
Friday, July 7, 2023

Star-Eyed Clown

Star-Eyed Clown
© Surazeus
2023 07 07

I am the star-eyed clown who weaves weird dreams 
from endless fountain of spiritual streams 
that flow from sparkling brains of conscious souls 
who swim with me in matrix of black holes 
as lightbeams from zillion atomic eyes 
of Sun Spider Solaria in mirror skies. 

The stone-eyed idol of the ancient god, 
who once ruled Earth with social justice squad, 
stares into hollow abyss of my heart 
while I attempt to draw new history chart, 
but wander lost on signless road of faith 
to find empty castle of the God Wraith. 

I am the star-eyed clown who steals your boat 
to find the island of the laughing goat 
who offers grail of wine to refugees 
because they flee the world war of dream keys, 
but I wait mute on mountain of the horse 
who teaches me how to channel the Force. 

The glass-eyed king on throne of rusting swords 
gives broken wings to all the bankrupt lords 
who try to fly to the arrogant moon 
where they hope to ask Phoebus for the boon 
that would help them believe in something more 
than weeping mother in the farmhouse door. 

I am the star-eyed clown of Zathamar 
who believes in nothing of the Soul Star 
concealed in cracked skull of the apple seed 
based on concept of the Avalon Rede 
that every person can do what they will 
if we harm none on the euphoric hill. 

The gold-eyed statue in museum hall 
who smiles in shimmer of the waterfall 
depicts the perfect human we could be 
dwelling together in Land of the Free 
so we tend garden of the singing tree 
with ache of knowledge that all fruit will fall. 

I am the star-eyed clown who sings in rain, 
extracting pleasure from heart-wrenching pain 
in bid to wrestle angel of despair 
with proof that only demons dare to care 
about survival of the human race 
on this frail planet spinning lost in space. 

The gem-eyed dragon of the hungry mind 
considers playful games of humankind 
who fight to win new home in Wonderland 
since wealth is transient as the wind-blown sand, 
but she concludes her study of our ways 
that we are star-eyed clowns in Mirror Maze. 

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