
Friday, February 2, 2024

Ancient King With Golden Crown

Ancient King With Golden Crown
© Surazeus
2024 02 02

Though snowflakes careen in the prairie wind, 
Chuck skims red sleigh across the frozen lake 
to look for blackberries on tangled shore, 
but pauses when he sees beneath thick ice 
face of some ancient king with golden crown 
now gaunt and gray from terrible decay. 

Slipping tattered red-yarn glove from his hand, 
Chuck presses pale palm against mirrored ice 
while bleak wind whistles in tall leafless oaks, 
but gasps when ancient king with golden crown 
opens silver eyes at stark lightning flash 
that pierces his heart with mind-twisting fear. 

Admonishing his heart to flee for safety, 
Chuck stares with grim paralysis of pride 
at face of ancient king with golden crown 
whose vast eyes contain galaxies of ghosts, 
so he cracks ice with fierce blow of his fist 
with sudden urge to release him from Hell. 

Breaking mask of ice with thunderous cracks, 
Chuck opens crystal gates of Hell with grunt 
of loyal faith through divine energy 
that seethes with long-forgotten hope for power, 
so ancient king with golden crown escapes 
prison of history to possess his heart. 

Striding into church at the heart of town, 
Chuck stands before faces pale with despair 
and preaches resurrection of the soul 
when ancient king with golden crown revives 
bold patriotic spirit of their hearts 
that ruled their isle one thousand years before. 

Declaring he has found the Holy Grail, 
Chuck raises fist against the storm-black sky 
to praise eternal spirit of state pride 
that flows Jesus to Charlemagne to Henry, 
and lives again today in his strong heart, 
revived from ancient king with golden crown. 

Presenting story of the reborn king, 
Chuck leads march of lost souls on signless road 
with Red-Cross Flag of his holy crusade 
to revive empire of good honest knights 
lead by the ancient king with golden crown 
reborn in bloodline of the Holy Grail. 

Waking breathless on the frozen lake shore, 
Chuck shivers from shock of indifferent wind 
after almost drowning under cracked ice, 
then stares at his face mirrored in silver water 
that mimics ancient king with golden crown 
who slumbers restless in his aching heart. 

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