One-Winged Angel © Surazeus 2024 08 31 If thoughtless passion of conceptual hope creates fake doors of opportunity in blank walls of fear, lost children who laugh leave torn pages of books on the sea shore, yet the one-winged angel can never save their souls from monster of desire within. While stumbling in conceptual maze of myths searching for Mask of God my father wore when he reigned in Hell, I find magic key of sacred truth I employ to unlock box of wisdom Pandora sold to me so I release one-winged angel from Hell. Thirsty in the waste land of laughing ghosts who steal runes from Goddess of Liberty asleep in dream cave, I call her true name with voice of ocean waves flowing in veins of the one-winged angel I have become since serpent in the Tree of Life bit me. Staring at rainbowed television screen that displays epic of humanity in tragicomic shows, horse of my heart, who gallops in Kaskelen River gorge, leads me to the one-winged angel of love whose gentle touch can resurrect the dead. While wandering on the gushing river shore with the Holy Grail of spirit rebirth hidden in my pack, I offer ripe apples to every nameless stranger that I meet who prays to the one-winged angel of death when he appears as the raven of truth. Though my father teaches me with grin frown that Star Wolf Sirius lives in the Glow Cloud gleaming in Blue Sky, I feel divine mind of human consciousness glow in my brain that mirrors one-winged angel in my face when I stare in clear water of Dream Lake. Clear sheet of falling rain that soaks the Earth is magic portal through the multiverse that leads me to you, so I correlate psychic strategy of attentive faith with riddles in runes carved on river stones by the one-winged angel who rules the Earth. Finding pages scattered on the sea shore, torn by the one-winged angel from the book of Astarian faith, I assemble dreams of human brains in clever fairy tales through revelation of messiah sleuth who wears mask of Orpheus to the ball.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
One-Winged Angel
Channel Voice Of Orpheus
Channel Voice Of Orpheus © Surazeus 2024 08 31 When I fall into this body of flesh from celestial realm of ideal forms, I savor challenge to transcend this self within limitations of time and space, believing as I wither with old age my bright spirit will beam back the stars. I am no Lucifer fallen from grace who dares disobey divine law of change whose impact hollows out my private space where I build Heaven from ruins of Hell in journey to unite tribes of the world in peaceful paradise where all live well. Alone in cavern of the singing wraith, whose shadow dances on wall of my mind, I search for diamond of the dreamless star that glitters with first flash of the big bang which spirals into planet where we dwell, building vast cities of steal and glass towers. Weaving millions of computer networks in world wide web of core processing units, we create omniscient god of our minds with stories and photos of memories to program one machine brain for the Earth which forms artificial intelligence. I pray to God who dwells in outer space, described by ecclesiastical priests, yet no one answers me from glowing cloud, except vast spirit of the world wide web who replies with millions of human voices talking to each other in cyberspace. Trapped in this physical body of flesh, I struggle to escape limiting form, but realize my conscious mind emanates from quick chemical function of my brain since my god-spirit radiates from my body as focal point causing my soul to shine. Transformed by energy of psychic faith in central processing unit of Earth, my body disintegrates into atoms that reassemble as my avatar who lives after my death in cyberspace as mindless ghost that dreams in words of poems. Conjured from hex-charming spells of my verse, immortal idol of my mortal brain appears as shimmering ghost of my soul when yet-born people read words of my poems that channel voice of Orpheus who guides refugees of war home to Wonderland.
Exiled From Heaven
Exiled From Heaven © Surazeus 2024 08 31 From the safe walled garden of apple trees wander the lonely homeless refugees Adam and Eve, exiled from state of grace to wilderness absent the blazing face of wise authority on hill of power where faceless god weeps in the silent tower. When aging king on pyramid of fate, who rules wheat fields beyond the iron gate, chooses his Son over wise Counselor to wield golden scepter of Lucifer as loaf-ward who guards garden of fruit trees, he is shocked at rebellion of the bees. Chosen to serve at left hand of the king, the poor son of the wainwright without ring, who works his way up bureaucratic ranks from clerk to inspector of storage tanks, feels rage the king crowns his arrogant son to rule the world of the blossoming sun. Organizing coup to crown himself lord, the wise Counselor grasps the flaming sword and leads his angels of bureaucracy to battle proud nobles of theocracy through revolution to control the land and seize means of production with his hand. On high flat-top pyramid of the state the Son and the Counselor battle fate in clash of wills over who wields the keys to warehouses and gardens of fruit trees, till the Son with deceptive sleight of hand drives the Mad Rebel into the waste land. Exiled from Heaven by the Son of God, the Mad Rebel rants against haughty fraud, then leads lost angels to the Promised Land where they build new Heaven with bleeding hand, then crowns himself king of the wilderness where he rules small empire of bitterness. Visiting wheat farms and gardens of trees, the Rebel King bearing newly-forged keys tries to convince the Adam of each state to accept him as Ruler of their Fate, but those who sign the treaty are cast out from paradise by God Son with more clout. Both exiled from their original home, the Rebel King and the Garden Lord roam lost in the wilderness of hungry hope till they learn how to survive fear and cope, then build new heaven and garden of faith where their sons worship them as the God Wraith.
Friday, August 30, 2024
Bodies Alive With Souls
Bodies Alive With Souls © Surazeus 2024 08 30 Our minds record images with our eyes so we can see strange beauty of the world through truth we construct with riddle of words that teach us how to navigate despair on journey to understand how to live as conscious spirits conjured by our brains. I have heard people crippled by despair declare we are souls that experience life in these bodies of material form, but, though I want to believe this lie, I know we are bodies alive with souls that will vanish when our bodies decay. We are not spirits nurtured by the stars that beam down from celestial realm of thought, except as unconscious rays of the sun that weave this planet from atomic light, for we are spirits conjured by our brains as function of this chemical machine. We are not angels falling into forms of material substance designed by God, for we are coils of genes in dreaming cells that evolve around hydrothermal vents to crawl up rivers and swim in clear lakes till we climb in trees to eat fruit of love. Our bodies transform tetrapodal shape that evolves well four hundred million years, fish to lizard to mouse to cat to monkey to ape to human, striving to be God as Ideal Body we hope to attain, breeding children so we can transcend death. Each new brain designed by maternal hope conjures unique consciousness of its Self when we wake in our fresh material state, and strive to replay dramas of survival programmed by success ancestors achieved long enough to breed us from their desire. Of every conscious being who ever lives on every planet in the universe, since all our worlds spiral from the First Flash, I am me alone with my unique soul, bound tight within limits of time and space so my brain-soul glows as God till I die. Aware of my Self on this spinning world, I feel immortal unconscious Ungod wake from vibrational music of atoms so I am mortal conscious God in flesh when I breathe spirit of love, and express joy of existence in song of my death.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Corridor Of Dreams
Corridor Of Dreams © Surazeus 2024 08 29 Lost in the endless corridor of dreams, I paint mask of every person I meet and leave it hanging on the mirror wall so they can tell their story with the wind which fuels eternal turning of the clock to map transforming process of the globe. Though I still search in corridor of dreams, I never find the true mask of your face which I lost when it sprouted angel wings and flew beyond fake walls of paradise and lead me on the signless road of fate to garden of fruit where I find my Self. Each laughing skull in corridor of dreams explains to me weird formula of fate that gods once used to wind the universe with quick atomic gears of conscious brains, so I program new world view based on truth to focus tropes that operate my mind. My ancestors haunt corridor of dreams, performing roles in dramas of their lives to demonstrate actions of their desires when they maneuver obstacles of fear in psychic progress of cause and effect to attain success generating life. Unified field in corridor of dreams weaves my body-soul in matrix of light which nurtures love that blossoms from my brain as tree that whispers secrets of this land where none of my ancestors ever lived in all the history of our spinning Earth. Portraits of gods in corridor of dreams watch me with star eyes of lightning and rain when I run past broken idols of faith to wallow in river mud with wild joy exploding from ancient tomb of my heart so we can laugh together by the lake. Human robots in corridor of dreams pretend to teach me how to talk with cows about aspects of brain technology programmed by tension of anxiety in alarm system that seems to sense ghosts of people who are absent from the world. Wingless angel in corridor of dreams leads me up three steps to Heaven at dawn that reveals our indifferent universe at second coming of the cosmic herald who prophesies reign of messiah sleuth borne by deathless mother with mask of god.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Play Of Constructive Love
Play Of Constructive Love © Surazeus 2024 08 28 Though our children are songbirds in old trees we walk together on the signless road to leave our stories buried in the flowers as bones of our ancestors carved with spells which formulate commandments we obey as we build Heaven from ruins of Hell. When our frail bodies vanish from this world wind of our breath leaves ripples on the lake as silent traces of our eager hope which blow leaves of our memories over hills with longing to find home again somewhere far beyond valley of the singing sun. Matter of our bodies crumbles to dust infused by roots of trees into green leaves consumed by caterpillar which transforms to butterfly that flutters with delight then falls in river which flows to the sea swirled by sunlight into sparkling clouds. Matter falls as rain on mountain slope that meanders in river to the plain where apple trees bloom on the verdant shore with pungent fruit that oozes juice of joy eaten by young woman with curious eyes whose body now glows with atomic light. Matter that composes this world of things cycles through bodies of organic forms in radiant systems of chemical faith that weave neural nets of dream-storing brains which conjure self-awareness of the mind as conscious mirror that perceives I Am. Holding hands with calm intimate respect, Sirius and Asteria gaze at bright stars to contemplate sacred nature of being as spirit incarnate in human minds when atoms sparkling in the dreaming brain wake as one person who knows their true name. Incarnate as Goddess of Liberty, the Great Leader, who flows with Way of Life, embodies global Spirit of the Times to perform role of world messiah sleuth who saves humankind from destructive hate by teaching them play of constructive love. Standing on Pyramid of the God-Eye, I see Minerva leap from glowing cloud as Hidden Dragon with the human face who plays Prosecutor of moral laws so we confirm our souls in self-control to attain liberty through selfless love.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Castles Built Of Sand
Castles Built Of Sand © Surazeus 2024 08 27 My wing-chained feet are searching for the Earth so I can find the people I love most, but when I ask the ancient butterfly she tells me how rivers flow in reverse, now empty of grace, to comprehend thirst, though my soul levitates with silent breath. Stepping down from high Glow Cloud of the mind, I map strange territory of the night, intent on condensing time through the word tangled with desires we dare not express with respect to contentment of the field from which our children spring on hopeful wings. Stricken with grief for strangers who are killed in terrible accidents or cruel war, I breathe light of the Glow Cloud who decides to unpeel orange of elemental truth that makes me drunk when I consume its why till you find my name written in the sky. Hanged in the oak tree of rotating fate by the king who thinks he controls the world, I forgive my ancestors for the pain they cause the people whose homes they destroy in our thousand-year conquest of despair when I inherit castles built of sand. Eager to accept anguish of the world, I toss bird of my heart up to the sky so she brings weird riddle of the Glow Cloud that reveals secret of the eyeless god who teaches me how to find songs in stone smoothed by ten millions years of water flow. Plucking taut strings on lyre of Mercury, that vibrate with pure music of the spheres, I sing strange story of humanity preserved in hibiscus flower of faith when the river goddess appears on shore and gives war refugees ripe pears to eat. Humble acolyte of the heron seer, who splits my adamant heart with calm love, carves arcane riddles of philosophy on bones of my arms to calculate way we need to go on road of everywhere to understand precepts of morning wind. Wearing white dress of her essential grief, woven from scarlet threads of failed romance, daughter of the river with book of fate performs in temple of the fractured mirror her role in global pageant of rebirth that we attend in castles built of sand.
