Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Geographic Conceptual Therapist

Geographic Conceptual Therapist
© Surazeus
2023 07 18

As blind seer in bright mountain cave of dreams 
I wear cloak of the wolf I killed to play 
geographic conceptual therapist 
analyzing nature so I can fix 
relationship of my body with space 
that flows through process of atomic time. 

As son of Orpheus I am conserved 
now here in the Great Nowhere of Dream Time, 
aware of each stark moment that unfolds 
conceptual bloom of life from swirling void 
through flash of chemicals that compose me 
as organic ghost who embodies light. 

I sense Time Travel is impossible 
because we cannot reverse constant motion 
of every atom in the universe 
that spirals from first flash of the big bang 
to form galaxies of stars nurturing worlds 
where conscious creatures bloom from molecules. 

As dreaming creatures with perceptive brains, 
composed of atoms swerving in the void, 
we are integral parts of constant flow 
that sparks of energy trace in brain cells, 
and thus we cannot push backwards in time 
against the constant change of hungry hope. 

Therefore we live this life forward in time 
as we emerge from vital spell of love 
our mothers weave in egg of divine truth 
with thread of genes from sperm our fathers sow 
which congregates atoms in dreaming brains 
to generate our bodies from soul light. 

We cannot travel back to former states 
but we can now travel forward in time 
when we zoom faster across measured space 
by driving piston-powered time machines 
to cover distance in minutes and hours 
that takes months and years to traverse on foot.

My consciousness is function of my brain 
so when my brain ceases to perform thoughts 
my consciousness will vanish into nothing, 
for how my brain perceives the sensual world, 
and conjures virtual model of its truth, 
projects minds of my ancestors as my mind. 

Each moment of intense experience 
my ancestors perform in strife to live, 
conception to conception of each soul, 
is programmed by immortal soul of genes 
to design my brain that perceives the world 
so they are all awake in how I see. 

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