Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ghost Embodied By You

Ghost Embodied By You
© Surazeus
2024 05 14

The sweet enchantment that corrupts my mind 
with anguish for strange beauty of the world, 
when someone sings with fragile voice of hope 
about elusive mystery of the sea 
and soul-enhancing fragrance of bright flowers, 
I try to dispel through wry irony. 

By telling you of everything I know, 
and feel about how I perform my role, 
I hide everything that is really true 
through misdirection of my rambling tale 
in desperate bid to divert your sly view 
so you will never see me as I am. 

The scenes you see in faded photographs 
obstruct fraught currents of long-done events 
so no one ever sees what happened then 
which blinds us to why what occurs today 
hijacks our frail sense of security, 
and leaves us stranded on a wind-thrashed sea. 

Banalities of popular romance, 
us lost now in the middle of our journey 
in jagged mountains veiled by godless clouds, 
our reversal on wave-swirled sands of time, 
and deadly cost of hope we pay for fear, 
are signs that lead us forever nowhere. 

Ambiguous syntax of the broken gate, 
that proves we suffer more than people do, 
highlights our passion to contrive our fate 
with spells for nothing that can be undone 
as if we are but raindrops in the sun, 
which leaves us puzzled with another clue. 

So when I wake in dreamy marble hall, 
where idol of my mother by cracked wall 
rattles with wordless songs of mute desire, 
I hide my face with mask of Lucifer 
to fool the Devil in the bathing pool 
with illusion of my true character. 

Mechanical projection of my soul, 
fueled by aggressive poverty of doom, 
lures me to trudge in swirls of stinging rain 
till I find secret theater with orange door 
where I can watch whole history of the world 
re-enacted for our dramatic age. 

Though endless silence of long burned-out stars 
is answer to all strange questions of life, 
I laugh at illusion of our old faith 
that Earth emanates Spirit of the Mind 
as beautiful ghost embodied by you 
who gazes at me now with human eyes. 

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