Monday, September 30, 2024

New-Crowned Queen

New-Crowned Queen
© Surazeus
2024 09 30

Responsible for how dark clouds make rain, 
Iris dances with elegant surprise 
at how hearts, broken by excessive faith, 
reveal unpolished gems of jagged hope 
that love we give without expecting gain 
will heal people we love with joy for life. 

Returning home in sturdy fishing boat, 
Thaumas sees his daughter twirling in joy, 
long hair that beams with rainbows in the sky 
flashing with graceful beauty of desire, 
so he raises both hands up to Uranus 
and offers prayer of gratitude to fate. 

While hauling net of fish along the sand 
for his wife Electra to roast for lunch, 
Thaumas cries at sudden violent attack 
when Boreas swings club to whack his head, 
which knocks to his knees as red blows flows, 
then tries to retrieve fish the cruel man steals. 

When Iris and Electra run to help, 
throwing rocks at the thief with angry shouts, 
Boreas grabs lithe rainbow goddess tight 
with hairy arms, and drags her to his boat, 
leaving the fish to kidnap her instead, 
and rows quickly out over surging waves. 

Hearing shrieks of Iris calling for help, 
Zephyrus looks down from ledge of the cliff 
where he gathers bird eggs, and sees young girl 
struggling wildly to escape fierce assault, 
so he casts bear-fur cloak to catch the wind 
and grasps corners tight as he leaps in space. 

Gliding down with wind-billowed bear-fur cloak, 
Zephyrus aims to land on wave-rocked boat 
where he twirls brass rod he dug from dark soil 
to bash head of Boreas with hard strike, 
pushes stunned thief and rapist overboard, 
then rows young frightened princess safe to shore. 

Embracing her parents, who weep for joy 
that she is safe in their warm arms again, 
Iris invites Sky-Walker to their cave 
where he sits blushing as they dote on him, 
offering him feast of roasted fish and wine, 
then gazes at cute girl with rainbow eyes. 

Iris and Zephyrus stand face to face, 
holding hands while Electra crowns their heads 
with iris-woven wreaths to bind their souls, 
then, after singing hymn of love, they kiss, 
and lounge together on small pyramid 
while people bring gifts to the new-crowned queen. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus plays lyre and sings enchanting song of romance to celebrate inauguration of the new-crowned queen of the ocean world.
