Friday, October 4, 2024

Free The Human World

Free The Human World
© Surazeus
2024 10 04

The old black-doored house in Londinium 
near the bridge that crosses the River Styx 
retains ghost of my father in its walls 
who calls me to the library upstairs 
where he recounts grand glory of our clan 
defending freedom of our Sceptered Isle. 

Lingering in garden of the star-eyed queen 
among pink Sceptered Isle roses of faith, 
I contemplate songs of ravens in oaks 
who sing of beauty in this little world, 
this precious gem set in the silver sea, 
that nourishes strange sadness of my heart. 

With big eyes silver as the storm-flashed sea 
and wavy hair red as the rising sun, 
the Fairy Queen who rules this Sceptered Isle 
commissions me to fulfill secret quest, 
so I ride White Horse pricking on the plain 
to translate riddles of refreshing rain. 

When the Black Dragon of Error and Hate 
lunges from Cave of Illusions with wrath, 
I wield Excalibur, forged by King Arthur 
from mithril meteor stone that fell to Earth, 
to battle evil of its tyranny 
and free the human world for Liberty. 

Waking from my daydream as noble hero, 
I declare myself Albertus de Vere, 
the Twenty-Fourth Earl of Oxford, then trudge 
down to muddy shore of the River Styx 
where I hum old Ballads of Robin Hood 
while fishing to roast Cetus for my supper. 

Lounging on flat-top pyramid of Ishtar 
within four-pillared temple that Ptah built 
to shelter refugees from river floods, 
I peer through crystal palantir of truth 
to observe nature of the universe 
composed of atoms swerving in the void. 

Languid as Saturnus on flowered shore, 
I hail the frail Sad Poet who arrives 
to record sweet song of the nightingale 
then weeps in melancholy revery 
while pondering lovers on the Grecian Urn 
filled with wine I bought from Bacchus last month. 

Before returning home to Avalon, 
I pause before statue of Oberon, 
whose playful laughter on midsummer night 
inspires my heart to love this crazy world, 
then we, my wise wife and I holding hands, 
through Eden take our solitary way. 

War-Bruised Heart

War-Bruised Heart
© Surazeus
2024 10 04

What temple I could build from all my ruins 
may shelter me from hostile arrogance 
of indifferent bullets in mouths of tyrants 
who decree they own the dreams people hide 
in this crowded world of war without end 
where only the most brutal crown themselves gods. 

Strange metaphors that serve the ruling class 
preserve the sledgehammer kings wield to build 
empires of the poor who work for their wage, 
yet cheer the tragic loser on the stage 
whose monologues analyze the zeitgeist 
with hidden fears that motivate their prayers. 

This three-eyed demon of the weeping tree, 
whom I conceive in ecstasy of gloom, 
decides to run in the Olympic race 
to outwit Hercules before the world, 
then sells his gold medal to King of Lies 
to found World Institute of Honest Spies. 

With angry chaos of the social scene 
blind sons of psychologists discuss art, 
then lurk together in the haunted night 
to find origin of the human race 
in secret cave down by the singing sea 
which mimics aloneness of the soul womb. 

Inspired by visions of the Holy Grail, 
Bambi paints portraits of mad movie stars 
as gods incarnate in her studio, 
then displays paintings at the gallery 
which burns down when lightning strikes, so she jumps 
off the balcony after killing Juliet. 

If I choose to worship with war-bruised heart 
gorgeous deity of America, 
that barbarous vixen of the wilderness, 
I may discover the last pot of gold 
over the rainbow from the land of Oz 
where I ask Dorothy to marry me. 

Because she owns the house of many windows 
on lecherous bank of the River Styx, 
Hera hires me to play jazz piano tunes 
at parties she hosts on Saturday nights, 
so I ask Richard Cory whom he loves, 
but he mumbles that the bell tolls for him. 

The Axolotl fish with feathered gills, 
that once transformed into enormous dragons, 
smiles brightly at me with its pink-moon face 
and eyes that know the stars of outer space, 
so I place huge skull of the dinosaur 
as god in temple I build from my ruins. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Mysterious As The Rain

Mysterious As The Rain
© Surazeus
2024 10 03

Mysterious as the rain pretends to be, 
always sparkling and making things look pretty, 
I hide from soft caress of its clear light, 
convinced the god who makes it must be mighty, 
but when I ponder pathway of my fate 
I almost get stuck in my social station. 

That girl who walks in beauty of the night 
seems eager to share with me her sweet passion, 
so we dance gracefully by star-eyed lake, 
discussing complex nature of the wicked, 
till we fall asleep when the moon comes up 
with yet another way to flash its label. 

