
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Illusions Of My Faith

Illusions Of My Faith
© Surazeus
2023 07 22

When Melisendra rides her bloody horse 
while cheering crowds in streets of Zathamar 
throw roses of love with thorns of desire 
I attack paper puppets of rich men 
to fight the shadow of my unborn self 
that I project at strangers without names. 

When Belerma, with her heart in her hands, 
marches through crystal palace of dead gods 
in Cave of Enchantment to find the grail 
I gaze in mirror of ten billion ghosts 
whose ever-shifting faces mask my soul 
that looms as grim shadow over my world. 

When Dulcinea, wearing yellow skirt, 
bakes loaves of sourdough bread in market stall, 
which people of Toboso buy each dawn, 
I conjure demon from my wordless heart 
to go on noble quest of honest hope 
far from the ruined walls of paradise. 

When Clementine in tattered kitchen skirt 
falls in the gushing river of gold dust 
to snatch laughing skull of Hamlet from death 
I tilt my sharpened lance of Percival 
to fight windmills of merchants who exploit 
labor of the poor to hoard wealth of pride. 

When Melusine gives me water of life 
she draws from well of the cloud-dancing horse 
so mushrooms blossom from sponge of my brain 
I understand from way she smiles at me 
that I cling to illusions of my faith 
so I will remain but mad north-northwest. 

When Britomart invades castle of lies 
to rescue Amoret from the blind king 
who sends noble knights to enslave the poor 
I decide to marry Princess Despair 
who teaches me uncanny truth of death 
that shines with beauty of the Nevermore. 

When Medusa leads army of brave fools, 
farmers armed with sturdy spears from oak trees, 
to charge uphill against soldiers with guns, 
I preach all humans born from the Blue Sky 
are equal in eyes of Justice who wields 
scales that weigh our deeds based on consequence. 

When Belphoebe tends fertile apple trees 
that bloom white as snow in Bower of Bliss 
from seeds planted in shadow of my corpse 
I perform as free artist of myself 
to protect the woman I love from harm 
while she teaches our children how to sing. 

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