Friday, December 8, 2023

Center Of Each Nation

Center Of Each Nation
© Surazeus
2023 12 08

The people I meet on the city street 
do not appear to me as fields of wheat, 
except as they eat fresh-baked loaves of bread, 
then gather in church to pray for the dead 
who haunt their dreams in everything they see, 
for every river flows on to the sea. 

The airplanes come and go on silver wings 
designed by Daedalus to mimic rings 
that spiral from expressive beat of hope 
in prayerless ritual that helps lost souls cope 
when bombs destroy the simple homes they built, 
fired by the castle king who feels no guilt. 

The prophet who predicted each world war 
dies in winter, and will cry out no more 
with desperate hope to teach the haughty fool, 
who claims birth gives him divine right to rule, 
to steer the ship of state through storms of greed, 
while the humble farmer plants his fruit seed. 

The blind falconer in tower of hands 
knows where the center of each nation stands 
as poles between opposing states of truth, 
only reconciled by messiah sleuth 
who binds all religions in one world faith 
that venerates Soul Egg of the Star Wraith. 

The boy who falls from Heaven in the sea, 
while fighting tyranny so we live free, 
maps where delicate ships go every dawn, 
amused because they still sail calmly on, 
as if thousands of children killed by bombs 
warrant nothing more than forgotten tombs. 

The sad martyrdom of the innocent, 
lost in the long-forgotten incident, 
is nothing more than footnote never read 
in world chronicle of the nameless dead 
who ask me, with their faces half-blown off, 
whether I will render justice, or scoff. 

The waves of angry fear that circulate 
over lands of the Earth, darkened by fate, 
corrupt dishonest decade with despair 
that shadows deserted Scarborough Fair 
with golem of our psychopathic god 
who drives our culture mad with money fraud. 

The bright euphoric dream of global peace, 
long sustained by diplomatic caprice, 
conceals imperial ambitions of kings 
who trick each other with fake magic rings, 
so I gaze through vast mirror of my eye 
while rain continues falling from the sky. 

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