Thursday, August 22, 2024

House On Signless Road

House On Signless Road
© Surazeus
2024 08 22

I stand outside the house on signless road 
that contains eight billion doors to the heart 
where every breathing human in the world 
lives together in sprawling maze of myths, 
each person striving to play faceless god 
while floating in the swirling sea of hope. 

Reaching out my hand to open my door 
to the numberless house of singing ghosts, 
I pause in shadow of the cosmic mind 
which glows from pulsing eye of every star 
that ever radiates in the universe 
to nurture planets of organic life. 

Stunned by awe-inspiring flash of desire 
that strikes my body with lightning of truth, 
I feel every star in the universe 
gaze into abyss of my dreaming brain 
woven in neuron net that imitates 
vast galactic structure of the White Whole. 

Ascending Stairway to Heaven of light, 
I climb from lumped globe of material shapes 
to Realm of Ideas inside my mind 
where eternal forms of things that exist 
provide concept for each ideal template 
signified by words of reason and truth. 

Though I fell wingless in abyss of fear 
and wandered in cave of illusions by faith, 
I emerged from sea of error, transformed 
through deep experience of pleasure and pain, 
with knowledge Nature is indifferent 
which motivates me to love every soul. 

When I enter mirrored Temple of Truth 
in Realm of Ideas my brain projects, 
I look back on winding path of my life 
that maps my journey across the Waste Land 
with demonic shadow of my ancestors 
that leads me to build Heaven of my heart. 

Ten thousand years my ancestors explored 
landscape of Earth sea to shining sea 
till I stand curious in Temple of Truth, 
so I look forward to the Promised Land 
where every human sharing globe of hope 
joins me in United Nations of Earth. 

Working for equal rights of every person 
where we do what we will, if we harm none, 
I assist our Goddess of Liberty 
protecting dignity of human souls 
who build their private paradise from hell 
as we transform Earth into Wonderland. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus designs architectural structure of the global human house on signless road.
