
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Fierce Energy Of Hope

Fierce Energy Of Hope
© Surazeus
2023 09 21

When I leave behind busy city streets 
that teem with people fulfilling their needs, 
I wait not for angelic muse of light 
to lead me down to cavern by the sea 
where star-eyed Solitude on barren beach 
reveals weird otherness of my mute soul. 

Trudging past skeleton of Cerberus 
with rusty harp of Mercury I found, 
I follow trail Orpheus never marked 
to find skull of Hades on iron throne 
where no shadowy spirits haunt my heart 
with whispered wisdom of the Singing Snake. 

At shocking presence of the Other Soul, 
which I cannot see with light of the moon, 
gazing at me from mirror of the pool 
that hides bottomless abyss of my mind, 
I feel wordless terror of nothingness 
after death strike my heart with honest truth. 

Too sublime with fierce energy of hope, 
despair at beauty of strict ordered world, 
disordered by hard words I dare to speak 
in vain attempt to describe inner essence, 
flashes through my body with waves of sparks 
that buzz my brain with holy vibe of dread. 

Through otherness of the numinous soul, 
that seems to glow from objects I perceive, 
I almost sense transcendent cosmic mind 
that gazes down at me from faceless sky 
and seems aware that I exist in form 
of fragile flesh that struggles to survive. 

Yet with stark laughter of hard gusting wind, 
that lashes jagged rocks with foaming waves 
of honest passion to comprehend truth, 
I realize no unbodied divine mind 
watches me perform rituals of my life 
with comforting compassion of dead parents. 

Alone on jagged rock spinning in space, 
crowded with fierce hungry organic creatures 
fighting each other to eat or be eaten, 
I savor strange beauty that emanates 
from pulsing core of atoms in my brain 
which envelops all with bright consciousness. 

Because my body is woven with atoms, 
that spiral from first flash of the big bang 
then swirl into planets that nurture life, 
I feel my soul at one with Everything 
that exists in material form of light, 
so I hum hymn in harmony with death. 

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