
Friday, July 21, 2023

Where We Find No Heaven

Where We Find No Heaven
© Surazeus
2023 07 21

How brick walls breathe in sorrow of my words 
reminds me how brave Catallus declaims 
compassion of sad girls by sparkling streams 
who pluck strings of kitharas with despair 
that love could fill void of their aching hearts 
with power to generate new life from death. 

So while I wander lost in city maze 
of asphalt streets that radiate hot despair 
I dream of how cool breeze of sparkling streams 
might soon refresh my heart with eager hope 
till I trudge with large crowd of silent men 
to work in factory halls constructing cars. 

My hands, which my ancestors used to plant 
crops that flourish gold in windy fields, 
now grip steel instruments of industry 
as thought tools through manifest destiny 
to build swift time machines of mortal hope 
for fierce ambitious men to conquer Heaven. 

By driving cars fast on highways of hope 
we mortal humans gear anxiety 
through motivation of aggressive drive 
to overcome stark nothingness of death 
in national campaign to conquer Heaven 
which transforms our paradise into Hell. 

Converting wings of Icarus to steel, 
Daedalus teaches frail humanity 
how to escape hard gravity of fear 
as we ascend on propellers of passion 
through brave velocity of bright illusion 
to soar among clouds where we find no Heaven. 

As I soar gliding high above the Earth 
on brave wings of Icarus, which I forge 
from zealous faith that I can enter Heaven, 
I remember how my ancestors dreamed 
of finding that celestial realm of beauty 
where some faceless God rules our destiny. 

Ten thousand years we humans walked on Earth, 
yet gazed at clouds of black storm or gold calm 
with guiding faith that high above those swirls 
God reigns in Heaven of unchanging forms, 
but now I fly above our spinning sphere 
where we find no Heaven in the vast void. 

When I return to Earth from seeking Heaven 
to land my airplane on authentic truth 
I walk with time-bound human family 
with strange glow of pure passion for this life 
shining bright as beacon of honest faith 
that we create Heaven now here on Earth. 

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