
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Our Prosperous Themocracy

Our Prosperous Themocracy
© Surazeus
2023 09 14

While strolling with young people of my tribe 
on unhedged green mead by willowy stream, 
apparelled in raiment for rites of May, 
I sing sweet carols to spark fertile love 
as we advance on winding mountain road 
to Temple of Nemesis in Rhamnus. 

High on foundation of the temple hall, 
hand-built from stone sawed from strong marble cliff, 
Themis the Tracker, holding scales of justice, 
puts laws in place to rule strict social order, 
coding proper procedures of right customs 
that organize how people create good. 

Attentive beside kind Goddess of Justice, 
Nemesis the Wrathful, holding bronze sword, 
waits ready to enforce lawful decrees 
that Themis declares with bold voice of Gaia 
when she pronounces Oracle of Truth 
through omen that defines will of the gods. 

Arrayed around Justice and Retribution, 
twelve judges, holding poles to enforce law 
through threat of punishment to evil-doers, 
transcribe in holy books her prophecies 
that Themis proclaims from Temple of Truth 
as she rules our prosperous Themocracy. 

When Midas, bank tyrant lusting for gold, 
who enslaves men by playing tricks with the Law, 
is thwarted in his foul scheme to steal land 
from hard-working farmers who grow gold wheat, 
he charges screaming in Temple of Truth 
to attack Themis with sharp spear of greed. 

Inciting gang of farmers and craftsmen 
with lies that Themis steals gold from their hands 
by charging excessive fees for her service 
enforcing laws that benefit the rich 
at their expense, Midas hollers with rage 
to kill Justice and crown him as their king. 

While pole-wielding judges battle mad workers, 
and Nemesis fights Hercules with swords, 
Themis weighs heart of Midas on truth scales 
and finds him guilty of treason and theft, 
so she shoots arrow of justice that strikes 
greedy tyrant dead in victory of trust. 

Crowned with flowers from sacred Tree of Knowledge, 
we gather in Temple of Truth at sunset 
to feast on roast beef with glasses of wine, 
then I sit on stage before reverent crowd 
and strum lyre of Mercury while I sing 
how Themis defeated Tyrant of Greed. 

1 comment:

  1. Dhem - set, foundation
    Demos - people
    Femulus - slave in a household
    Familia - family in a house set on a foundation
    Themelios - of the foundation
    Themis - Justice, Law
