
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Our Souls Glow In Atoms

Our Souls Glow In Atoms
© Surazeus
2022 12 29

Gold light on the oily telephone pole 
describes in detail the moral content 
of each voiceless leaf on ten thousand trees 
so I give each one its own secret name 
as I walk the empty street before dawn 
to see if they are alive behind doors. 

To justify existence of my mind 
to birds gathered in lush temples of trees 
I whistle in harmony with their thoughts 
about the nature of material being 
as if never finding someone to love 
were normal as the song of ocean waves. 

When I sell my memories to empty homes 
I wonder if familiar tales untold 
bleed behind photographs on hungry walls 
which disregard faked spontaneities 
based on contentment of the empty room 
where the fridge sings to the window he loves. 

Though ghosts assemble in the kitchen gloom 
to sightread charts which prophesy the fall 
of naked empires because girls are killed 
we pretend to admire the billionaire 
who gambles for salvation in the church 
with wingless angel of the nevertime. 

Because the egret on lawn of the church 
reconstructs the true political state 
in which each person is rewarded well 
for painting visions of religious truth 
I read the latest novel upside down 
to understand why the tortoise is God. 

Compiling anthology of bad jokes, 
I search the internet for dangerous thoughts 
people refuse to express in real words 
that define why humans want monarchy 
to organize fierce chaos of desire 
instead of trusting their divine instincts. 

Excluded by fearful people in power 
from entering the court in castle of wealth, 
I represent myself on the lake shore 
before the crowd of refugees from war 
who just want to tend small gardens of fruit 
then gather at dusk to share food and sing. 

Breathless with wonder at his tales of love, 
we listen to Tiresias explain why 
gender reflects desire to procreate 
so our children will live after we die 
because we vanish into nothingness 
though our souls glow in atoms for all time. 

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