
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Give Us Wings Of Hope

Give Us Wings Of Hope
© Surazeus
2023 07 12

Cathedral window in the mountain cave 
refracts strange beauty of eternity, 
so I reach out my hand to touch its thought 
with gentle tumult of the sudden hope 
though our boat founders on the waveless sea 
when sunlit valley welcomes us back home. 

Sweet music ringing from tangled lyre strings 
brings emptiness of rarefied desire 
so we place chairs in meadow of sad wind 
to tell our children of the long ago 
when ancient willows give us wings of hope 
since we can never find our home again. 

When sleeping river of the mirror sky 
speaks to the land awake in bitter rain 
we hide our sacred pools behind stone walls 
each time death screams in lightning storm of joy 
because our happiness flows through our eyes 
with pledge to guard the people we love most. 

This house we build from wordless memories 
guards magic wings of children without hands 
who follow sparrows darting in pear trees 
because they teach the green sun how to rise 
from melons glowing in the dew-wet grass 
till we discover land to call our own. 

We gaze at moonlit apple blossoms long 
with wordless wonder of the hopping crow 
whose eyes reveal wild fir trees on the hill 
that walk toward castle of the bleeding hand 
no longer pledged to guard the secret place 
because the watchman weeps by empty graves. 

Distributed light of the unsung psalm 
hides grinning in the treasure box of keys 
that never open doors of empty homes 
where shadows play sad games of hide and seek 
to prove the puzzle of whispering sea sand 
explodes in laughter of the unplanned play. 

Surprised by loneness of the happy smile 
that twists the flowing river of black light, 
I wonder how my body is alive 
with aching anguish of the empty jar 
though I decide to milk the mourning cow 
because birds know the stars invent our home. 

Soft heaviness of fields where golden wheat 
explain reluctant process time requires 
determines how my heart remembers you 
each time we meet on battlefield of fate 
with earnest hope of hands we strain to reach 
that we will stay together till we die. 

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