
Monday, December 26, 2022

Yamakiasham Mountain Range

Yamakiasham Mountain Range
© Surazeus
2022 12 26

While climbing narrow trail among tall pines 
on high snow-frosted slopes of Mount Tahoma 
in svelte Yamakiasham Mountain range, 
I feel compact sense of time dissipate 
with eternal beauty of timeless glow 
that beams bitter-sweet song into my heart. 

Though thousands of miles west across the sea 
from the rugged Skanderna Mountain range 
where my ancient Elfin ancestors lived 
in rugged valleys twenty thousand years, 
I feel their lissom energy vibrate 
from Mount Tahoma deep into my heart. 

In sphere of glowing light through swirling mist 
I discern tall woman, with star-bright eyes 
and hair flowing long as clouds over mountains, 
descend on empyreal seraphic wings 
to place laptop computer in my hands 
so I can map tale of humanity. 

Entranced by haunting melody of hope 
she sings with melancholy faith in love 
that fills my heart with passionate desire, 
I sing in harmony with flowing wind 
that swirls around our world of dreaming souls 
to weave my heart in matrix of the Earth. 

Though I travel far over forty years 
across this fertile land of Onatah, 
I feel that timeless spirit of Tahoma, 
sacred mountain where my Muse dreams the Earth, 
still glow inside whole radiance of my heart, 
so I sing with deep pulsing of her power. 

Pure luminosity of primal love 
which emanates from mountain of my heart 
reverberates through fabric of our world 
so I feel ethereal music of truth 
radiate from every object formed of matter 
that rings with quick atomic energy. 

My ancestors followed vast mountain range 
Egyptia to Sumeria to India to China, 
then back across apple mountains of Scythia, 
so I have stood on top ten thousand peaks 
to feel immortal light of divine stars 
energize atoms sparkling in my brain. 

On high snow-frosted slopes of Mount Tahoma 
in svelte Yamakiasham Mountain range 
my spirit lingers far outside my body 
so I always, no matter where I dwell, 
hear siren song of my Muse call my name, 
urging me to return to her dream cave. 

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