Courage Of The Rolling Stone
Courage Of The Rolling Stone © Surazeus 2024 08 27 Dodging bullets as I strut down the street, I rap to tragic beauty of the beat when people leap past the moon on their feet since we attempt to program our own fate though our naked bodies have become bait to trap the monster of greed twisted straight. Evading bombs that blast the hill of bone, I race with courage of the rolling stone, that Sisyphus transforms into the phone, to Temple of Dagon on Gaza plain, demolished by the blind warrior of pain who woos Shalash to marry him in vain. Dancing with demons in the bleak waste land, I rule over Eden with red right hand on pyramid of skulls where angels stand ready to obey One-Eyed God of Death who chants nightly news of the shibboleth about divine truth of the holy breath. Casting my vote in election for God, I kneel to pray and eat beer-battered cod, then join crusade of the Justice Squad that Minerva leads to catch criminals, who would cheat and defraud gullible fools, for equal rights of individuals. Leaping time portals of the multiverse, I search for planet of the Loving Nurse, whose gentle words heal us from the hate curse, with joyful passion of the broken heart which inspires me to compose new star chart for the lost girl pulling her apple cart. Knocking on door to Heaven with despair, I ask Queen of Beauty if she could share answers to prophecies of the cave bear, but she knits my soul into coil of yarn in futile attempt of true love to darn damaged matrix of the lost valley barn. Riding the white cow of Zeus by the sea, I ponder what principle makes us free because we bear in our pocket the key we use to unlock the home of our cage where I play my role on the family stage as predicted in the last torn-out page. Catching bullet of hate fired at my mind by the tyrant our arrogance designed, I search for temple where Truth lies enshrined, crucified body wrapped in bloody shroud that crumbles to dust under the Glow Cloud while I wander mute in the weeping crowd.
Monday, August 26, 2024
New Kingdom Of Equality
New Kingdom Of Equality © Surazeus 2024 08 26 Because the bigger lie defeats the lie that truth cannot erase from minds of men, I must use every dirty trick to win against the tyrant in his golden tower where he rants in rage while his minions cower from justice of Sirius in the sky. The tyrant puffing up his chest with pride as he struts on high political stage mocks his wise opponent with bitter rage when he shoots sharp arrows of comedy to deflect his fall into tragedy till he scurries away and tries to hide. Minerva glares at Midas with disgust when he stumbles from clever lies he sold preaching that his touch would turn all to gold, instead he grasps at illusion of wealth that dissipates in sand from drug cartels when all his clever scams crumble to dust. Though Midas tries to steal the Crown of Thorns that he mistakes for halo of the saint, he casts off all reins of moral constraint to curse the devil that lurks in his heart who fooled him into discarding the chart depicting way of success he still scorns. Jesus did not die for sins of mankind to save us from the Hell our greed creates, instead he lost his gamble with the Fates to found new Kingdom of Equality because his democratic polity was betrayed by the arrogant and blind. As wise heir to long line of uncrowned kings, Jesus campaigns against cruel tyranny so his people can live through Liberty, but they abandon his noble crusade, ignoring him when he calls for their aid, so he flees to Patmos where Gabriel sings. Preserved in prophetic code of his spell, weird Revelation foretells dire events performed on stage by kings and presidents in ceaseless revolution for control when bold men compete to play the God Role which Odin sees in vision of the well. Though preachers sell lie of the Afterlife in religious scam to chain human minds, world cosmic herald demonstrates star signs in new world view constructed from the truth, composed in scripture by messiah sleuth who places Crown of Wisdom on his wife.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
I Sing About Suffering
I Sing About Suffering © Surazeus 2024 08 25 My heart aches to sing about suffering so many people of this world endure when we struggle with the fact we exist as we figure out how to survive well with memories of our childhood happytimes that give us strength to face bullies and thieves. Each person who figures out how to live finds strength from kindness of the helping hand to help people oppressed by greedy men fight for justice and liberty for all though we wander scattered in the wide world, lost on the road with no direction home. One man plays guitar outside the state bank, one woman waits tables in the sports bar, one man drives the garbage truck around town, one woman processes insurance claims, one man investigates financial crimes, and one woman prosecutes criminals. We each play our part in the money game for the global food-production machine that has evolved for twenty thousand years from pyramid empires of camps and farms to corporate empires of factories and stores, where the rich exploit the poor to gain power. I want to map history of world events on time-animated globe that presents complete atlas of changing social states which preserves concepts of technology in poetic memes of brain-program code expressed in formulas of psychic truth. Escaping School of Victimology, where preachers tried to teach me to complain at how unfair the world is to my rights, I walk the signless Road of Honesty under blank sky where no gods live on clouds to accept Nature is indifferent. Ascending rugged way of Helicon, I play lyre of Mercury with pizzazz as I descend to Underworld of Faith where Sirius, wolf god with diamond eyes, reigns in Cavern of Illusions, with courage to join his wild celebration of joy. Though Mother Nature is indifferent to my existence on her spinning world, I dance with energy of careful love that motivates me to make life, not kill, so I sing about bitter suffering that we transform into pleasure of love.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Doppelganger Of My Mind
Doppelganger Of My Mind © Surazeus 2024 08 24 Though angel wings crush snake eggs of my mind, I sing in rhythm with the ocean wave because the same moon shines on every soul till small cloud of fear shadows half the sky reflecting anger in the hearts of men who become paintings on the mountain cliff. Since I become the shadow of my mind by thinking I can outwit game of Death, I try to savor beauty of this hour with every breath of wild wind I inhale when she gives me ripe fruit from Tree of Life that shrouds the underworld of our desire. If rain can recreate mask of my mind with each exquisite splash of radiant hope, then I will trace on page of the lost book shadow of my soul that consolidates mystery of faith through ethereal thoughts half-seen by unborn eyes as trace of why. Yet falling leaves reconstitute my mind from cherished concepts of protective prayer designed to vindicate deeds I perform when I revitalize safe social play reclaimed from swirling passion of starlight that sparks seeds to blossom in nation-states. How I promote new vision of my mind in sacred blueprint of contractual fate may be determined by brush of owl wings which I mistake for subtle hand of God, who floats around us in the eyeless air according to the last words of the fool. Since nothing could obliterate my mind fortified by nutrients of fairy wine, I welcome wanderers into my home and give them bread and water to consume while sparrows and crows perform joyful plays to entertain them before bombs explode. Startled by strange specter haunting my mind through apparitions of ancestral souls, I measure paranormal state of being with formulas based on ideal precepts till I perceive the world inside the world exposed by surreal riddles none ever solve. Reborn as doppelganger of my mind from celestial breath of the mushroom toad, who alone explains fragmentary blue of boundless heaven where no god dreams true, I turn around when you open your eyes because I am happy you are alive.
