Sunday, July 7, 2024

Huge Car Factory

Huge Car Factory
© Surazeus
2024 07 07

The endless beauty of the distant sea 
whose song reverberates inside my skull 
dispels bleak sorrow of the treeless land 
where steel factories with huge dragon jaws 
devour thick bodies of young working men 
whose skulls are cobblestones of nameless streets. 

Mute terror of the morning cloud contracts 
sight of the windy steppes in drifting sway 
that confines petrified men in gray hills 
who tear mountains apart with bleeding hands 
while searching for ghost of the father who 
dreams in mud under wheels of the war tank. 

Poets and philosophers shovel coal 
to stoke chugging organs of the machine 
fragile as the spiderweb wet with dew 
that fairies gather to brew honey tea 
among heaps of bottles and rotting boards 
in courtyard of the huge car factory. 

Deadened clatter of hammers in the shop 
as beardless dwarves mold tools from secret gold 
haunts the fisherman on lake of dead fish 
who hangs shoes from the concentration camp 
on telephone lines of the fractured road 
where children play in the deepening dusk. 

Awakened in dark land of oily streams 
where the sun never rises over hills 
of sullen ghosts who steal our names from books, 
we gaze in golden amber of her eyes 
when goddess of the pristine lake returns 
to scatter apple seeds in parking lots. 

If withered leaves fall with lingering descent 
to cover lifeless garden with frail hope, 
we will search for vale of our solitude 
to dig black coal from cavern of the dead 
where Persephone grips my throat and sneers 
at my desire to convert fear to wealth. 

I carry my free will in fractured box 
while running in mirror of changeless pain 
to catch wavering reflections of souls 
who clutch dishonest books of ancient truth, 
too eager to obey the glowing cloud 
that always seems to be watching us live. 

Suffused with brilliance of naked despair, 
archaic torso of Apollo laughs 
at how I keep striving to change my life 
since I keep walking against bitter wind 
to cross all borders imposed by the gun 
so I can watch fireworks flashing the mind. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus assembles piston engines in the huge car factory near the abandoned concentration camp.
