
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Embody Spirit Of Love

Embody Spirit Of Love
© Surazeus
2023 07 25

Though I wailed with fierce eagerness of hope 
after inspiring air of paradise 
when I fell from warm womb of Mother Earth, 
I stumble when I dance on stage of fools 
till I laugh with shocking epiphany 
that I need no love to love the whole world. 

I waste my breath when I howl with hot rage 
against cruel faceless God in empty sky 
who decided with random lash of fate 
to destroy everything my hands have built 
and kill the innocent people I love 
for only greedy humans choose to harm. 

I care not whether children of my seed 
love me with strong devotion of their hearts 
for I created them with love for life, 
so I expect them to expand their scope 
beyond protective walls of home I built 
while I wander on heath of howling wind. 

I build foundation of aggressive faith 
from stones of wisdom I carve from mute death 
with bleeding hands of constructive desire 
so they can build grand cathedral of truth 
where they will manage empire of crop fields 
to feed wise children who spring from our dreams. 

My fathers journey along mountain range 
that forms foundation of our spinning world 
from Egypt to China and back to Scythia, 
each father teaching his son how to hunt, 
exploring this world he describes with words, 
then falls dead as his child continues on. 

Child of my heart, I form from dreams of hope, 
explore beyond walls of my paradise 
and leave me behind in tomb of my deeds 
while you build new cities in distant lands 
till colonies of children we create 
thrive in every fertile valley of Earth. 

Since Adam left apple garden of Eden, 
since Job rebuilt the paradise he lost, 
since David founded nation of the bold, 
since Jesus wrestled with despair and lost, 
since Lear wept at senseless death of Cordelia, 
I guard my children in Heaven I build. 

No God in Heaven orchestrates our fate, 
for only good men we elect to rule 
can executive programs of social laws 
that enforce equal justice for all humans, 
and overthrows tyrants who exploit workers, 
for wise leaders embody spirit of love. 

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