
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Window To Everywhere

Window To Everywhere
© Surazeus
2023 07 04

When Doom, the terrible Angel of Death, 
takes me to Dream Library by the river, 
we sit by the Window to Everywhere 
and hear words that people no longer use 
die in soft whispers of eternity, 
so I hold their dreams in my hands and sing. 

When Doom, as Butterfly of Fertile Faith, 
expands my mind to comprehend Forever, 
she births my soul and names me Alastor 
so I sail river boat to find my Muse 
who teaches me Art of Maternity 
to protect children with my angel wing. 

When Doom, reborn as wise Messiah Sleuth, 
searches for Melusine as my true lover, 
I gaze with her up at the Morning Star 
that illuminates our way through the maze 
so we choose our fate for posterity 
with magic power of our wedding ring. 

When Doom, who conjures me as the Dream Wraith, 
encourages me with passion to endeavor 
bold mission born from pure galactic core, 
I will write grand narrative for each phase 
we humans evolve through modernity, 
awake with God Mind of the Atom String. 

When Doom, as eyeless idol of Grim Oath, 
leads me safe across broken Bridge of Never, 
she teaches me selfless love is the cure 
since decayed bodies fertilize the rose 
to survive through calm taciturnity 
till gloom of Winter blossoms us in Spring. 

When Doom, as chanting Harbinger of Truth, 
takes me on global voyage to discover 
fascinating people who survive war, 
I wonder why statues of dead gods pose 
with eager attitude of ecstasy 
preserved in timeless glow of the lyre string. 

When Doom, as ardent wizard of Light Math, 
programs my organic brain to be clever, 
I grip Wand of Wisdom to face my fear 
and study concepts signaled by weird clues, 
though I accept Fate of Mortality 
when I channel energy of each thing. 

When Doom, the beautiful Devil of Ruth, 
helps me design new moral cantilever 
on which I found Window to Everywhere 
through which I perceive machine of the ruse, 
I walk toward my vital finality 
to savor each new day Fortune may bring. 

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