Each time I find her in the apple grove, 
I pause behind wrought gate of admiration 
to hear strange eerie timbre of her voice 
that seems to make the flow of time dissemble 
till I feel my mortal soul transcend thought 
and soar beyond this world of normal reason. 

So when my brain emerges from despair 
with new-found courage of decisive purpose 
I stand before huge wall map of our world 
and plot ways to make lives of people better 
for their happiness inspires me to work 
toward transforming our city into Heaven. 

Bewildering as the heart appears to be, 
dragging me in the opposite direction 
from which my reason urges me to go, 
I borrow arrogant wings of mad Cupid 
and fly boldly toward my real destiny 
after hiding in cave of desperation. 

Cryptic omens I perceive everywhere 
seemed to indicate I proceed with caution, 
but with the tyrant hunting for my head 
I must fight to gain freedom from ambition 
to rule productive ritual of my goal 
by forging new gates for court of perdition. 

Bold enterprise to create new world view 
with prophecies I encrypt in grand scriptures 
conspires to energize my global plot 
to design framework for conceptual order 
based on respect of universal law 
that ensures equal justice for each person. 

Enforcing new world order with the gun, 
I maintain peace with strong United Nations 
supporting freedom through democracy 
based on honesty of consideration 
which nurtures talents every person owns 
so we all dance in joyful celebration. 

Pretending I Can Fly

Pretending I Can Fly
© Surazeus
2024 10 03

At night I dream my tan-white skin is rough 
as old wind-weathered hills of the Palouse 
where Pinto horses graze on memories 
when I roamed freely on dark river shore 
where I sit and watch spotted brook trout swim 
along pulsing veins that lead to my heart. 

I cannot read my children fairy tales 
without explaining laws of physics first 
so they know if they dress as Tinkerbell 
they cannot fly around the heads of elves 
nor cast enchanting spells of joyful love 
to make the suicidal want to live. 

Concerned about how weird future events 
unravel fabric of our shared world view, 
I study swirls of clouds above gold hills 
to measure how greedy humans will act 
based on clear aeromantic principles 
so I can write prophecies in the sky. 

Plain-speaking honesty of the blank sky 
lures me to fly with wings of Icarus 
above vast maze of cities on the Earth 
to see how gods of nations represent 
their spirit in the person they elect 
to rule religious rites of daily life. 

While lounging under ancient Tree of Life, 
watching its roots throb with ichor of being, 
I ponder what Camus says about Death 
whose mute finality of nothingness 
inspires my heart to savor this life now 
here in stark beauty of this radiant world. 

Since we must love one another and die, 
I will give you ripe apple that I stole 
from Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 
which wakes strange visions in our dream membrane 
about horror of war which drives insane 
children who survive each new genocide. 

When Li Po fishes for the Water Moon, 
cranes call to him with soft voice of friendship, 
so he swims down into the silver sky 
to bid farewell to everyone he knows 
who gasp surprised to see that he can fly 
yet leaves his last song as footprints in snow. 

While exploring vast land of in-between, 
with mission to count every drop of rain 
which all transform to fruit trees in lush fields, 
I discover my soul is formed from clay 
so I stick feathers of hawks in my arms 
and run around pretending I can fly. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Floating In Green Light

Floating In Green Light
© Surazeus
2024 10 02

Flame of light flickering on the candle wick 
could stand in for the spirit of your being, 
so when you become electricity, 
glowing brighter than the moon at midnight, 
I call your name in darkness of the world 
so we can find each other by the tree. 

I place gold apple on the windowsill 
I hope will gleam as beacon in the gloom 
to guide your journey home back to our hearth 
across the misty waste land of false hopes 
since you have gone to help the empire grow, 
once founded by Alfred in the wild snow. 

The lonely jaggedness of ocean cliffs 
contrives to comfort my unbroken heart 
with cold indifference of relentless wind 
that wants to tell me why I am alive 
though I stand on graves of ancestral bones 
with skull of my father who stares at me. 

Each memory I weed from dry garden soil 
exudes foul scent of sorrow to my heart, 
so I wipe tears of anger from smeared cheeks 
while carving your face on the pumpkin mask 
so you can smile at me with glowing light 
when I light candle of your soul, and cry. 

Yet evening rain of silver flashing eyes 
sweeps over golden hills of restless hope 
with slow explosive prayer for sudden truth 
to drench the wastrel ocean of my heart 
with laughing shadow of the yet-born soul 
who wants to incarnate Arthur for this world. 

