 
for though your body vanished from this world 
your spirit lives in children of our souls, 
for you gaze joyfully at me with love 
from cheerful beauty of their living eyes, 
so tears blocked by grim hope now ever flow. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus sings elegy for the warrior who died defending his homeland from tyranny of the invader.
