
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Shared Tellurian Faith

Shared Tellurian Faith
© Surazeus
2022 12 31

What bitter season of disease and war 
transforms weird nature of our global state 
on the last day of this volatile year 
through random calculations of blind fate 
that oscillates between eccentric poles 
of evil and justice, fueled by our goals. 

Bright star of steadfast justice still shines bright 
on lands smothered by tyranny of greed 
to guide scattered squads fighting for the right 
till we unite our efforts based on need 
to ensure liberty for every soul 
who asserts free will to choose their life role. 

Unchangeable force of justice flows strong 
through human hearts open to express love 
that generates power of hope through song 
inspiring courage when our father Jove 
guides us through maze of fear to paradise 
where we gain expertise through sacrifice. 

Conversing in global forum of thought 
through tweets we share in forest of Dream Space, 
we analyze effects our actions wrought 
to legislate global values through grace 
so every citizen of Earth will play 
by moral rules of our Tellurian Way. 

Though ethos we valued as right and true 
dissolves in confounding puzzle of faith 
we join forces to construct new world view 
ensuring global rights from the mind wraith 
so every person breathing soul of Earth 
may interact in life with equal worth. 

Though fractured nations of our spinning globe 
contend in cultural contest to maintain 
traditional values, fixed with earnest probe 
of state judgment to balance loss with gain, 
we overcome barriers of social myth 
to develop one shared Tellurian Faith. 

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