
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Control Mindless Fate

Control Mindless Fate
© Surazeus
2023 09 03

Exquisite tension of my body ghost 
reverberates expansive waves of hope 
though I repress intention of nerve haste 
that reshapes primal passion of the ape 
I have been for six million years of lust, 
so I drink grape wine from the silver cup. 

Cuddling my lover in tall apple trees, 
hearts beating in rhythm with ocean waves, 
I feel my body tense with fear and freeze 
at hiss of the serpent that rules dark caves, 
so I grip spear and stone with trembling hands, 
eager to fight fierce demon of stark lands. 

Entranced by beauty of her rainbow eyes, 
that bewitch me with dream of ancient time, 
I follow dazzling hum of honey bees 
that lure me to twisted tree by the stream 
where my cute wife enchants me with love ruse 
that charms me so I fertilize her womb. 

Cradling our baby close to my warm breast, 
that she generates from my spirit seed, 
I gaze in bright eyes and sing with soft zest 
conceptual tales that summarize my creed 
for how to perceive true nature of things 
wise enough to know how our spirit springs. 

Aesthetic passion of my singing brain 
asserts conceptual vision of my fate 
I will from abstract thought of psychic tone 
as I sail stream of change in verbal boat 
in search for sacred Mountain of the Moon 
where my Serpent Muse plays spellbinding flute. 

Repressing mindless lust to generate 
aggressive children from one thousand brides, 
I channel hope for life to navigate 
harsh waste land where soul-eating monster hides 
when I express desire to savor life 
by mandating order from power strife. 

Attentive with omniscient eye of god, 
I maintain social order of sky-thought 
from throne of truth on flat-top pyramid, 
dictating proverbs for scribes to transmit 
moral lessons that define what is good, 
though I was born from snake-queen with lame foot. 

Through vision stories broadcast from my breath 
my performance on political stage 
creates institute that survives my death 
so men play role of peace I forge from rage 
by reigning as elected head of state 
in vain attempt to control mindless fate. 

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