
Friday, September 22, 2023

Terrestrial God

Terrestrial God
© Surazeus
2023 09 22

When that Terrestrial God inside my heart 
sees me as Nameless Stranger in her eye 
I feel gray mundane world of changing forms 
catch fire with bright atomic flame of truth 
that glows from core of each material body 
so Earth transforms into divine Elysium. 

So when she comes from woods of shadowed gloom 
as mirror glowing brighter than full moon 
new rising from abyss of swirling waves, 
sly Muse finds me passed out on temple floor, 
prone figure half paralyzed amid ruins 
of ancient prophecies on fractured tablets. 

Mistaking her for grim Angel of Death, 
I call her Azrael with raspy voice 
of prayer that she treat me with prim respect 
when she escorts my soul to Cave of Hades, 
but she assures me with waterfall voice 
she is Urania come to give me wisdom. 

Together strolling grove of apple trees 
along the rueful river Cocytus, 
my Muse and I ascend long winding trail 
to shining hill at center of Elysium 
where bright Apollo on gold throne of skulls 
strums lyre of Mercury with nimble hands. 

Mistaking me for Tantalus, or Sisyphus, 
then squinting at my face with silver eyes, 
Apollo welcomes me to join his feast 
at large Round Table, carved from marble slab 
by blind Daedalus, so I sit with caution 
to accept Holy Grail with purple wine. 

How like gleaming waves of the wine-eyed sea, 
dark purple waters that reflect sunlight 
with sharp heart-piercing rays of anxious hope, 
sweet nectar in emerald-encrusted grail 
presents weird face of that Stranger I am, 
so with eager passion I drink its power. 

Head buzzing with strange visions of Sad Girl 
dancing with energetic angst of faith, 
I snatch tortoise-shell lyre of Mercury 
to strum ecstatic strings of honest rage 
and sing Hymn to Themis Orpheus wrote 
before Eudaimonia tore off his head. 

While writing my new hymn with raven quill 
to praise First Mother of the human race, 
with spell that sparks dream to swell in my heart, 
I sense Terrestrial God expand my mind 
till I become whole Universe of Light 
that flashes clear in neurons of my brain. 

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