
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

So I Dwell In Okoni

© Surazeus
2023 07 18

We meet in eternity of our dreams 
on verdant shore of the silver-eyed stream 
in Moon Valley where the Dark Tower stands 
on rugged hill where gods are crucified, 
to keep each other safe from numbing fear 
by singing melancholy hymns of hope. 

With no more stories of our fight to live 
to share in darkness of the evening gloom 
we watch the silent flames of sunset glow 
on bones of warriors scattered in wheat fields 
long after they fought battles in world wars, 
and thus we cherish hard-won peace of death. 

Together on lush island of despair 
we wait beneath the twisted apple tree 
for time to spin our bodies into ghosts 
since we can only live each day that comes 
on clacking wheels of wagons full of woe 
to wait good news that Parsifal returns. 

We cannot travel backward to the past 
for all the matter of the universe 
keeps flowing forward in strict stream of time 
that carries fragile boat our bodies form 
from cave of birth on mountain slope of hope 
to sea of death that swallows us in night. 

Since humble Gordias, driving cart of fruit, 
first paused at shrine in Telmissus to ask 
wise Oracle of grim Sabazius 
for guidance to establish paradise, 
my heart has flown on eagle wings of faith 
forever westward with the setting sun. 

Though bodies of my ancestors are gone 
as swirls of dust in hot indifferent wind 
their conscious vision of this blooming world, 
programmed by immortal soul of our genes, 
glows bright with honest faith within my brain 
so they are all awake inside my heart. 

By riding four-wheeled wagon of my hope, 
pulled by swift-winged horse of stoic faith, 
I travel forward faster across space 
in time machine Ezekiel designed, 
powered by piston engine of Barsantus, 
to build new home in wilds of Zathamar. 

Though Cybele my love still waits for me 
back home in empty hall of Gordium 
I can no longer travel back in time 
to long-lost land where my ancestors lived, 
from Scythia through Avalon to Oregon, 
so I dwell in Okoni, my new home. 

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