
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Her Last Tear Gleams

Her Last Tear Gleams
© Surazeus
2024 02 10

Picking wild flowers in garden of Hera 
that bloom along the Chattahoochee stream, 
I think about the little girl named Hind 
whose voice cries out to me as if in dream 
for help when men shoot bullets at her car 
as her last tear gleams with the morning star. 

Baking hot apple pies on winter eve, 
sprinkled with cinnamon like snow on trees, 
I wonder how my broken heart will grieve 
death of young girl in desert of red bees 
who trembles in the bullet-riddled car 
as her last tear gleams with the evening star. 

Pondering how to restore abortion rights 
since women should control their body health, 
I lie awake with Hind on lonely nights 
who watches wolves hunt her soul with sly stealth, 
clutching her dead cousin in bloody car 
as her last tear gleams with indifferent star. 

Listening to Moonlight Sonata express 
heart-aching sorrow of love for the dead, 
I long to help the young girl in distress 
who waits stranded with paralyzing dread 
while laughing men shoot bullets at her car 
as her last tear gleams with blood of the star. 

Eating waffles with strawberries and syrup 
then reading comics on the sunlit porch, 
I feel anguish of the heaven-sent cherub 
who searches smoky streets with frantic torch 
to rescue Hind from bullet-riddled car 
as her last tear gleams with the obscured star. 

Attending service in the solemn church 
with prayers to the Faceless in empty sky, 
I ask God lounging on his lofty perch 
with anguish of confusing wisdom why 
sweet Hind had to die alone in that car 
as her last tear gleams with the ancient star. 

Cheering my team at the Super Bowl game 
as star-eyed singer of social dissent, 
I leverage attention of global fame 
to lament slaughter of the innocent 
through elegy for dead girl in the car 
as her last tear gleams with forgotten star. 

Praying for innocent people killed in war 
on either side of the national fence, 
I sell people food in my grocery store 
to discuss paradox of self-defense 
when Hind is shot escaping in the car 
as her last tear gleams with the righteous star. 

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