
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Dark Blue Constant Of Eternity

Dark Blue Constant Of Eternity
© Surazeus
2023 07 01

The dark blue constant of eternity 
reflects the transient beauty of this life 
when I wake on the front lawn of my home 
to feel dawn light of atoms pierce my soul 
with austere terror of the natural world 
that confronts me with certitude of death. 

While standing still at center of Untime, 
feet tingling from coldness of dew-wet grass, 
I see young deer with sprouting fuzzy horns 
graze calmly with cautious intensity, 
so I whisper soft prayer of adoration 
to spirit of Cernunnos in my heart. 

With transitory abruptness of faith 
I study variable constant of change 
that factors growth in millions of events 
blooming as moments in Eternal Now 
through fleeting salience of ideal form 
which I record as psychic tropes in code. 

Based on summation of dream permanence, 
my observations photograph the flash 
of nameless ghosts across landscape of hope 
when I sense presence of organic beings 
who live and die in this confining space 
over the past four hundred million years. 

I gaze in Mirror of Eternity 
where I see this one particular me 
searching to understand nature of being 
composed of atoms swerving in the void 
as light beams that flare forth from the first flash 
to wake as conscious creatures on this globe. 

Our beautiful forms of chemical being 
proliferate through order of disorder 
across fertile geography of hope 
from fierce beginning spark of hungry angst 
that creates this present time of honest fear 
through multi-variable scope of respect. 

Along straight line of curving clarity 
my heart traverses contours of desire 
against limited tightness to transcend 
imagined terror of serenity 
through widening scope of ardent free will, 
though final vision eludes my quick grasp. 

Each day I walk fraught landscape of this world 
with focused mission to acquire content 
salient to survival of my frail mind 
where I encounter species with bright eyes 
as fragments of our universal soul 
which endures though our separate selves dissolve. 

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