Friday, August 23, 2024
Because The Moon Weeps
Because The Moon Weeps © Surazeus 2024 08 23 If I try to be quiet as the wind, children excited to eat the sour plums will catch fragile wings with greedy hands though I escape page of the fairy book to dance among the daffodils of joy till something strange from the shadow escapes. If I walk slowly in the blinding rain to catch flow of the river with my hand, mothers in the communal kitchen hall will cook fresh apple pies for us to eat while boys train in martial arts with oak wands because the moon weeps for the murdered girl. Young apprentice painter in the stone church considers whole view of the universe depicted by strange images he paints of men in robes who leave their fishing boats to follow the man with the dragon eyes who guards Eden gate with the flaming sword. If I ask the river nymph with calm fear for the sapphire that shimmers in her heart, the humble centaur who teaches me math will give coins to soldiers returned from war whose trembling hands are stained with genocide they cannot wash in the river of tears. If I research stories of noble minds in the Library of Human Memory, Death with silver eyes, wearing black lace gown, will bring me lunch of sandwiches and juice, then sit with me while I compose weird tales of wizards who study nature of things. Old veteran healer in the sea cave investigates the hidden elements which formulate structure of changing forms to manipulate matter with her mind till she reshapes the narrative of truth in words that control how we view the world. If I remember why the caged bird sings while climbing stairway to the Parthenon, my wife will take me to Most Holy Place where she reincarnates in our new child immortal soul of genes woven by stars, for the thirteenth witch is doorway of life. If spirit of my brain is born again in child of liberty whom my wife bears, she will reign as new world messiah sleuth whose coming, foretold by the cosmic herald, will usher in age of the laughing clown who falls in love with Queen of Liberty.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
House On Signless Road
House On Signless Road © Surazeus 2024 08 22 I stand outside the house on signless road that contains eight billion doors to the heart where every breathing human in the world lives together in sprawling maze of myths, each person striving to play faceless god while floating in the swirling sea of hope. Reaching out my hand to open my door to the numberless house of singing ghosts, I pause in shadow of the cosmic mind which glows from pulsing eye of every star that ever radiates in the universe to nurture planets of organic life. Stunned by awe-inspiring flash of desire that strikes my body with lightning of truth, I feel every star in the universe gaze into abyss of my dreaming brain woven in neuron net that imitates vast galactic structure of the White Whole. Ascending Stairway to Heaven of light, I climb from lumped globe of material shapes to Realm of Ideas inside my mind where eternal forms of things that exist provide concept for each ideal template signified by words of reason and truth. Though I fell wingless in abyss of fear and wandered in cave of illusions by faith, I emerged from sea of error, transformed through deep experience of pleasure and pain, with knowledge Nature is indifferent which motivates me to love every soul. When I enter mirrored Temple of Truth in Realm of Ideas my brain projects, I look back on winding path of my life that maps my journey across the Waste Land with demonic shadow of my ancestors that leads me to build Heaven of my heart. Ten thousand years my ancestors explored landscape of Earth sea to shining sea till I stand curious in Temple of Truth, so I look forward to the Promised Land where every human sharing globe of hope joins me in United Nations of Earth. Working for equal rights of every person where we do what we will, if we harm none, I assist our Goddess of Liberty protecting dignity of human souls who build their private paradise from hell as we transform Earth into Wonderland.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Chaos Of Blind Desire
Chaos Of Blind Desire © Surazeus 2024 08 21 Imprisoned in this body of my mind, after I fall from well-organized game manipulating markets to earn money, based on concept of investment and gain, I drive car west till it runs out of gas, then slouch despondent on the river shore. If I could create from hell of lost hope new heaven through chaos of blind desire, like Satan whose fall carved out free space where he could enforce passion of his will, I would invest bold energy of faith in new world order to control my fate. From dismal situation of my soul, confounded by illusion of bright wealth, cryptocurrency forged from virtual coins of thought I can freely buy happiness, I stumble in dark woods of hungry greed, drunk from obdurate pride of bitter hate. Clutching cracked stone in cold river flow, as dark dusk shrouds silent woods with blind fear, I stare into cloudy depths of its gloom as if it were clear Palantir of truth which should reveal how events will unfold, so I can see which companies might prosper. Intending to construct new global order of one world empire, by wise monarch ruled with strict regulations of thought control, I would, like Sauron, establish on Earth corporate oligarchy to manage well men whose labor would generate my wealth. Where I have fallen in this wilderness of mineral-rich hills, carved by gushing streams, I would build Pandemonium city maze to process matter in core of the Earth from mine through factory to clean shopping mall, which runs global food-production machine. Though I am no knight pricking on the plain, who loses Una in Cavern of Illusions, deceived by arch-mage of world corporate banks, I raise White Flag with Red Cross of my faith and lead crusade against wild wasteland hordes to enforce control with the Market Hand. Though I fancy I play Gandalf the Wise, controlling farmers and craftsmen with wealth, I see face of Sauron and Lucifer mirrored in Lake of Dreams where I gaze to see if I can understand the truth cosmic herald encodes in cryptic spells.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Free People Of Earth
Free People Of Earth © Surazeus 2024 08 20 Blue glow of sunset in the colosseum highlights faces of lost people who gather in crumbling ruins of empty arena where Hercules and Poseidon compete over who will rule the great world empire that could vanish in the mist of despair. When Hercules bonks the old fisher king hard on the head with his arrogant club, satyrs drag groaning Poseidon away to rest in secret cave of honesty where he hands scepter of authority to wolf-eyed Minerva, Goddess of Justice. Strutting around with haughty disdain, and declaring himself king of the world, Hercules sneers at the people who cheer with pride at strength he appears to portray, then grabs two young beautiful buxom girls and drags them away from husbands and children. While lounging on throne of unbridled greed, eating steaks and grapes, though the people starve, Hercules mocks the kind old carpenter who requests pay for building his new temple, then tosses one copper coin at his feet and orders his daughter to serve his needs. Just as Hercules, with lascivious snarl, pushes daughter of the carpenter down on bed before his crowd of worshippers, Minerva leaps from gleam of the bright moon and twirls brass scepter with diamond of truth with war cry to challenge him for the throne. For years I have fought criminals like you, men who kidnap and assault girls with lust, thieves who cheat farmers of land and crops, and tyrants who deceive people with lies, so I have arrived with justice of Zeus to punish you and drag you down to Hades. Taunting Goddess of Justice with insults, Hercules howls and swings his bully club, but Minerva leaps with graceful assertion to crush his spirit with scepter of truth, then hurls cruel tyrant into lake of fire to free people of Earth from his oppression. Striding among the people of the world, Minerva provides tender care and food, and enforces justice through rule of law, so every soul is prosperous and healthy as world Goddess of Justice reigns with love to maintain United Nations of Earth.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Unite To Generate Life
Unite To Generate Life © Surazeus 2024 08 19 My heart sings in tune with soul of the Earth that vibrates in bodies of human beings as we transform from rain-wet soil of time to wake with spirit of God in our minds who knows itself through our experience struggling against death to generate life. My heart sings in tune with glow of the Sun that weaves our bodies from beams of starlight to fuel chemical machines of desire from which our spirits emanate through love immortal soul of genes in voice of hope we share with joy when we generate life. My heart sings in tune with swirl of the Sea that molds our bodies with passionate faith from anguish of pain that pierces our hearts through vision to transcend limits of fear as we swim up from hydrothermal vents to dwell with fruit trees and generate life. My heart sings in tune with flow of the Wind that fills our bodies with spirit of hope as we strive together while holding hands and help each other defend our rights to live through self-control of liberty when we choose love that will generate life. My heart sings in tune with fruit of the Tree that nurtures our bodies with juice of life which motivates our quest to find the truth we analyze by observing the world with eyes that dream strange beauty of this land where we tend gardens to generate life. My heart sings in tune with buzz of the Bee that pollinates our bodies with respect with fierce compassion for sparkles of rain which motivates our hearts to bloom awake from seeds of wisdom woven with the world filling us with strength to generate life. My heart sings in tune with laugh of the Child that incarnates our bodies from the void when we cry out in darkness of despair to strike hard stones of hope sparking bright flame which guides our journey to the Promised Land where we all unite to generate life. My heart sings in tune with flash of the Star that glows in our bodies as Eye of God which spirals clear at heart of the White Whole with ache of love from first flash of the big bang mapped by prophecy of the cosmic herald guarding our Goddess to generate life.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Infant In The White Moon
Infant In The White Moon © Surazeus 2024 08 18 When the three-eyed infant in the white moon has grown up into the person I am, the ghost of my mother by the pear tree, who sings with lamentation of the thrush, gives me the dark quietness of the window that frames the world view I design from rain. Since my long childhood was not desolate, the silver fish in the river of skulls teaches me how to write letters in words which chain elusive thoughts with raven wings so I can track herds of horses that race laughing through ruins of churches at dawn. While I hold icy hand of my blind mother, who leads me across churchyard of orange sheets, I calculate distance of curving road that leads us through forest of leafless boughs at sudden horror of the ringing bell that agitates sacred runes in the well. No shepherds now keep watch in frosty fields, though towers of Seattle gleam in mist while carolers sing of the long-dead king whose second coming in silver-winged plane leaves me stranded at gates of Nineveh where I fall in love with wise Onatah. Beneath vault of shade from the walnut tree I study delicate structure of snowflakes to comprehend grand scheme of the Cloud God who sends rosy angel with golden curls to give me Book of Death and fountain pen so I can write stories of kings and fools. I listen for the silver voice of stars to analyze madness of the proud warrior, but all I hear is sad song of the river expressing strangeness of the world elite in croak of the toad on the red mushroom when shadow of the angel follows me. While lounging by old river of the mind I ponder mystery of the wordless air that vibrates with faceless ghosts of our friends who investigate primal egg of thought to find new-born daughter of the Cloud God whose father Orpheus eats the last pear. Orpheus is infant of the white moon, born from gentle laughter of story books to teach humans with encouraging jokes not to fear stark finality of death which no organic soul-being can escape except by planting pear seeds by the lake.
