Monday, July 29, 2024

Delicate Water Of Time

Delicate Water Of Time
© Surazeus
2024 07 29

I love the delicate water of time 
that flows in veins of our dream-flashing brains 
since mountains that stand for millions of years 
weep for the life and death of conscious souls 
who fall as rain, then flow to sea of death, 
to rise and return again as bright clouds. 

I hear soft echo as your voice in woods 
describes strange beauty of the wind in trees 
that makes them dance with passion of desire 
which motivates my quest beyond the known 
to find the soulmate of my aching heart 
who joins me in our daily play of life. 

Too many people suffer loneliness 
as they are beaten down by harsh abuse 
by people twisted with vile bitterness 
that poisons their hearts from aggressive pain, 
so ghosts exiled from their communities 
gather to dwell in valley of despair. 

Weird beauty flashing in your moon-bright eyes 
inspires my heart to love the universe 
so I extend through gesture of my hands 
crafty vision to rebuild with new lies 
safe home from ruins of forgotten hopes 
for us to dwell in twilight of our lives. 

When we are exiled from our families, 
and all trace of our existence erased, 
we become nameless ghosts who wander lost 
on signless road from walls of paradise 
with nothing but old apples in our hands, 
so we build new garden on the lake shore. 

Though we lose everything our hands have built, 
and wander displaced from our lost homeland 
as homeless ghosts with no warm temple hall, 
we build new temple with bones of our souls 
so we can shelter from the thunderstorm 
sent by God to forge our hearts with new hope. 

I love the curious water of time 
that sparkles as stones in the river flow 
where I lounge under the sad willow tree 
and listen to sparrows sing about love 
while I fish for wisdom to roast and eat, 
then sing about the past in eerie psalms. 

Though I hear your voice call my secret name 
with sparkling timbre from the flow of time, 
I cannot hold you in my aching arms 
for you have vanished in the swirling wind 
so only falling rain can cleanse my heart 
as I search for you in water of love. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus analyzes psychic content in the delicate water of time to speculate why we love.
