
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Gamble With Random Luck

Gamble With Random Luck
© Surazeus
2022 12 31

The state of laughter in the world today 
that proves fertile romance can be oblique 
guides me beyond stone walls of paradise 
to wander the waste land where hope is bleak 
till I find mute statue of my soul mate 
that proves our relationship is unique. 

Holding hands with the ghost of my soul mate, 
I walk forever toward the singing oak 
where we decide to build our home and live 
with the lost colony of Roanoke 
to raise our children in the Evening Land 
in misty woods where ancient god-toads croak. 

Transforming into god with blazing eyes 
through spirit energy from the Star Lake, 
I wake as wingless angel with nine brains 
able to command the apple-tree snake 
who guides me through maze of the modern world 
so I can discern what is real or fake. 

Elected President of the Deep State, 
I build world prosperity by sheer fluke 
based on the principle of shared free will 
that not even the Devil can rebuke 
because I wield the Wand of Mercury 
that lets me control anger of the spook. 

Able to leap across the multiverse 
on my time-contorting wings of the hawk, 
I explore our modern world-city maze 
to find the sacred dream-key tomahawk 
Hiawatha gave to Son of the Crow 
who redesigns truth with the Vision Clock. 

Standing by world-city gates in the rain, 
I chant prophecies found in no real book 
which map weird history of humanity 
designed by faith of the temple priest-cook 
who invents religion to praise the hero 
who rescues his soul mate from the Fear Rook. 

Awake on snow mountain of holy truth 
after forty years on my soul-quest hike, 
I see how scattered peoples of the Earth 
unite with love to build the Seventh Reich 
where we do as we will if we harm none, 
till I fall off my psychedelic bike. 

Reborn as Raven on midsummer night, 
I dance amazed with my twin brother Puck 
to prove we are wingless angels of light 
who evolve from amoebas in sea muck 
because success in life is based on skill 
employed as we gamble with random luck. 

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