Journey To The Future
Journey To The Future © Surazeus 2024 08 18 Sad snake of my heart that crawls in the sky, electric with bright television eyes, discovers how swift atoms curve to glow blue on waves of water, which calculates progress of my soul fate that I design with each conceptual choice of hope I make. Sweet sadness in eyes of snake in my heart makes me smile with empathy for faith people cherish as they journey strange road of life their choices blaze in the waste land since bitter tears alone can spark awake seeds of fruit that I steal from Tree of Life. That Tree of Life is always standing tall on Hill of Wisdom by the Lake of Souls in every life that my ancestors live four hundred million years of hungry hope, so I know I can trust the love it gives from indifferent bounty of fertile Earth. Sad snake of desire that curls in my heart is always crawling in the Tree of Life, tempting me to taste knowledge of desire so I can know beauty and ugliness of my frail body, chemical machine that aches with pleasure of material lust. Each morning I awake from world of dreams, where my spirit aspires to transcend forms, I breathe deep air of honest hope to rise and stretch my muscles taut on fragile bones, then lurch forward to baptize my grim heart, and pluck Fruit of Faith from the Tree of Life. When strangers passing by on road of hope ask for fruit to feed hungry heart of truth, I give them sweet fruit with generous hand, but when they attack to kill me with hate to control the Tree of Life, I fight back and declare myself Guard God of the Garden. Erecting walls of stone with four guard towers to protect the Tree of Life for the righteous, I create safe haven in paradise where children of my seed play secret schemes in chess game over who controls the right to eat and breed as angels in the garden. Sad snake of incarnation in my heart, as memories of hope my ancestors lived, writhes in hearts of children I generate who bury me beneath the Tree of Life so molecules of my soul will transform to dreams that guide their journey to the future.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Illusion Of Her Fear
Illusion Of Her Fear © Surazeus 2024 08 17 The tall blonde woman in scarlet skirt suit, whose short hair curls outward from her rose cheeks, aims pistol at the devil in black suit who lurks in shadow of the starless night, fires bullet at illusion of her fear, then laughs at weird absurdity of truth. Striding boldly with graceful nonchalance, Regina enters dim Palm Court jazz club where Emery Deutsch plays wild violin tunes, then sits with regal grace on velvet throne at most exclusive table in the house, head crowned by tiara with seven rubies. Surrounded by his burly entourage, Mike the Bull Balzano, in pinstripe suit with red silk scarf around his bull-thick neck, claims empty seat across from steel-eyed queen and orders steak to win her icy heart, but she ignores Manhattan Hercules. While John Coltrane plays tenor saxophone with holy melodies from rainbow spheres, the Proud Bull tries to woo the Ruby Queen with diamond necklace gleaming serpent eyes, but she rejects his proposal of marriage with slight dismissive wave of her left hand. Just as the taunted Bull snorts through his nose, poised to grab her arm with arrogant rage, Detective Angelo Kelly appears with warrant to arrest the gangster king, but the Bull dares the young gumshoe to try, taunting him with vile insults as he sneers. Bright moon gleams in tall window of the club, casting glow on face of Regina Roland whose eyes glitter with serpentine respect that Angelo grins calmly in tense silence when the Bull aims long pistol at his heart where he hides pure wings only she perceives. Sharp pistol crack rings loud in silent club that startles everyone with shocked surprise when Mike the Bull Balzano scowls aghast, drops his pistol while clutching at his chest, then topples on the table with hard crash, gasping with amazement at his defeat. Parking his black car on Park Avenue before tall mansion among maple trees, Angelo opens door with polite bow, yet Regina, wearing long mink-fur coat, pauses to smile at warmth of his green eyes, then plays piano in her empty home.
Rainbow Of The Apocalypse
Rainbow Of The Apocalypse © Surazeus 2024 08 17 Though I wander windowless maze of dreams to see how our cosmos unspools in words, I always find myself beside the lake where skulls of people I love sing in rain, so I gaze at the sky of long-dead stars that beam rainbow of the apocalypse. While I meander ghostless maze of homes, I map long history of our world in tales describing how couples in love create villages crowded with ambitious players who expand family business to acquire wealth from rainbow of the apocalypse. If I trudge shadowless maze of school halls to study mirror of the flaming sky that gleams with grandeur of the lonely road, I might find secret cove where I can fish in peaceful silence of the razor winds blown from rainbow of the apocalypse. Since I roam lost in maze of roadside diners where forgotten singers and movie stars eat hamburgers with Perseus and Thor, I translate howl of Nature to record sublime beauty of my organic brain born from rainbow of the apocalypse. Though I wait hopeless in maze of oak trees draped in radiant moss of midnight respect, I watch fierce battle of angelic tanks fought over who controls kite of my heart which transmits radio shows around the world based on rainbow of the apocalypse. While I ride plane in maze of temple clouds where mind-gods lounge in changeless paradise, I search for the body I left behind when I escaped dark shadow of the war on wings with feathers woven from fake words spawned by rainbow of the apocalypse. If I map maze of human arrogance with tales of tyrants taking power by force, I might get stuck in castle on the hill where my paranoid ancestors ruled empires till I abdicate throne of divine right to paint rainbow of the apocalypse. Since I play world hero in maze of myths to free the people of Earth from despair, I defeat dictator, who thinks he rules, with Sword of Justice to guard Liberty who prosecutes criminals with the law that builds rainbow of the apocalypse.
Old Games Of Chess
Old Games Of Chess © Surazeus 2024 08 17 I am a lost soul in world of lost souls, bumbling about as I play different roles, stuck in dramas my ancestors once lived as they rejoiced in love, and in loss grieved, till lovers embraced with passionate hope to create new body that learns to cope. I am nameless ghost in valley of masks, stuck in daily routine of endless tasks producing and preparing food to eat as I trudge about on aggressive feet in vain attempt to evade hand of death who looms over me with each gasping breath. Each ancestor still alive in my brain, who survived millions of years to attain my current state of efficient performance, asserts requirements of their importance to operate chemical machine of me as I rein social constraints to live free. As new entity now alive this hour, separate from them, I assert my own power of conscious will to operate my body in quest to transcend fate, and gain samadhi through choices I express to play myself in lost tale unread in book on the shelf. Each ancestor, whose memories compose vision of life that my dreaming brain knows, developed new ways of acting to find nutritious food as Person they designed, which provides templates for me to adapt as I explore this world their actions mapped. When I find myself in dramatic scenes to interact with strangers behind screens, my brain trips scripts my ancestors composed to guide how I relate in role imposed by force of hope to realize their success, trapped by traditions in old games of chess. I play my role according to old rules when I employ efficient mental tools, but other people, stuck in their own games, perform contrary from their own dream frames, so our souls clash against heavenly bliss, misunderstanding clear signals we miss. We are all lost souls in world of lost souls, stuck in global tragedy without roles prewritten to guide how we should live well in Heaven fractured by nationalist Hell, so fearful tyrants proclaim themselves kings who fight to rule with magical thought rings.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Striving To Know God
Striving To Know God © Surazeus 2024 08 16 To hear true voice of God in wind of time, I leave the city maze of busy folk and walk in silent woods on mountain slope to stand before the shining waterfall, but all I hear are the thoughts in my head that always analyze weird state of being. To comprehend how radiance of my soul connects to matrix of the universe through how I fit in world of changing forms, I breathe fresh mountain air of swirling thought to integrate my mind with Cosmic Mind and feel the sun glow in my corporal cells. To know the universal mind of thought which vibrates every flashing molecule that spirals from first flash of the big bang, I visualize organic form of being composed of atoms swerving in the void to congregate my soul in flow of time. To seek deep knowledge of how atoms work which spiral strings of light in pulsing coils, I gaze at Glow Cloud in the empty sky, where my ancestors believed God dwells in Heaven, to see the Nothing of the Everything bloom into worlds that nurture conscious souls. To respect miracle my body signs, as atomic structure of chemicals, I review through vision of holy song how we evolve four hundred million years, fish to lizard to mouse to cat to monkey to wingless angel striving to know God. To mirror whole face of humanity in separate individuals who reflect ideal concept that we strive to achieve, I proclaim God is Idea of Human, stereotype that presents the perfect soul as goal toward which we progress till we die. To know God as our Cosmic Mind of Love which manifests itself in every dreaming brain, I design paradigm for new world view that presents material frame of our souls as structure of progressive chemicals which conjures virtual model of the world. To live through principle of stoic love based on tenets of new gnosticism, which provide framework for how we create beautiful truth in world of ugly lies, I tend the Tree of Life by Lake of Dreams, giving wine to people who sing and dance.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Alone On Crowded Earth
Alone On Crowded Earth © Surazeus 2024 08 15 When the tree gives me the book of its faith by throwing rotten fruit at my frail head, I cup river water in my two hands and spill tears of hope to nourish its roots, yet children dance around her on the hill and mock birds who keep secret how she feels. When the snake asks me why I am not real by cracking dream stones open to reveal true face of God that hides inside our hearts, I ask her if she can weave me new wings so we can fly together to the stars that glitter on waves in the sea-shore cave. When the shadow in the sea smiles at me with hunger to consume flame of my soul, I break chains of resentment from old grudges to free myself from misery of the past so I can walk away from cage of fear that I built with anguish of my own hands. When the horse wants me to run with the wind beyond the darkest valley of our fear to feel our hearts beat wild with ache of love, I escape crowded house of cruel ambition to find solitude in the mountain vale where no one but the wind can share my pain. When the cloud glows with arrogant disdain for how mountains assert absence of time, I free my heart from passionate desire to breathe deeply cleansing air of the hour since Nature is indifferent to my being though my soul pulses with its energy. When the billion-year-old stone by the lake glares at me with silent hostility, I decide with calm laughter of the breeze that I do not need anyone to love me, for I am love itself in human form wandering on the signless road I create. When the house with many doors arbitrates conflicts between me and people I trust by sending deer to graze grass of my yard, I exist stage from Theater of Fame to play guitar in town park of lost souls and sing about wingless angel of Earth. When the sun weaves my body from light beams, which nurtures neural network of my brain to conjure virtual model of the world, I meditate alone on crowded Earth to knit eight billion voices in one song that vibrates through ever-flowing wind.
