Wednesday, October 9, 2024

New Face To Wear

New Face To Wear
© Surazeus
2024 10 09

Just outside every window of my house 
one Joro Spider has woven her web 
to catch the mad monsters of my bad dreams, 
so I pray to Star Spider of the sun 
and ask her to weave from heavenly ghosts 
new face to wear in this strange life on Earth. 

Since I am growing old in fractured years, 
too familiar with stark light of the moon 
highlighting secret words in holy books 
that follow me on frail butterfly wings, 
I cut off pieces of forgotten selves 
and find new face to wear before I die. 

Though I am happy with my daily life, 
where I express joy in stable routine 
building the Memory Palace of our world, 
yet gentle monster growing in my heart 
wants to ascend the highest mountain peak 
and carve new face to wear from holy ice. 

Twelve priests from ancient cathedral of stone 
vote to crucify monster of my heart, 
so I fly far around the spinning Earth 
to swim in depths of Mount Mazama Lake 
where I find hidden in cavern of dreams 
new face to wear in Theater of Faith. 

During my long quest for new face to wear 
I travel deeper on the signless road 
in ever-shifting maze of global myths 
where gods people once worshipped call my name 
with hope that I will bring them back to life 
by wearing mask of their soul at the ball. 

Mapping highways to both Heaven and Hell, 
where I expect to find new face to wear, 
I navigate national relationships 
when kings and presidents play game of Go 
over whose God will be worshipped by all, 
to build my own church out of spider webs. 

After getting lost in labyrinth of lies, 
designed by grandson of the Minotaur, 
I will invent new face to wear with you, 
then change the name history will know me by 
to Orpheus Hamlet Tiresias 
when I play grunge folk songs on market streets. 

When I forget the way to get back home, 
I will lie down in the middle of town 
halfway between Nowhere and Nevermore 
so monster of my heart, who always asks 
for me to give her some new face to wear, 
can bury me and journey on alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus chases the mad prophet through the labyrinth of lies till they stumble into the amusement park Wonderland where they eat burgers.
