Sunday, October 6, 2024

Riddle Of The Singing Skull

Riddle Of The Singing Skull
© Surazeus
2024 10 06

When ghost in cracked mirror of the world mind 
replaces my face with face of the moon, 
my mother makes new face for me to wear, 
so I study astrophysics of faith 
to drink hearty milk from breast of the stars 
that fuels soul engine of my dreaming brain. 

Though life repeats in circle of rebirth 
as wheel of fortune calculating fate, 
I try to jump from its merry-go-round 
but gravity of hope pulls me back down, 
so I knock on locked door of the glass church 
to ask directions to the Afterlife. 

Awake in greater darkness of the truth, 
stuck in hallucination loop of lust, 
I measure features of weird miracles 
to prove I can walk on waves of the sea 
with polished board to surf eternity, 
then land on Island of the Singing Skull. 

With metaphysical victory through Death 
I dream the Mind of God inside my brain 
while strolling down the busy avenue 
in Gotham City where the Vampire King 
rules as the corporate president of wealth, 
disguised as Jesus every Halloween. 

Accepting alienation of the heart 
despite the face my mother made for me, 
I drive to high school on the shining hill 
where I work as janitor of the soul 
to clean ugly nightmares students discard 
as candy wrappers that hide secret codes. 

Through gorgeous monstrosity of my tale, 
composed of funny hurtful anecdotes, 
I recite with dull monotonous voice 
ancient genesis of my pompous soul 
that began when I emerged from the sea 
as Swamp Messiah with serpent-gold eyes. 

Commissioned to play Restless Messenger, 
I bear sacred scroll of despondency 
and give apples of madness to each soul 
who walks the signless road of everywhere, 
forever searching for the Afterlife 
where I want to build mansion of true faith. 

Leaping through portal of the multiverse, 
I will solve riddle of the Singing Skull 
encoded as proverbs in holy books 
for sale at the bookstore in the sea town 
where tourists watch the jester imitate 
the many-faced god in his one-act play. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus imitates the many-faced god for tourists after he solves the riddle of the singing skull.