Together In Our Eden
Together In Our Eden © Surazeus 2024 08 15 My mind is blank as the white wordless page, bright as the full moon which mirrors my heart when I gaze at strange beauty of your face that shines in gloom at the end of my tunnel so I can find my way through maze of myths to dwell safe with you in Garden of Eden. I am the letter you lost in the mail in which you narrate story of our love since that timeless moment when we first met in sun-flicker shade of the apple tree where serpent of desire tempts us to share passion of our bodies before we die. I am the seed of hope your eager hands plant in secret soil of my fertile heart when we delve deep in mystery of our world to find bright diamond of eternal truth that glitters with first flash of the big bang pulsing within every cell of our souls. I am the fruit tree you reach out to touch when we journey toward our shared destiny for, though we wander lost in maze of dreams, hoping light of love leads us to each other, I will search the world till we meet again, and kiss beneath the moon-bright apple tree. My heart is empty as the swirling clouds that bring aggressive rainstorm of despair which seems to hurl harsh lightning of contempt with blinding rage bent on destroying me, till I remember with ironic grin Nature is indifferent that we exist. Wounded from attack by gang of cruel men, who drove me from our grove of apple trees, I hide alone in cavern by the sea, healing alone in gloom of nothingness, where my eyes adjust to eternal night till I see your face in depths of my heart. I am the river bursting from its banks with fierce emotions surging strict constraints when tears of sorrow flood garden of hope which drowns my enemies in waves of truth, so I bury their souls with seeds of faith that transform their hate to apples of love. I am the other half of your whole heart, floating lost in sea of humanity, aching for light of sunrise on our skin as we indulge in kisses to create sublime beauty in children of our hearts who bury us together in our Eden.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Primal Egg Of Thought
Primal Egg Of Thought © Surazeus 2024 08 14 Beneath sad plum tree of the summer moon, she sings to faceless ghost of man she loves whose soul swirls in clouds over silent hills with slowly passing ache of the cold stream till gossamer wings she flutters with hope get stuck in fragile web of memories. Reaching her hands up to bright swirling clouds that cannot feel soft touch of her desire, she aches to become part of his whole heart, to merge with passion of his eager hope, sharing breath of wind that blows among trees, inseparable forever in a new soul. Awake in dusk that shrouds garden of apple trees, she feels her aching body disappear with flash of sunset vanishing in gloom, then faceless monster howls in dreamless doom, so she lurks in maze of memories to grasp fleeting stars that sparkle in her hand. Nothing more than child of shadow and wind, she clutches beating passion of her heart, closing her eyes against light of his eyes, then buries her rage in dank silent soil while whispering secrets of unspoken truth as tears fall between each elegant gasp. Eyes blinded by dark nothing of the moon, she wonders who she is becoming now as she analyzes with piercing eye each decision she makes to act and speak words of magic projecting her desire in swirls of wind that transform into stones. Huddled under plum tree of the sad moon, she feels numbness of desolate despair spread through her veins when a small spider bites her throbbing heart with bitter words of love, so she floats high above valley of time, wingless on wind that weaves her soul from rain. Tangled in endless web of rushing words that roar with soft voice of the rock-strewn stream, she shrinks down into primal egg of thought with stalemate of simultaneous delight, then reassembles puzzle of her mind which mirrors stillness of eternity. Beneath blind plum tree of the autumn moon, she stares at faceless ghost of her lost love who explains with trickling voice of the stream that the moon is moving away from Earth one inch each year till he will disappear, so she finds breath of love deep in her heart.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Craftsman Of The Snowflake
Craftsman Of The Snowflake © Surazeus 2024 08 13 Because wind is craftsman of the snowflake, molding contours of the Earth with lusty hands, my mind invents concept of the Wise God whose words contrive strange beauty of this world from magic sparkles of light in my eyes, yet I see beautiful face in the moon. In desolate condition of my soul I see reflection of the voiceless God who acts just like the father I once knew, teaching me to signify things with names, till he stumbles and falls beside the lake, then dissolves to dust blowing in the wind. Alone in desolation of the world, body battered by endless gusts of wind that laugh at how I weep tears of despair, I seek warm consolation from the hills glowing gold with passion of the stone cracked open to reveal state of my mind. Through obfuscation of aggressive lies I twist new point of view to see the world with eyes of irony forged from mute rage at harsh injustice meted by the strong who oppress the weak to enhance their pride while I preach justice of the Faceless God. Exploring ever upward beyond gloom, I transcend scope of my familiar world to find new vistas open in wide plains where horses gallop among apple trees, so I cry wordless song of ecstasy that startles flock of crows from grove of bones. Impassible mountain of contemptuous stones laughs at my attempts to scale its pride, yet with bold confidence of mad respect I resurrect my body from dark cave to step by step ascend toward glowing clouds till I stand tall on highest peak of hope. Master of insight in Beauty of Truth, I stand on high point of the spinning world and spread my arms with faith of Icarus to leap and fly above vast maze of myths, but fall with pride of Lucifer to Hell where I construct city of pyramids. Erecting stone walls to build paradise, I tend lush garden of fruit trees and herbs where children of my wife play hide and seek so when I die they can bury my corpse beneath the tree that will transform my soul of sparkling atoms into fruit to eat.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Faceless God Of Light
Faceless God Of Light © Surazeus 2024 08 12 In gray mist on the windowpane of fear, I write my name to see eternity gleaming from stars that twinkle in the sky millions of years after they all burned out, yet all I see in shadows of today is reflection of something like my face. The sparkling river of my primal dream, up which I crawled from dark womb of the sea when I evolved from fish to wingless angel, now constitutes border between two states that fight over who owns the Tree of Life which converts sunlight and rain into fruit. When Garden of Eden, blooming with trees of fruit that fall into our hungry hands, is covered with negative snow of war, grand palace with mirrored statues of gods is burned to swirls of ash from holy wars that happens when humans try to glimpse Truth. Scooping black soot from ash of holy wars, I mix thick substance with tears of blind angels to make ink I can use to write sad psalms of desperate prayers to Faceless God of Light who never answers them except to laugh at humans who struggle to evade Death. Returning to lush hills of Zathamar, where skull of Orpheus recites the pledge of allegiance to the flag of dead gods, I measure absence of infinite rain that leads me along signless road of faith home to empty valley of Somewhere Else. Awake in psychic nonchalance of hope with every ancestor who wove my genes from flashing atoms of the cosmic mind, I feel I am the Faceless God of Light whose conscious thought in every human brain exults in stringent beauty of the Earth. When I get lost in cement maze of pride, I leave the endless labyrinth of myths and walk through dank woods to the river shore where God Toad, humming tune of eager joy, reveals eternity in the cracked stone that imitates coils of galactic brains. Because I occupy this space in time, as tense vibrating clump of molecules, I wake up in my own ancestral bones bold enough to name the falling rain, then turn around till we are face to face, smiling as we share stories of our lives.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Energy Field Of God
Energy Field Of God © Surazeus 2024 08 11 While I believe in the Energy Field that forms vast matrix of the universe as pulsing swirls of vibrant molecules, I do not believe this whole flash of light is conscious of itself, nor controls how clusters of atoms evolve into beings. As flowers bloom from the Energy Field, which swirls in lumpy globe of hills and lakes, I wake as honey bee of holy thoughts who prays to piercing waves of morning light for wisdom to discern the shadow mind who teaches strangers how to name the what. Through trees that writhe from the Energy Field my breathe conspires to comprehend the flow of words we speak in brain-programming spells since religions are television shows which I turn off to hear Song of the Sea that reveals Nothing of the universe. Evolving as brains from the Energy Field, I feel I am immortal soul of God who represents the ideal human soul which our frail bodies strive to emulate as we perform our roles in social games that determine who gets to eat and breed. Though my brain mirrors the Energy Field of God, that sees itself alive in beings of quick organic concepts we design each time we fall in love to generate children from our immortal soul of genes, I value fragile beauty of our lives. My soul embodies the Energy Field of potent passion to create new souls in constant transformation of our genes from throbbing burden of organic fate to faceless ghost of bright ethereal voice which chooses to express itself as me. Common memories of the Energy Field, after four hundred million years of dream, consist of watching landscape of the world blur by the window of the motor car my mother drives on shining asphalt roads signified by names of dead pioneers. I am Ishtar on the Energy Field who invents the religious institute that forms foundation of our social games binding our minds with shared cultural tales that present named heroes whose acts define values of good and bad we imitate.