The yellow-breasted chaffinch in the hazel 
explains with honest song of travesty 
the burlesque nature of the serious man 
who preaches salvation of the Glow Cloud 
that hovers over me with cherub wings, 
poor imitation of the faceless king. 

If I could sail across the frenzied sea 
to build new Eden in the Promised Land, 
I would escape the labyrinth of stone halls 
where statues of dead gods watch over me, 
ruthless with their gentle authority 
when blood of my eyes smears their Holy Book. 

Attempting to spread wings I do not have, 
with eager faith in goodness of their hearts, 
I dream I fly from stone kirk by the sea 
to find your ghost in swirl of ocean waves 
where I dive deep to where all life began 
to find your body floating in green light. 

Unseen Presence Of Death

Unseen Presence Of Death
© Surazeus
2024 10 02

When, after searching tangled woods of shadows, 
I find my sorrows submerged in clear depths 
beneath the fragile creaking bridge of hope, 
I dive in turbid memories of despair 
to hide them deeper still in sunless cave 
where no one can retrieve them from my heart. 

With bees that swirl in angled beams of light 
around the rosemary bush of lost faith, 
I seek strange signal pulsing in my brain 
which radiates from radar of cautious sense 
to warn me with vague taste of bitter gloom 
that Death lingers near like the open door. 

Since I first sensed unseen presence of Death 
when I was nine years old in the back yard, 
she has become the best friend I know well, 
always watching over me with dark eyes 
as sentinel who guides my daily trek 
on signless road toward destiny I choose. 

Seeking Dream Lake of my soul genesis, 
where our First Mother rose from lightless deep 
to sing enchanting spell of blooming trees, 
I trace her journey to the Promised Land 
four hundred million years of gene rebirth 
to map evolution through myths to me. 

Each daughter who emerges from her mother 
returns from distant valley of our ghosts 
to give me fruit she stole from Tree of Life 
so we survive cosmic catastrophes 
with each new life of hope we generate 
so we can map the world we navigate. 

Since I am undulation the sea sings 
with heart-enchanting melody of sirens, 
I multiply my soul through generations 
of children who spread out across the globe 
to weave our conscious mind in radiant web 
that rings in harmony with cosmic tunes. 

Awed to hum in vast cathedral of trees, 
I stretch my arms to imitate swan wings 
so my heart dilates wide as the mountain sky 
to bind whole hours between eternity 
with yellow motion of conceptual thoughts 
designed to shape my body with weird water. 

When I emerge from tangled woods of fear, 
heart pulsing with shadows of hungry words, 
I gesture fingers to control storm clouds 
that drench lonely hills in torrents of hope, 
then give fruit, my sorrows transformed to joy, 
with open hands to strangers without names. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Staring At My Face

Staring At My Face
© Surazeus
2024 10 01

If I try to bring my heart back to life, 
screaming butterflies will gather its shards 
so I can prove to the ghost of the rock 
that I am not as real as the sea wind 
who wants to carry me back to the cove 
where the moon first gave me my secret name. 

Too scattered in the field of laughing weeds 
to remember where I wanted to go, 
I watch the ancient oak tree try to grow 
angel wings so I can fly from the beast 
who lurks in shadows of my mangled heart 
when I hide in glow of the spider web. 

Kneeling in dark deserted gray-stone kirk, 
I twiddle knobs on the black radio 
in vain attempt to tune vibe of my brain 
so I can hear voices of angels sing 
dire news about planes dropping bombs of hate 
blasting the cow barn where the old king hums. 

Since every road that leads to paradise 
is stained with blood of homeless refugees 
who flee the knight with the mind-blowing gun, 
I sit on wet grass by the hungry sea 
and think about the nine-million-year war 
fought between the spiders and the insects. 

Staring at my face in the ice-blue mere, 
I try to understand the reason why 
my heart beats with god-like power of fear 
when I fight the gang of thieves in the woods 
to keep the sacred scroll they cannot read, 
because it records magic code I need. 

If I find my way out of this dream maze, 
composed of memories my ancestors lost 
when running frantically along the beach, 
I might invent the goal I want to reach 
in desperate attempt to assess the cost 
I have to pay to transcend the next phase. 

Strange beauty of words the wise woman sings 
enchants my heart with vision of the truth 
that narrates story of my random life 
defining where I fit in game of fate 
where she decides I am the man who builds 
strong shelter in safe haven for the homeless. 

So I sit with Narcissus by the pool 
as he paints Echo and Ophelia 
dressed as fairies in long flowing gowns, 
and me strumming the lyre of Mercury 
which I found in the Mountains of the Moon 
when Icarus healed me with mushroom wine.