Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Experience Of Unique Souls

Experience Of Unique Souls
© Surazeus
2024 09 11

When I first read the ancient Book of Life, 
and feel electric surge of secret truth 
burn Mark of Cain in palm of my right hand, 
I must experience ache of selfless love 
with my soulmate before I can absorb 
weird vision of its words into my skin. 

Grand walls of cities have all disappeared 
so now no haughty Priams rule vast Troys, 
yet Minotaurs lurk in their labyrinths 
where countless clones of Theseus perform 
games for power in chess games of Go 
to control territory of the mind. 

Yet mad Achilles attacks noble Hector, 
arrogant Aeneas steals bride of Turnus, 
and Satan lures Eve with Apple of Wisdom 
from Adam who teaches philosophy 
in bright halls of Earth University 
where sons of Jesus learn the business trade. 

When Orpheus crosses the Stygian Pool 
to rescue Eurydice from despair, 
after she is assaulted, raped, and killed 
by Aristaeus, Minister of Wealth, 
his spirit struggles stuck in mire of hate 
with longing to bring his bride back to life. 

Approaching Tree of Life in Tartarus 
where Clock of Change ticks in its spreading trunk, 
Orpheus presses palm of his right hand 
so Mark of Cain unlocks Door of Desire 
that opens way to meadow of blind ghosts 
where Isis nurses Horus at her breast. 

Kneeling beside Jesus before her throne, 
Orpheus joins his prayer of hopeless faith 
requesting she release from bonds of death 
souls of good people so they may return 
to live with joy in world of selfless love, 
free to make their most precious dreams come true. 

Opening palms of his hands pressed together, 
Orpheus reveals ancient Book of Life 
that records life of every nameless soul 
who ever lives in all the universe, 
but Isis shakes her head to confirm truth 
that no soul can ever live after death. 

Each brain nourished by its body of flesh 
emanates unique conscious soul of self 
nurtured, rather than trapped, by its brief vessel, 
so we journey on quest to explore Earth, 
designing virtual model of the world 
to learn how we are spirits of its dream. 

Enlightened by sacred truth about Nature 
that Isis reveals through vision of words, 
Orpheus and Jesus, without dead brides, 
return to Earth from Underworld of Hope 
and preach salvation to humanity 
through acceptance that every soul will die. 

Opening new bookstore on Rowan Street, 
Orpheus and Jesus hold weekly readings 
where poets share lyric poems they compose 
which present personae of human minds 
exploring memories of their private lives 
that record experience of unique souls. 

Jogging on the river shore right at dawn, 
Orpheus sees young woman in long gown 
floating half-drowned in its relentless tide, 
so he lays her among flowers on shore 
and breathes spirit of life in her heart, 
reviving her soul with his selfless love. 

Driving on the highway to work at church, 
Jesus sees young woman getting kidnapped, 
so he fights several men with martial arts, 
then takes her quickly to the hospital 
where her wounds are treated with gentle care, 
saving her soul from sexual slavery. 

Standing side by side at cathedral altar, 
nervous Orpheus and Jesus join hands 
with blushing brides Ophelia and Minerva 
to share their double wedding ceremony, 
vowing to protect the woman they love, 
then both couples kiss as the crowd applauds. 

With vision of words from the Book of Life, 
tattooed as swirling Runes of timeless light 
on skin of this body that beams my soul, 
I dwell in complex harmony of love 
with wise woman I adore and respect 
who reincarnates our souls within our children. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus sends photos of his wife and children on vacation to Jesus and his family back home.