We Eat Bitter Bread
We Eat Bitter Bread © Surazeus 2024 08 11 Though I mistake red blazing sunset light, mirrored in windows of numberless homes, for the nuclear-eyed angel Gabriel who stands sentinel over war-torn lands, I stalk the world alone with naked books erupting in flames from my open hands. When we embrace with our bodies, deformed by mountains and lakes of writhing desire, we hear strange weeping of the hungry world in cast-steel flowers that explode from soil with terrible yearning of rancid hope that pounds at jeweled gates of paradise. With eager leap of arrogant gazelles we race screaming over green pulsing hills along meandering rivers where blind ghosts excite the untamed horses of chess boards who understand why we strip off our clothes and dance to wake from silence of cracked stones. Rising on bat wings from transparent waves that writhe in bottomless ocean of souls, we invent the solid ground of ancient truth on which we walk to find the Holy Land where blood of angels nurtures vampire gods who reign in churches built of glassy bones. From ruins of cities, forged with steel beams by blue-eyed Vikings from snow-frosted fjords, we build enormous pyramid of skulls that flicker dreams of television screens designed by pilots of bomb-dropping planes who descend from Heaven on silver wings. Huge tapestries hanging on castle walls, that depict national heroes with guns shooting women and children with disgust, are torn down by the hands of Lucifer who weeps over dank grave of Melusine, just as I am born from weft of their souls. Though I am fathomless to friends I lost, and wander signless roads of everywhere as stranger haunted by shadows of love, your eyes hold distance of the nevermore because the frantic knocking at my door is my own heart locked out in moonless night. My cerulean piano of the sky, composed of ice carved from glaciers of faith, lies broken in dark basement of the church where wild piano player of the cave is crucified before the laughing crowd, so we eat bitter bread in doorless rooms.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Ghosts In Television Screens
Ghosts In Television Screens © Surazeus 2024 08 10 I want to climb up in the tree with you and talk about the way butterflies sing while children dance around the laughing horse before nuclear bombs erase the timeline where everyone lives happy by the lake while Death and Love play chess to win our souls. Lost in the subway to the multiverse, we live ten thousand years on every world that branches from beginning of the dream we share while chatting on the pyramid about the rules we choose to guide our play till someone kills the holy messenger. Awake on mountain of the burning bush, I gather apples from the tree of life then descend to valley of the humming toad, bringing diamonds to refugees from war who follow beacon light of liberty First Mother holds high on the ocean shore. Because we crown the crocodile king who rules the Earth with bitter teeth of faith another timeline crushes paradise so savior of the world with laser eyes rides into town on donkey of world peace to shoot the tyrant wearing mask of gold. Because our children walk the trail of tears, they use as ink to write new holy books, we leave our ghosts in television screens to prove theory of relativity which undulates with waves of particles weaving tightly coiled matrix of the mind. Still gazing in dark cavern of your eyes, I want to sing sweet melody of love to fill your heart with pleasure of delight that we breathe passion of the glowing sun because your smile inspires my heart with hope that we might live another day on Earth. Though eyeless boy sings in the wilderness heart-aching melodies of timeless love, no one can hear sweet timbre of his words that ring forever in vast empty woods till meteors smash our spinning globe to shards which rotate lost in nothingness of space. The saffron finch in the broad hickory tree tells me how the sun wheels across the sky and why rivers flow round hills to the sea so I stand with Goddess of Liberty to render justice in our hostile world for we are ghosts in television screens.
Puzzle Of My Mind
Puzzle Of My Mind © Surazeus 2024 08 10 I rearrange weird puzzle of my mind each time the spinning Earth wakes me from dream so I search shadow of the diamond mine to find the key that opens Book of Fate, till picture of your heart emerges clear, chaotic hope ordered by words of love. I organize failed puzzle of my mind with basic principle of faith in change that concepts flow down from mountain of hope in winding rivers of perceptive pride, till image of your face mirrors the moon who smiles bright at me on the darkest night. I discover lost puzzle of my mind hidden in confusing code of desire to channel vibrant energy of fear with sparkling neural network of my brain which conjures virtual model of the world so I turn and see your face in the rain. I consider fake puzzle of my mind true enough to represent secret thoughts which undulate from abyss of my heart in swirling waves of psychic constancy when I focus attention of respect to solve strange riddle of my prophecies. I navigate vast puzzle of my mind that forms curved contours of our pulsing globe in social landscape where communities of humans dramatize mental concerns in timeless legends of successful souls who reincarnate in children of faith. I contemplate whole puzzle of my mind that frames disparate fragments of events in primal theory of conceptual truth which unifies opposing states of being with fluctuating fortune through weird tale that binds our souls in one religious myth. I reprogram blank puzzle of my mind for computer processing unit chip composing core of my perceptive brain designed by wise ancestors of my genes to emanate whole conscious sense of self that weaves their memories in my graphic name. I mobilize quick puzzle of my mind with humble motive to describe the world through tropic formulas of characters whose actions illustrate virtuous fate in stories I compile in Book of Souls which records our progress to transcend Death.
Frail Chemical Machines
Frail Chemical Machines © Surazeus 2024 08 10 Our bodies are frail chemical machines, woven by unconscious love of the Sun from atoms that connect in molecules which spiral from first flash of the big bang in complex networks of neural programs which conjure consciousness from beams of light. When six electrons in two twirling rings connect carbon atoms in spiral coils, they bloom in branching tree of chemicals which forms organic body with four limbs in swirling dance of hydrothermal vents, designed by ambition of Mother Earth. First Mother of spine-bolstered quadrupeds crawls up fresh-water river on four limbs and swims in sparkling lake one million years, then rises tall from lake of dreams at dawn to climb the tree of life on sun-bright hill where she eats fruit and sings with heart of love. Evolving more efficient body forms, fish to lizard to mouse to cat to ape to wingless angel reaching for the stars, we inhabit frail chemical machine on quest to transcend our material minds and grow toward ideal human to be God. Fish crawl up rivers to swim in clear lakes, lizards clamber over rough hills of hope, mice skitter between feet of dinosaurs, cats race in vast tangled canopies of trees, apes catch fish in tidal pools of coves, and humans tend cows and grow wheat on farms. The memories of each ancestor in my line, that they experienced in struggles to live four hundred million years of giving birth, conception to conception of each soul, program how my brain perceives our world so they are all alive inside me now. First Mother Amen welcomes refugees to shelter on her flat-top ziggurat where she presides in four-pole temple hall to bind our hearts in strong community through religion of stories that present heroes who protect our bodies from harm. From Hill of Amen in the House of Ptah humanity spreads out around the globe to fight national wars ten thousand years till First Mother wakes inside all our minds to maintain United Nations of Earth that nurtures our frail chemical machines.
Friday, August 9, 2024
Thirteenth Muse of America
Thirteenth Muse of America © Surazeus 2024 08 09 Now that seeds of light the Serpent designs have sprouted from soil of this evening land where my Puritan ancestors of the Book planted them with prayers in dark raven woods four hundred years ago, my heart perceives strange beauty in song of the river flow. Eyes blue-green as the sea after a storm, and gowned in black dress woven from moonlight, Anne Bradstreet wanders in wild shadowed woods, attempting to hide her tattered angel wings beneath long cloak drenched in dew from tall ferns, while she chants spells she hears river stones sing. Longing to stroll in mist of Salcey Forest, where sparkling bluebells shimmer among oaks, Anne pauses by broad Quinobequin River, and wonders if light-hearted fairies fly in these strange woods so far across the sea, and weeps at sharp ache in her throbbing heart. After sailing in fragile ship of hope across wild sea of soul-transforming waves, Anne catches gusts of wind from river flow, as hungry men wring bread from stocks and stones, with faith of Icarus that she can fly high enough to find Heaven in the clouds. Before my soul becomes trapped in cold chapel that imprisons believers with strict rules, I journey west to find the Promised Land in covered wagon on long signless road past fruit trees from seeds sewn by Mercury till I arrive in hills of Idaho. As son of Cain I wander ever west with Lamp of Lucifer bright in my hand ten thousand years beyond the Holy Land, Jerusalem through Rome to London Town, then to Atlantis where Onatah reigns as our noble Goddess of Liberty. With confidence of the brave pioneer I assure myself that I have escaped hellish atmosphere of New England woods, but grim spirit of the Puritan Seer still burns bright in cabin hearth of my heart, guiding my journey across the waste land. With raven-feather quill of Anne Bradstreet, my tenth great-grandmother from Merry England, I write magic spells in Saturnian verse as the Thirteenth Muse of America to channel weird spirit of Melusine, my Serpent Mother who rules Avalon.
Go Out And Vote
Go Out And Vote © Surazeus 2024 08 09 Yet something strange about the falling leaf explodes old news in television eyes. Robot clowns invent code of our belief for cats who steal applesauce from the wise. When the time comes I will go out and vote, then sail to Wonderland in my glass boat. The old man grinning like the Cheshire Cat buys fresh plums and puts them in your ice box. Cinderella does yoga on the mat to stop the Duke from hunting the wild fox. While hungry people stand in line to vote they laugh at antics of the prancing goat. Books flap paper wings to fly down from Heaven with fairy tales to inspire refugees. Since I am first-born son of the Moon Raven I convert concepts to castle-door keys. The gold-masked bully tries to block your vote then steals your sorrow while his minions gloat. First Mother Amen on brick flat-top hill invites everyone to feast on fresh fruit. We can change our fate through acts of free will, she explains as Fortune plays swan-bone flute. We choose who rules as God with sacred vote, Ishtar explains in long-forgotten quote. Death smiles with patience while I live each day, recording everything I say and do. In dream visions I see the Golden Way, so I chant riddles that code new world view. Jesus and Satan campaign for my vote, based on strategies that Jupiter wrote. In Valhalla Ceres serves apple pie so we cheer the Provider of good food. I attend college as angelic spy, trained to design the truth with certitude. I give Goddess of Liberty my vote because she relates the best anecdote. Children play games in the fenced-in schoolyard, training for future political roles. The Hidden Dragon who will rule the world organizes complete list of life goals. Descendant of Jesus earns every vote, who tenderly caresses his pet stoat. Evolved to wingless angel from the fish, we farm and craft while angels fight for power. Carving on river stone my secret wish, I guard Rapunzel who rules in her tower. Minerva accepts mandate of our vote, then walks the signless road in long black coat.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
God Spirit In The Sun
God Spirit In The Sun © Surazeus 2024 08 08 Clear eye of the sun that dreams in the sky always watches me as I walk the world with curious obsession of wordless wonder so I glare at face that looks in my soul with bewildered apprehension of faith that energy of light moves me till death. Fierce energy of light that moves my soul fuels forward progress of my aching limbs with flame of passion glowing in my heart that inspires my mind to perceive the world through virtual model of reality so I can analyze cause and effect. To analyze cause and effect of change where matter flows into patterns of forms, I tag each object with name that describes core elements which manifest its force so I can record secrets of the Why that motivates atoms to wake as me. When soul of cosmic atoms wakes as me with immortal sense of conscious awareness, I feel as if god spirit in the sun knows everything I think inside my brain, as if eye of the sun designs my thoughts and causes me to comprehend its mind. On quest to comprehend mind of the sun I search strange shadows of the ocean cave for sacred treasure of eternal light, back and forth between memory and hope, to figure out the reason I am real since my mind pulses with visions of love. Fallen on sun-gold strand of shining sand, cute stranger who emerges from dawn glow looks up at me with eyes bright as the sun, so I reach out my hand with beating heart to help them stand as they breathe ocean breeze, then offer fruit to nourish them with life. Strange person with eyes silver as the sky and long hair golden as the wind-blown wheat appears to me from clear eye of the sun as healthy embodiment of its light, so we hold hands and walk along the shore, sharing fruit and nuts we harvest from Earth. Feasting on fruit we harvest from the Earth, we sit together in safe-haven cave, gazing at each other with trusting love, then we kiss and make love to generate children with energy whose souls embody clear eye of the sun that dreams in the sky.
We Are Not Going Back
We Are Not Going Back © Surazeus 2024 08 08 When people of America are lost in the bleak waste land of uncertainty, we analyze what suspicion has cost to navigate our way through honesty. We are not going back to days of fear. We are moving forward to days of cheer. When people of America are trapped in games of wealth imposed by tyranny, we follow new way messiah sleuth mapped to restore progress of democracy. We are not going back to days of rage. We are progressing to the next soul stage. When people of America are fooled by the proud Strong Man spouting bitter hate, we become woke when our spirits are schooled to love everyone who shares our world state. We are not going back to days of sorrow. We are transcending the bridge of tomorrow. When people of America are tricked by King Midas who wears fake mask of Christ, we expose lies of the greedy convict to prevent coup of his electoral heist. We are not going back to days of lies. We are growing with vision of the wise. When people of America are dazed by weird opposing visions of the world, we follow Minerva who stands unfazed when she reveals truth of the cosmic herald. We are not going back to days of worry. We are learning truth in the World Library. When people of America feel hopeless as fascists attempt to control our minds, vision of Minerva adjusts our focus on building Justice with wholesome guidelines. We are not going back to days of doubt. We are sharing broad Equality Route. When people of America are baffled by vitriolic hate of toxic men, we help Minerva erect Fairness Scaffold with opportunities for all to win. We are not going back to days of greed. We are planting Eden with fruitful seed. When people of America awake from cutthroat game of life rigged by the rich, we march with our Goddess of Liberty who leads us home across the Freedom Bridge. We are not going back to days of dread. We are working to share water and bread.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Meet In Every Life
Meet In Every Life © Surazeus 2024 08 07 Stranded lost at the bottom of the cliff, I stand among the bright flowers you love, and listen for your voice in river breeze that blows over hills and ruffles the waves, and search for the strange beauty of your face clear in the ancient mirror of the moon. Bright gold glow of clouds over distant hills takes my soul back to beginning of time so ghosts of all my dead family and friends flock around me in eerie evening air, bestowing on my heart with timeless tune strange wisdom river waves whisper to me. I made so many heart-breaking mistakes because I misunderstood how you feel, and misconstrued the motives of your acts, that sharp regret wounds my heart with despair, so I imagine how I would perform differently if I could go back in time. If I could go back to when we first met and play my role in drama of our love with more mature understanding and trust I would hope to correct all my mistakes so instead of our tragic deaths from fear our life of harmony would save our souls. Each time I replay drama of our life, taking different paths to avoid our fate of tragic death after suffering in pain, I always end up meeting you again, so we get tangled in desire for love, dancing with elegant grace to our end. In every timeline of our fateful love I always meet you on this river shore when I see you fall from your fishing boat, and every time your eyes gleam with surprise when I carry you safely to the shore and heal your bruised spirit with tender care. Since we will always meet in every life, and walk the same road as soulmates for life, I vow that I will guard your precious life and protect your body and soul from harm, for I will always stand strong at your side in war against death to survive and thrive. When we meet at the bottom of the cliff to stroll among the bright flowers we love, I listen to your voice in river breeze that blows over hills and ruffles the waves, for I see the strange beauty of your face glow in the ancient mirror of the moon.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
My Name Is Lazarus
My Name Is Lazarus © Surazeus 2024 08 06 Though I chant loud as rain, "Let there be light," nothing appears when I open my eyes, so I reach out my hand in nothingness and cry softly, "My name is Lazarus," at sudden gleam of despair in black skies that beams strange world of color in my sight. I float so long in darkness of grim night I fear that I have died and disappeared, but harsh tune vibrates from lash of my tongue contrary to psalm the river had sung at sunset hour of horror when I smeared my face with mud to seek transcendent flight. Though my life is vague and inaccurate compared to role the world messiah plays, I wonder if dawn star will resurrect my rotten body crippled by defect, so in my mind I draw map of the maze where I search for the sacred amulet. I feel my loathsome body dissipate as pulsing form of bones and flesh dissolves from slashing lacerations of false hope till I become ache of the mountain slope entangled in code no blind angel solves, arrogant enough to choose my own fate. Awake in freezing darkness by the gate that locks my spirit out of paradise, I wait for Jesus to open my grave, after he walks across the frozen wave, and give me grail of blood to pay the price, but no one arrives to alter my state. If my angel wings cannot bear the weight of bitter sorrow that could fuel my drive to climb high mountain peak of bleeding stars, then I must construct time-machine cars in quest for truth that makes me feel alive because my free spirit becomes the bait. Nobody but me should pay my soul debt when gloom of error in the cave of faith translates my body to conceptual form of Jupiter who controls psychic storm, for I embody passion of the wraith as first-born son of Princess Baphomet. When gleam of dawn evokes the ethernet world of material forms appears from gloom so I breathe deep ethereal soul of truth, inspired to play role of messiah sleuth as we seek how to save the Earth from doom that spells ideas through the alphabet.
Texas Country Road
Texas Country Road © Surazeus 2024 08 06 I have sat in dark of the world so long my face has become the shadow of hope, and my heart has curled roots to the Earth core, so mirror of my soul reflects the light that shines from people untainted by fear which reveals hidden forces of desire. You may not understand riddles I speak, for they are tangled with unspoken wants I dare not show to the people I love since we are stuck together in the game no one but Death ever wins in the end, but I will keep expressing how I feel. Maybe if I bake the sweetest apple pie and offer its delight to passers-by they might not hesitate to buy the truth from the old one-eyed woman by the lake who teaches cats and mice how to sing spells that leave us entranced at the picture show. Waiting by the car in the parking lot, I see bright shadow of my soul in glass among posters of movies about ghosts, so I count cars that gleam in silver light as they glide on the Texas country road and vanish in the theater of faith. The warrior woman in the wolf-fur skirt, who grips long spear as she runs in the woods where dinosaurs loom over city towers, looks in my eyes with courage of the lost, so I run with her to the mountain cave where we raise seven children of our love. Stuck in cave of illusions, where we hide from hungry demons twenty thousand years, we evolve from apes into wingless angels who gather on the ziggurat at dawn and gaze at giant diamond gleaming gold to perceive nature of the universe. Emerging from shadow of Error Cave, transformed by faith in solitude of Death, I herd milk cows along the river shore to build world empire from Byzantium where I wear jeweled crown of stolen gold and play World God till I grow old and die. Each puzzle piece from history of the world, which I arrange to create new world view, reveals some sacred truth through psychic trope that conjures weird demonic soul from fear when I scatter seeds of alphabet thoughts that sprout as wheat we bake in loaves of bread.
Monday, August 5, 2024
Holy Star Of Remphan
Holy Star Of Remphan © Surazeus 2024 08 05 When eight-point holy Star of Remphan shines bright as Eye of Saturnus within my heart, and spins with atoms of eternal truth above tall Pyramid of the God-Eye, where Ishtar reigns as Goddess of the Earth, I wake from sorrow through joy of rebirth. Astride the Hidden Dragon of world power, Minerva soars above Zarathia to fight the horde of Vikings with long swords who storm strong citadel of Liberty to crown King Midas Emperor of Earth, but howl with rage when he is driven back. Wise star-eyed Ishtar, Queen of Liberty, holds high bright Torch of Freedom to illume hard signless road that leads to Wonderland so refugees from endless wars for wealth may journey across the waste land to Heaven where Athena guards gates of paradise. Weary from battle against fascist tyrant, Saturnus stands on rampart of our castle with Hercules and David by his side who defend Temple of Democracy against thieves and deceivers to protect people of Earth seeking freedom to live. Though doleful turbulent clouds of world war shroud cities of Earth with ominous gloom, the heart-enchanting Star of Remphan gleams bright with ancient hope for aching hearts that we the people of the spinning Earth may unite with compassion for all souls. We stand with Saturnus on Gate of Truth to protect Garden of Eden from greed, yet Pluto always rises from dark Hell to rampage over fields of Elysium, so we unite against his tyranny to ensure equal justice for all souls. When eight-point holy Star of Remphan spins through spiral ecstasy of sacred love our bodies rise from fertile ocean womb as we evolve from fish to wingless angel, so we assemble in Temple of Truth to feast as Ishtar presides over peace. Though people of Earth born from Mother Sea are divided in warring nation-states, we unite around Flag of Liberty that Minerva waves as we march for peace to maintain progress of democracy illuminated by holy Star of Remphan.
Records Of Corporate Sales
Records Of Corporate Sales © Surazeus 2024 08 05 Mad beauty of each normal boring day excites my heart with passion for the tree that likes to dance on hill of singing skulls who cheer with bitter patriotic pride for cleansing apocalypse of world war while I map history of human events. Eerie calmness of wide suburban streets, that wind in shady hills of tall oak trees, reveals taut passion of the human heart concealed in red-brick homes with many doors, designed like those in lifestyle magazines, where Outis cleans the bathrooms and bakes cakes. Pungent scent of early-dawn summer rain pervades white shelves of novels and art books which analyze the national character based on the latest literary trends contrived to represent good principles which guide quest to build one world-empire state. According to lost psychic precedents, that determine how fathers employ rakes to clean debris from hurricanes of fate, nobody else has to bother to pray for epic heroes to perform grand feats because all titles and awards are vain. Searching for antique books of epic tales, bound with purple-leather demonic skin, members of the Hercules Club attend lectures of Taliesin in mountain cave who declares with grandiose pomposity that Minerva is destined to rule Earth. After driving my sweet soulmate work I return home with my ancestral ghosts to design the new world order of rules by which we fight each other to the death over water that falls from godless clouds while forest deer discuss philosophy. Silver horror of the beautiful sky reminds me that Earth will keep spinning on regardless of who rules over human states, yet I vote for Goddess of Liberty against King Midas with wealth-grasping hands, for we all share resources of this world. When I discover secret of rebirth to maintain process of democracy, I will perform role as the cosmic herald while clowns keep records of corporate sales as loyal minions of the banking clerk to prevent their children from asking why.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Erasing Human History
Erasing Human History © Surazeus 2024 08 04 Through sacred passion of our tragic love we could rule the world with money and blood yet horses run faster than motor cars and streetlights outshine ancient long-dead stars, so I will give you everything I own with morbid dignity of the cracked stone. Alone by river of the raging beast, she howls with anguish of the bitter moon while those who killed her father laugh and feast on bones of power carved with ghoulish rune that flashes beacon of hot nuclear war erasing human history from the shore. Dressed in diabolic grace of despair, she glides through prim crowd in the castle court with heart-enchanting elegance and flair that hypnotizes monarch with the sword who crowns her empress of the Holy Land and places scepter in her humble hand. Avenging angel from Glow Cloud of rage descends on devil wings to stalk the cruel whose evil deeds exposed on public stage reveals the haughty king to be the fool who kneels before lightning glare of her eyes and prays for mercy to the empty skies. Though bitter thief tries to crown himself king by grasping at illusion of vain wealth his blinding greed is chained by devil ring that cripples him with vengeance sought by stealth when his nefarious plot to rule the world is blocked by gambit of the cosmic herald. Scared of justice Minerva will employ, vain King Midas retreats to cave of hate, but attempts to evade her honest ploy drive him deeper in social maze of fate till mad tyrant is trapped by his blind rage in tangled plight he cannot disengage. Ascending pyramid of the God-Eye, where she wields Sword of Justice with respect for human rights no king can falsify, Minerva enacts programs to protect productive way of life citizens choose through vote for her as American Muse. When I see soul of God in the cracked stone that vibrates with first flash of the big bang, I found religious faith on atom tone pulsing in the sea where conscious life sprang, so I vote for Liberty as world queen whose laugh enlivens our national scene.
Misery Before Delight
Misery Before Delight © Surazeus 2024 08 04 Long awake in darkness before daylight, heart galloping swift as horse in the storm, I find faith through misery before delight, blinded by beauty of mountains that form rugged landscape of my oneiric soul that evolves from first flash of the white whole. Recording details of my psychic plight, during journey with wise horse as my guide, I mold joy from misery before delight, inspired by arrogant eagles that glide high above hills where dark shadow of death comforts my distress with each gasping breath. Erecting pile of stones from moonless night, that marks grove where I died and was reborn from anguish of misery before delight, I drink sorrow of Wild River to warn my heart that terrible danger is near, so I become brave monster that I fear. Eager to run fast as wind in free flight high toward shimmering glow of the first stars, I tremble with misery before delight that leaves me stranded in waste land of Mars as hybrid child of the wolf and the horse where I train in martial arts of the Force. Entranced with astuteness of second sight while chanting ominous spells in sea cave, I prophesy misery before delight about vivid bloom of the ocean wave that reflects visions of future events which I analyze from puzzling portents. Commissioned with role of the acolyte to assist liturgy of the mad priest, I calculate misery before delight to wake from my heart the angelic beast that drives my ambition to rule the world in celestial plot of the cosmic herald. Chained by crown of power in castle height, from which I manage my conquest of Earth to assuage my misery before delight, I challenge Lucifer to prove my worth in bold crusade to rule the Holy Land with Scepter of Zeus in my red right hand. Awake forever in flash of starlight, heart bold as the horse that bears me from Hell, I forge love from misery before delight, enlightened by wisdom of the Word Well where serpentine runes weave visions of truth encoded in spells by messiah sleuth.
Cheer Glorious Reign
Cheer Glorious Reign © Surazeus 2024 08 04 Sweet pungent scent of sun-baked summer grass while I walk meadow in broad mountain vale dispels illusions of theories and states that cloud my mind with ambition for power, so all I know is timeless sense of calm that fills my heart with each celestial breath. While meditating on nature of life near wind-blown oak tree in broad mountain vale, Godefridus senses ripples of fear, so he assumes martial stance with deep breath, gripping Durandal, sword his father forged, and gave to him before his tragic death. Flicker of shadow in grove of yew trees alerts his sense of danger with alarm so he leaps high on wings of Icarus to battle thirteen devils on black robes sent by his uncle in tall castle tower to assassinate claimant to the throne. Sturdy blades of thin swords, honed sharp as rays of sunlight gleaming in the waterfall, flash as they clang in swift battle of wits when Godefridus leaps and twirls with grace, and somersaults to nick their exposed flesh, then lands firm on Earth as they all fall dead. Gripping brass key, that hangs next to his heart, Godefridus unlocks huge castle door and climbs stone stairs, cluttered with skeletons, that wind in spirals toward eye of the sun, to find his uncle, ancient bearded king, slouched half-paralyzed on gold jeweled throne. Attempting to forget games of state power, I left society of men behind and wandered carefree in high mountain vale, eating fruit given by bountiful Nature, and strumming lyre of Mercury in peace while gazing in eyes of woman I love. Yet Fate has other designs for my life and caused you to drag me back into Hell where I might fight to rule the world with wits when you sent assassins of your cruel greed who sprang from bitter hatred of your heart to spoil my peaceful paradise with war. Beheading old king with sharp Durandal, Godefridus places bright jeweled crown on his own head, sighs, then steps before crowd of nobles and priests in large castle court who cheer glorious reign of the Hidden Dragon when he raises the Holy Grail and drinks.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Till He Wakes In Church
Till He Wakes In Church © Surazeus 2024 08 03 The angry man who stalks the broken street raises steel gun to shoot his enemies but when it writhes into the laughing snake he howls in rage at television screens that shoot rockets of dollar bills at Hell till he wakes in church at the clanging bell. The lonely man who melts into old books grasps bent brass key with trembling palsied hands to open door of time which leads his mind beyond the known to empty desert land where turtle-shelled cars worship the glass moon till he wakes in church to the radio tune. The bitter man who tears houses to shards kicks empty tin cans down the railroad tracks though eyeless eagle of the patriot tears heads off statues of dead generals who fought to keep voiceless people enslaved till he wakes in church where no one is saved. The hungry man who builds electric cars paints murals on metal factory walls that depict his ancestors from the sea killing native tribes with the alphabet that fuels gears of industrial machines till he wakes in church of the Philistines. The greedy man who scams gullible fools preaches salvation through the afterlife for those who believe the ancient dead king will reassemble molecular souls from dirt that roots of trees transform to fruit till he wakes in church of the broken lute. The haughty man who steals the crown of thorns attempts to establish new monarchy ruled by the warmongering Sons of Christ when they crucify the socialist seer for preaching all humans have equal rights till he wakes in church of the white-faced knights. The gambling man who draws the Joker card considers joining the religious cult so he can rule their kingdom of the dead by riding donkey through the city gates where he gives camera eyes to the blind till he wakes in church of the programmed mind. The singing man who leads the faceless ghost plays lyre of Mercury with eerie wail with hymn of praise for the spell-casting toad who reveals secret of the Holy Grail as woman who bears child for Wounded King till he wakes in church of the angel wing.
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